IUT-BLI Internship Project: Cross-platform Flutter App that presents a list of books along with relevant info, like: book title, author name, language, page count, year of publishing etc. all fetched from REST API services. Each book item on click will redirect to its corresponding Wikipedia page.
Library App will display a list of books, along with appropriate info, like: book title, author name, language, page count, year of publishing etc. These data are fetched from an API that can be found in this link https://mocki.io/v1/4ae80738-70ac-40f6-b911-c4d9e3c452df
. So, the app simply parses the JSON response and projects the data onto a ListView
as shown in the screenshots. Then, upon clicking on any of the items, the app will lead you to another page, where details info regarding that particular book will be displayed. This was implemented using WebView
, where it basically loads the url redirecting the user to the Wikipedia documentation for that book.