Sn1per is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities.
- Automatically collects basic recon (ie. whois, ping, DNS, etc.)
- Automatically launches Google hacking queries against a target domain
- Automatically enumerates open ports
- Automatically brute forces sub-domains and DNS info
- Automatically runs targeted NMap scripts against open ports
- Automatically runs targeted Metasploit scan and exploit modules
- Automatically scans all web applications for common vulnerabilities
- Automatically brute forces all open services
- Performs high level enumeration of multiple hosts
./ - Installs all dependencies OR upgrades existing Sn1per installations. Best run from Kali Linux.
# ./sniper <target> <report>
# ./sniper <target> stealth <report>
# ./sniper <target> port <portnum>
# ./sniper <target> web
# ./sniper <target> nobrute <report>
# ./sniper <targets.txt> airstrike <report>
# ./sniper <targets.txt> nuke <report>
- REPORT: Outputs all results to text in the loot directory for later reference. To enable reporting, append 'report' to any sniper mode or command.
- STEALTH: Quickly enumerate single targets using mostly non-intrusive scans to avoid WAF/IPS blocking
- PORT: Scans a specific port for vulnerabilities. Reporting is not currently available in this mode.
- WEB: Adds full automatic web application scans to the results (port 80/tcp & 443/tcp only). Ideal for web applications but may increase scan time significantly.
- NOBRUTE: Launches a full scan against a target host/domain without brute forcing services.
- AIRSTRIKE: Quickly enumerates open ports/services on multiple hosts and performs basic fingerprinting. To use, specify the full location of the file which contains all hosts, IP's that need to be scanned and run ./sn1per /full/path/to/targets.txt airstrike to begin scanning.
- NUKE: Launch full audit of multiple hosts specified in text file of choice. Usage example: ./sniper /pentest/loot/targets.txt nuke.
- v1.6b - Added Sublist3r sub-domain brute tool
- v1.6b - Added cutycapt web screenshot util
- v1.6a - Added improvements to recon phase
- v1.6a - Fixed small issue with 3rd party extension
- v1.6a - Various improvements to overall optimization of scans
- v1.6a - Added new "web" mode for full web application scans
- v1.6 - Added 4 new modes including: stealth, port, airstrike and nuke
- v1.6 - Added Java de-serialization scanner
- v1.6 - Added reporting option to output to console and text file for all scans
- v1.6 - Added option to set Sn1per full path for universal command line access
- v1.6 - Added in DirBuster for web file brute forcing
- v1.6 - Fixed issue with sderr errors in TheHarvester
- v1.5e - Removed shodan command line tool due to issues
- v1.5e - Fixed wafwoof installation in kali 2.0
- v1.5d - Fixed minor issues with port 513/tmp and 514/tcp checks
- v1.5c - Fixed issue which broke link to sniper directory
- v1.5b - Added Squid Proxy checks port 3128/tcp
- v1.5b - Fixed shodan setup options in
- v1.5b - Fixed syntax error with theHarvester in
- v1.5a - Fixed syntax error with port 8081 checks
- v1.5a - Added Arachni integration
- v1.5a - Added vsftpd, proftpd, mysql, unrealircd auto exploits
- v1.5 - Added Metasploit scan and auto-exploit modules
- v1.5 - Added additional port checks
- v1.5 - Added full TCP/UDP NMap XML output
- v1.5 - Auto tune scan for either IP or hostname/domain
- v1.4h - Added auto IP/domain name scan configurations
- v1.4g - Added finger enumeration scripts
- v1.4g - Fixed nmap -p 445 target issue
- v1.4g - Fixed smtp-enum target issue
- v1.4f - Fixed BruteX directory bug
- v1.4e - Fixed reported errors
- v1.4e - Added auto-upgrade option to for existing Sn1per installs
- v1.4d - Fixed missing rake gem install dependency
- v1.4c - Reordered 3rd party extensions
- v1.4b - Fixed executable references
- v1.4b - Fixed Yasou dependencies in
- v1.4b - Fixed minor issues with BruteX loot directory
- v1.4 - Added Yasou for automatic web form brute forcing
- v1.4 - Added MassBleed for SSL vulnerability detection
- v1.4 - Added Breach-Miner for detection of breached accounts
- v1.4 - Fixed minor errors with nmap
- v1.4 - Removed debug output from goohak from displaying on console
- Add in OpenVAS integration
- Look into HTML reporting options