Releases: 3F/DllExport
Public Beta release of the .NET DllExport 1.7: * NEW: Basic support for the netcore-based projects. Issues: #90, #67 PR: #123 * CHANGED: Updated CoreCLR 3.0 IL Assembler 4.700.1 * CHANGED: Updated Mono Cecil 0.11 * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln 2.5 * NOTE: You also need an updated manager to avoid problem when "Possible incorrect Sdk-based project types": PR #123 Use it from official 1.7-beta release: Otherwise you need provide manually msbuild instance that can process modern Sdk-types due to modern VS/dotnet sdk dependencies for netcore-based projects. For example, through hMSBuild ``` DllExport ... -msb hMSBuild ``` * NOTE: To upgrade configured version to 1.7 beta: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.7.0-beta ``` * NOTE: Please don't use beta releases in production! * NOTE: Please report about something here: * KNOWN: You can finally get another System.Object in modified assembly:
Public release of the .NET DllExport 1.6.5 * FIXED: Possible "The format ... of configuration is not supported." Issue #114. * FIXED: XML meta comments for DllExport Metadata. * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln 2.4 Release notes: * NOTE: To upgrade configured version to v1.6.5: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.6.5 ```
🎲 Nightly build
of 02c668c ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console: ci.appveyor.../build-121
❕ Only for tests. 🗨 Commit message:
Fixes #114
Public release of the .NET DllExport 1.6.4 * FIXED: Possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" Issue #106 * CHANGED: Updated Mono.Cecil 0.10.4 * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln 2.3 Release notes: * NOTE: To upgrade configured version to v1.6.4: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.6.4 ```
🎲 Nightly build
of e5554ca ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console: ci.appveyor.../build-115
❕ Only for tests. 🗨 Commit message:
AssemblyDefinition fixes for Mono.Cecil 0.10.x use. Related: #106
Public release of the .NET DllExport 1.6.3 * NEW: Support of unicode characters in namespaces. Issue #80 * NEW: Integrated `-action Configure` command by default. Issue #96 Configure everything in one click. * CHANGED: Updated Mono.Cecil 0.10.3 * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln 2.2 Release notes: * NOTE: To upgrade configured version to v1.6.3: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.6.3 ```
Public release of the .NET DllExport v1.6.2 * NEW: Added option 'auto' into panel of platforms as an automatic configuring platform from user settings. An easy configuring between different configurations, like from BasicExport example: * FIXED: MSB3073 for paths with `%` and `;`. * FIXED: Inactive `-packages` key. (broken in 1.6.1) * FIXED: Problems with relative paths for `-pkg-link`. (incomplete logic from 1.6.0) * FIXED: Fixed problems with special symbols in path. Related Issue #88. ``` ' &!~`@#$^(+)_=%-;[.]{,} ``` * FIXED: Fixes possible Null Exception for empty project collection when applying filter. * FIXED: Build problem when project is configured from arguments ending with `"` (double quote mark). For example: `-action Configure -sln-dir "path"` * CHANGED: Removed obsolete Configurator (old PowerShell way) from NuGet package. * CHANGED: Updated hMSBuild 2.0 & GetNuTool 1.7. Release notes: * * * NOTE: To upgrade configured version on v1.6.2: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.6.2 ```
🎲 Nightly build
of 2488b0c ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console:
❕ Only for tests ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
Fixed support of the special symbols in path: ' &!~`@#$^(+)_=%-;. Related Issue #88
Back to the old label-goto logic instead of for
(d4b46cd) because of more hard escaping for all special symbols above. This is the moment when you finally start to feel sick from batch scripts -_-
This changes also provides new __p_call
flag - To use the call-type logic when invoking DllExport.
And also adds handling of unknown action. Just not to scare users...
Other details in #88
🎲 Nightly build
of b1196d8 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017
; Console:
❕ Please use this only for tests of latest changes! ❕ 🗨 Commit message:
Added option 'auto' into panel of platforms as an automatic configuring platform from user settings.
This is actual for easy configuring between different configurations, like from BasicExport example:
Public release of the .NET DllExport v1.6.1 * FIXED: Fixed bug when some methods cannot be exported. Issue #59. * FIXED: Bug 'The node is not parented by this object' when Configuring projects. Issue: #77. * FIXED: Fixed GDI objects leak in Wizard. * FIXED: `-msb` key cannot affect for GetNuTool section. Issue #74. * FIXED: Bug when automatic restoring still uses default keys from manager after configuring with custom `-server`. * FIXED: Problem with double quotes for `-packages` key. * FIXED: Possible incorrect repetition of the relative path for `-packages` key. * FIXED: Possible problem 'The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.'. Issue: #77. * FIXED: Possible problem with path when `-msb` key contains round brackets, e.g.: `D:\C\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\`... * NEW: Implemented features for additional automation. Issue #76. New actions: * `-action Export` * `-action Recover` * `-action Unset` Documentation: * NEW: Added proxy support for manager. The common format: `[usr[:pwd]@]host[:port]` Documentation: * NEW: Wizard. Added sorting an projects in main window by its installing status and by availability. * NEW: Wizard. Added filter for list of projects in main wizard window. * NEW: New 'Offline' versions from our packages. See GitHub Releases page. * NEW: Added key to force update `Reference` without PublicKeyToken. Issue #65. * NEW: Added `-force` key for manager to use aggressive behavior, e.g. like removing pkg when updating. Wiki: * NEW: New action `-action Upgrade`. Aggregates an Update action with additions for upgrading. Today's an Upgrade action: ``` DllExport -action Upgrade ... ``` is equal to: ``` DllExport -action Update -mgr-up -force ... ``` Wiki: * CHANGED: Case sensitivity for the Action names. * CHANGED: `-action Default` for nothing. * CHANGED: UI layout fixes for -Info form (Thanks @Genteure, Issue #61). * CHANGED: Allows absolute path for `-packages` key. * CHANGED: `-sln-file` key now can affect to `-action Configure` * CHANGED: hMSBuild tool now is also distributed inside root directory of the packages zip & nupkg. Use this for EXP0014 problem: "RunIlAsm. The library manager still cannot be found." Example: * CHANGED: Updated GetNuTool v1.6.2 * CHANGED: Updated MvsSln v2.1.0 * OTHER: Some other fixes and changes with manager and wizard. * NOTE: To upgrade configured version: `DllExport -action Upgrade ...` * NOTE: Configuring projects: `DllExport -action Configure ...` * NOTE: Screencasts: * Quick start: * Basic examples for C++ and C#: * Complex types and Strings: * NOTE: Our actual wiki - * Documentation for manager: