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@3F 3F released this 27 Oct 20:54
· 205 commits to master since this release
Public beta3 release of the .NET DllExport - v1.6-beta3:

* NEW: Implemented another storage for configuration: '.net.dllexport.targets'. Issue #49.
* NEW: Implemented automatic checking existence of a correct exported proc via Conari. Issue #55.
       Wizard controls it via `$(DllExportPeCheck)`:
        * 0x01 bit - Will check count of all planned exports from final PE32/PE32+ module.
        * 0x02 bit - Will check existence of all planned exports (IL code) in actual PE32/PE32+ module.

* NEW: Implemented PE32/PE32+ Viewer to check manually available exports from final modules. Issue #55.
       New key for manager:
        -pe-exp-list {module} - To list all available exports from PE32/PE32+ module.

        DllExport -pe-exp-list bin\Debug\regXwild.dll

* NEW: Implemented `-pkg-link {uri}` key for DllExport manager. Issue #53.
* NEW: New settings for Wizard:
        * Path to custom ILAsm.
        * Flag to keep intermediate Files (IL Code, Resources, ...).
        * Timeout of execution in milliseconds.

* CHANGED: Updated MvsSln v2.0. Full changelog:
* NOTE: PE-features via Conari v1.3.0