Releases: 3F/DllExport
🎲 Nightly build
of 80becd2 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
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❕ Please use this only for tests of latest changes! ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
UI layout fixes for -Info form (Thanks @Genteure, Issue #61). Also fixed possible error with MsgGuiLevel
And added changing the level via commands:
(set MsgGuiLevel=0) & DllExport -action Configure -force ...
🎲 Nightly build
of 40fed9f ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
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❕ Please use this only for tests of latest changes! ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
Fixed bug when some methods cannot be exported. Issue #59
🎲 Nightly build
of 662cb35 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console:
❕ Please use this only for tests of latest changes! ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
Implemented features for additional automation. New actions: Export
, Recover
, Unset
. Issue #76
🎲 Nightly build
of 1279e5e ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console:
❕ Please use this only for tests of latest changes! ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
Added proxy support for manager.
Public final v1.6 release of the .NET DllExport: * NEW: The new embeddable lightweight manager for distribution via MvsSln & GetNuTool projects. Issue #38. Based on hMSBuild logic and includes GetNuTool core v1.6.1. Now you shouldn't use standard nuget clients anymore: Quick start: ============================== DllExport -action Configure ============================== Package from already contains manager, but you can also get it directly. Latest manager: ~18 Kb text-based embeddable batch-script that does not require powershell and dotnet-cli. Automatic restoring still is available but you can also use: `DllExport -action Restore` All available features: `DllExport -h` Direct links to remote package (without nuget server) via `-pkg-link {uri}` key. Issue #53. NuGet Server by default: * NEW: The new Wizard (configurator via MvsSln). To easy configure your projects in any place. Part of Issue #38. MvsSln v2.0: * NEW: Added support of empty/global namespaces - Issue #47. Use `Direct-Mod` if Cecil will not process this correctly. * NEW: Implemented another storage for configuration: '.net.dllexport.targets'. Issue #49. * NEW: New settings for configurator (Wizard): * Path to custom ILAsm. * Flag to keep intermediate Files (IL Code, Resources, ...). * Timeout of execution in milliseconds. * NEW: Implemented automatic checking existence of a correct exported proc via Conari. Issue #55. Wizard controls it via `$(DllExportPeCheck)`: * 0x01 bit - Will check count of all planned exports from final PE32/PE32+ module. * 0x02 bit - Will check existence of all planned exports (IL code) in actual PE32/PE32+ module. * NEW: Implemented PE32/PE32+ Viewer to check manually available exports from final modules. Issue #55. New key for manager: ``` -pe-exp-list {module} - To list all available exports from PE32/PE32+ module. ``` Sample: ``` DllExport -pe-exp-list bin\Debug\regXwild.dll ``` * FIXED: Fixed target platform detection. Issue #34. Details: * FIXED: Fixed problem when the Post-Build event is triggered before our tool. Issue #35. Use this if still is needed: ``` <Target Name="PostBuildEventBeforeDllExport" BeforeTargets="DllExportMod"> ... </Target> ``` * FIXED: Fixed generation of exp + .lib via MS Library Manager for VS2017. Issue #37. Now it also includes processing through VsDevCmd & VcVarsAll initializer scripts. Use the folowing msbuild properties to override values by default: * $(DllExportVcVarsAll); $(DllExportVsDevCmd) * FIXED: Fixes possible problem with multiple properties that contains *Undefined* word, e.g.: *Undefined*\path1;C:\path2 ... * CHANGED: Added information about finding lib tool. Issue #44. * CHANGED: UI. Selected platform now affects to all configurations of project instead of active as before. * CHANGED: Now nuget package does not contain library in `lib/.../` Details in #36. * CHANGED: Now we also distribute .zip package for work through our manager etc. * NOTE: How to avoid EXP0014: RunIlAsm. The library manager still cannot be found. Related Issue #44 * NOTE: Quick start (Configuring, Automatic restoring, Pe-Viewer): * NOTE: The latest text-based manager: Other versions you can find from GitHub Releases: * Or get it from nuget packages starting with v1.6+ * NOTE: PE-features via Conari v1.3.0 * KNOWN: Bug when - "Build successful but methods are not exported." Issue #59 For today, anyone else may also try to use to avoid similar @Genteure's problem. * DIFF(v1.6-RC): * FIXED: Wizard. Fixed incorrect layout for zh_CN Simplified Chinese (Thanks @Genteure). Issue #61 * FIXED: Fixes automatic restoring the package via msbuild. Issue #62
Release-Candidate v1.6-RC * FIXED: Avoids crashes when project cannot be loaded for some reasons. Issue #56 * FIXED: Fixed usage of manager outside the Solution directory. * FIXED: Fixed restoring package when using `-pe-exp-list` command. * NEW: Added `-mgr-up` key. Will update manager to version from '-dxp-version'. * NOTE: Thanks for your feedback. Now we're ready for release v1.6, soon. Please check release-candidate as carefully as possible. Start with: ============================== DllExport -action Configure ==============================
Public beta3 release of the .NET DllExport - v1.6-beta3: * NEW: Implemented another storage for configuration: '.net.dllexport.targets'. Issue #49. * NEW: Implemented automatic checking existence of a correct exported proc via Conari. Issue #55. Wizard controls it via `$(DllExportPeCheck)`: * 0x01 bit - Will check count of all planned exports from final PE32/PE32+ module. * 0x02 bit - Will check existence of all planned exports (IL code) in actual PE32/PE32+ module. * NEW: Implemented PE32/PE32+ Viewer to check manually available exports from final modules. Issue #55. New key for manager: ``` -pe-exp-list {module} - To list all available exports from PE32/PE32+ module. ``` Sample: ``` DllExport -pe-exp-list bin\Debug\regXwild.dll ``` * NEW: Implemented `-pkg-link {uri}` key for DllExport manager. Issue #53. * NEW: New settings for Wizard: * Path to custom ILAsm. * Flag to keep intermediate Files (IL Code, Resources, ...). * Timeout of execution in milliseconds. * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln v2.0. Full changelog: * NOTE: PE-features via Conari v1.3.0
Public beta2 release of the .NET DllExport - v1.6-beta2: * NOTE: This release contains trivial fixes only for our manager because of problems with Issue #38. Please read all changes in previous beta release and please note again - you shouldn't use standard nuget clients anymore: Test and comment anything about this in Issue #38 if you need. * FIXED: Updated GetNuTool v1.6.1 to fix problems with possible incorrect CRC & Compressed size info from Changelog here: Related issues: * * * CHANGED: Changed url to get latest manager directly. Please use this if you need: * Other versions you can find from GitHub Releases: * Or get it from nuget packages starting with v1.6+
Public beta release of the .NET DllExport - v1.6-beta: * NEW: The new lightweight manager & distribution via MvsSln & GetNuTool projects. Issue #38. Based on hMSBuild logic and includes GetNuTool core. Now you shouldn't use standard nuget clients anymore: Package from already contains this, but you can also get it directly. Latest version: ~18 Kb text-based embeddable batch-scripts that does not require powershell and dotnet-cli. To install/uninstall or to reconfigure your projects: `DllExport -action Configure` To manually restore package: `DllExport -action Restore` All available features: `DllExport -h` Server by default - * NEW: The new Wizard (configurator via MvsSln). To easy configure your projects in any place. Issue #38. MvsSln v1.0.1.43422: * NEW: Added support of global namespaces - Issue #47. Use `Direct-Mod` if Cecil will not process this correctly. * FIXED: Fixed target platform detection. Issue #34. Details: * FIXED: Fixed problem when the Post-Build event is triggered before our tool. Issue #35. Use this if still is needed: ``` <Target Name="PostBuildEventBeforeDllExport" BeforeTargets="DllExportMod"> ... </Target> ``` * FIXED: Fixed generation of exp + .lib via MS Library Manager for VS2017. Issue #37. Now it also includes processing through VsDevCmd & VcVarsAll initializer scripts. Use the folowing msbuild properties to override values by default: * $(DllExportVcVarsAll); $(DllExportVsDevCmd) * FIXED: Fixes possible problem with multiple properties that contains *Undefined* word, e.g.: *Undefined*\path1;C:\path2 ... * CHANGED: Added information about finding lib tool. Issue #44. * CHANGED: UI. Selected platform now affects to all configurations of project instead of active as before. * CHANGED: Now, nuget package does not contain library in `lib/.../` Details in #36. * CHANGED: Now, we also distribute .zip package for work through our manager etc. The latest text-based manager you can find here: Illustration here:
public release of the .NET DllExport - v1.5.2: * FIXED: Failing to compile in VS2017. Issue #29 `Error The "DllExportAppDomainIsolatedTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'Version46' was not found.` * FIXED: Possible error `Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Build.Utilities or one of its dependencies.` * CHANGED: Updated script for loading of the Configurator to avoid problem with old assemblies. Issue #22