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Normalizing and building the dataset (unfinished)
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tuetschek committed Mar 31, 2016
1 parent 43c2968 commit 8b95cb6
Showing 1 changed file with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions alex/tools/crowdflower/nlg_job/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Normalize and build the Alex Context NLG Dataset"""

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
import sys
import unicodecsv as csv
import re
from collections import defaultdict

from util import *
import hunspell

# Start IPdb on error in interactive mode
from tgen.debug import exc_info_hook
sys.excepthook = exc_info_hook

spellchecker = hunspell.HunSpell('/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic', '/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.aff')

# normalizing spelling variants and fixing typos
SPELL_FIXES = {'apologise': 'apologize',
'travelling': 'traveling',
'travelled': 'traveled',
'okay': 'ok',
'dir': 'direction',
'undertand': 'understand',
'adn': 'and',
'aoologies': 'apologies',
'ar': 'are',
'directin': 'direction',
'conections': 'connections',
'centrall': 'central',
'fromn': 'from',
'cortandt': 'cortlandt',
'confrim': 'confirm',
'confrirm': 'confirm',
'looing': 'looking',
'altenative': 'alternative',
'alterative': 'alternative',
'fron': 'from',
'arrivive': 'arrive',
'soory': 'sorry',
'grom': 'from',
'shedule': 'schedule',
'connecion': 'connection',
'whre': 'where',
'lne': 'line',

REL_TIMES = {'ten minutes': '0:10',
'quarter an hour': '0:15',
'fifteen minutes': '0:15',
'twenty minutes': '0:20',
'thirty minutes': '0:30',
'half an hour': '0:30'}

HOURS = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six',
'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve']

CUSTOM_DICT = set([',', ';', ':', '?', '!', '.',
'i\'m', 'i', 'i\'ll', 'i\'ve', 'i\'d',

ALT_VALUES = {'pm': ['afternoon', 'evening'],
'am': ['morning'],
'1:00': ['one o\'clock', 'one', '1'],
'2:00': ['two o\'clock', 'two', '2'],
'3:00': ['three o\'clock', 'three', '3'],
'4:00': ['four o\'clock', 'four', '4'],
'5:00': ['five o\'clock', 'five', '5'],
'6:00': ['six o\'clock', 'six', '6'],
'7:00': ['seven o\'clock', 'seven', '7'],
'8:00': ['eight o\'clock', 'eight', '8'],
'9:00': ['nine o\'clock', 'nine', '9'],
'10:00': ['ten o\'clock', 'ten', '10'],
'11:00': ['eleven o\'clock', 'eleven', '11'],
'12:00': ['twelve o\'clock', 'twelve', '12'],
'0:30': ['half', 'thirty', '30'],
'0:20': ['twenty', '20'],
'0:15': ['quarter', 'fifteen', '15'],
'0:10': ['ten', '10'],}

def reparse_time(utt):
# relative times
for expr, val in REL_TIMES.iteritems():
if expr in utt:
return val
# absolute times
for hour in HOURS:
if hour + ' thirty' in utt:
return str(HOURS.index(hour)) + ':30'
elif hour in utt:
return str(HOURS.index(hour)) + ':00'
raise ValueError('Cannot find time value: ' + utt)

def reparse_ampm(utt):
if'\bmorning\b', utt):
return 'am'
if'\b(afternoon|evening)\b', utt):
return 'pm'
if'(zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve|thirty|clock|\*NUMBER) (am|a m)\b', utt):
return 'am'
if'\b(pm|p m)\b', utt):
return 'pm'
raise ValueError('Cannot find AMPM value: ' + utt)

def convert_parse(data_line):
ret = data_line.abstr_da
ret = ret.replace('*STREET', '*STOP')
ret = re.sub(r'(request\([a-z_]+)="\*[A-Z_]+"\)', r'\1)', ret)
return ret

def lexicalize_parse(data_line, delex_parse):
"""Lexicalize abstract SLU parse (with values from the lexicalized reply)."""
ret = delex_parse
svs = data_line.slot_values
for slot, value in svs.iteritems():
delex_value = '*' + slot.upper()
if 'time' in slot and delex_value in ret:
value = reparse_time(data_line.utt)
elif slot == 'ampm' and delex_value in ret:
value = reparse_ampm(data_line.utt)
ret = ret.replace(delex_value, value)
return ret

def convert_da(data_line, delex=False):
"""Convert DA into Alex format (and possibly delexicalize)."""
da = data_line.da
if ';' in da:
da = da.split('; ')
da = [data_line.dat + ': ' + da]

ret = []
for da_part in da:
dat, slots = da_part.split(': ')
if dat == 'reply':
dat = 'inform'
elif dat == 'apologize':
dat = 'inform_no_match'
elif dat == 'confirm':
dat = 'iconfirm'
slots = [slot.split('=') for slot in slots.split(', ') if 'notfound' not in slot]
if delex:
ret.extend([dat + '(' + slot_name + ('="*' + slot_name.upper() + '"' if val != '?' else '') + ')'
for slot_name, val in slots])
ret.extend([dat + '(' + slot_name + ('="' + val + '"' if val != '?' else '') + ')'
for slot_name, val in slots])
return '&'.join(ret)

def ask(data_line, response_text, question):
printout(data_line.dat + ' ' + data_line.da + "\n", colour=RED)
printout(response_text + "\n", colour=BLUE)
raw_result = raw_input(question)
return raw_result.strip()

def normalize_response(response_text, data_line):
"""Normalize response text:
* capitalization
* spacing
* final punctuation
* spelling variants
* spellcheck
toks = ' ' + response_text + ' ' # pad with spaces for easy regexes

# bugfix, 0:00pm -> 12:00pm
toks = re.sub(r'\b0:([0-9][0-9]\s*[ap]m)\b', r'12:\1', toks)

# find out data items, store them to exclude from spell checking
data_toks = set()
for data_item in data_line.values_list:
data_toks.update(data_item.lower().split(' '))

# tokenize
toks = re.sub(r'([?.!;,:-]+)(?![0-9])', r' \1 ', toks) # enforce space around all punct
toks = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', toks)

if 'am' in data_line.values_list or 'pm' in data_line.values_list:
toks = re.sub(r'([0-9])([apAP][mM])\b', r'\1 \2', toks) # separate time & am/pm (acc. to DA)

toks = toks.lower() # work out spelling in lowercase

# spelling fixes
toks = re.sub(r'\bcan not\b', 'cannot', toks)

toks = toks[1:-1].split(' ') # remove the padding spaces and split
toks = [SPELL_FIXES.get(tok, tok) for tok in toks]

# spelling checks
toks_out = []
for tok in toks:
if tok not in data_toks and not tok in CUSTOM_DICT and not spellchecker.spell(tok):
resp = ask(data_line, response_text, 'Correct spelling of `%s\' -- [A]ll/[S]kip (text of post-edit): ' % tok)
if resp.upper() == 'S':
elif resp.upper().startswith('A '):
resp = resp[2:]
SPELL_FIXES[tok] = resp

toks = ' ' + ' '.join(toks_out) + ' '

# normalize capitalization
toks = re.sub(r'\bi\b', 'I', toks)
toks = re.sub(r'\bok\b', 'OK', toks)
toks = re.sub(r'([?.!]|^) ([a-z])',
lambda match: + ' ' +,

for data_item in data_line.values_list: # capitalization of data items
if data_item == data_item.lower():
toks = re.sub(r'\b' + data_item + r'\b', data_item, toks, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

toks = re.sub(r' ([?.!;,:-]+)', r'\1', toks) # remove space before punctuation
toks = toks[1:-1] # remove padding spaces

# TODO uncomment
# # check if final punctuation matches the type
#if re.match(r'^(confirm|reply|apologize|confirm&reply)$', data_line.dat) and toks.endswith('?'):
#resp = ask(data_line, response_text, "Change final punctuation to `.'? [Y/N]: ")
#if resp.upper() == 'Y':
#toks = toks[:-1] + '.'
#if (re.match(r'^(request|confirm&request)$', data_line.dat) and
#(toks.endswith('.') or toks.endswith('!')) and
#not re.match(r'^(Please (tell|provide|let me know) |I(\'m going to)? need)', toks)):
#resp = ask(data_line, response_text, "Change final punctuation to `?'? [Y/N]: ")
#if resp.upper() == 'Y':
#toks = toks[:-1] + '?'

# add final punctuation if not present
if toks[-1] not in ['.', '!', '?']:
if re.match(r'^(confirm|reply|apologize|confirm-reply)$', data_line.dat):
toks += '.'
elif re.match(r'^(request|confirm-request)$', data_line.dat):
toks += '?'

# TODO uncomment
# # fix at 0:30 -> in 0:30 if needed
#if 'departure_time_rel' in data_line.slots and'\bat 0:[0-9][0-9]\b', toks):
#resp = ask(data_line, response_text, "Change `at' to `in'? [Y/N]: ")
#if resp.upper() == 'Y':
#toks = re.sub(r'\bat (0:[0-9][0-9])\b', r'in \1', toks)

return toks

def delexicalize(response_text, data_line):
"""Delexicalize (normalized) response text."""
text = response_text
for slot, value in data_line.slot_values.iteritems():
if slot in ['alternative', 'num_transfers']:
# check if the value to be delexicalized is actually present
if not any('\b' + val + r'\b', response_text, re.IGNORECASE)
for val in [value] + ALT_VALUES.get(value, [])):
raise ValueError("Cannot find value `%s=%s' in response `%s'!" % (slot, value, response_text))
# delexicalize
for val in [value] + ALT_VALUES.get(value, []):
text = re.sub(r'\b' + val + r'\b', '*' + slot.upper(), text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return text

def main(args):

finished = defaultdict(list)
input_lines = []

# load input data
with args.input_file as fh:
csvread = csv.reader(fh, delimiter=str(args.input_csv_delim),
quotechar=b'"', encoding="UTF-8")
columns = DataLine.get_columns_from_header(
for row in csvread:
input_lines.append(DataLine.from_csv_line(row, columns))

# load all results files provided
for finished_file in args.finished_files:
with finished_file as fh:
csvread = csv.reader(fh, delimiter=str(args.finished_csv_delim),
quotechar=b'"', encoding="UTF-8")
header =
columns = DataLine.get_columns_from_header(header)
judgment_column = header.index('check_result')
except ValueError:
judgment_column = None
for row in csvread:
# treat rejected/unchecked as unfinished
if judgment_column is None or not row[judgment_column] or not row[judgment_column][0] in ['Y', 'E']:
# save all accepted finished lines
finished[DataLine.from_csv_line(row, columns).signature].append(Result(row, header))

print >> sys.stderr, "Loaded input: %d, Loaded finished: %d" % (len(input_lines), len(finished))

# TODO remove this; checking whether we have more answers than we need
#for sig, res in finished.iteritems():
#if len(res) > 3:
#inp = [line.as_tuple() for line in input_lines if line.signature == sig]
#print inp
#print sig, len(res)
#print '\n'.join([r.reply for r in res])

out_lines = []
out_headers = ['context_utt', 'context_freq', 'context_parse', 'response_da',
'response_nl1', 'response_nl2', 'response_nl3',
'context_utt_l', 'context_parse_l', 'response_da_l',
'response_nl1_l', 'response_nl2_l', 'response_nl3_l']

for num, line in enumerate(input_lines):
if not finished[line.signature]:
res = finished[line.signature]

if len(res) > 3:
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARN: Total %d responses for the signature %s' % (len(res), line.signature)
import pudb; pudb.set_trace()

# create output line
out_line = Result([''] * len(out_headers), out_headers)
out_line.context_utt = line.abstr_utt
out_line.context_utt_l = line.utt
out_line.context_parse = convert_parse(line)
out_line.context_parse_l = lexicalize_parse(line, out_line.context_parse)
out_line.response_da = convert_da(line, delex=True)
out_line.response_da_l = convert_da(line)
out_line.context_freq = line.occ_num

out_line.response_nl1_l = normalize_response(res[0].reply, line)
out_line.response_nl1 = delexicalize(out_line.response_nl1_l, line)
printout(str(num) + ' ' + out_line.response_da_l + "\n")
printout(out_line.response_nl1_l + "\n", colour=YELLOW)

if len(res) > 1:
out_line.response_nl2_l = normalize_response(res[1].reply, line)
out_line.response_nl2 = delexicalize(out_line.response_nl2_l, line)
printout(out_line.response_nl2_l + "\n", colour=YELLOW)

if len(res) > 2:
out_line.response_nl3_l = normalize_response(res[2].reply, line)
out_line.response_nl3 = delexicalize(out_line.response_nl3_l, line)
printout(out_line.response_nl3_l + "\n", colour=YELLOW)


# write the CSV
with sys.stdout as fh:
# starting with the header
csvwrite = csv.writer(fh, delimiter=b",", lineterminator="\n", encoding="UTF-8")
for out_line in out_lines:

# TODO write JSON

if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('-f', '--finished-csv-delim', type=str, default=",")
ap.add_argument('-i', '--input-csv-delim', type=str, default="\t")
ap.add_argument('input_file', type=FileType('r'))
ap.add_argument('output_file_name', type=str)
ap.add_argument('finished_files', type=FileType('r'), nargs='+')
args = ap.parse_args()

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