- Python - ideally any version from 3.6 Get Python
- Django
- You should have knowledge of django rest framework, API creation, serialization etc
- Fork and clone the repo
- create and activate virtual environment Guide.
- Create a different branch with your name and make it the remote host
- Install requirements -
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python manage.py makemigrations
- Run
python manage.py migrate
- Run
python manage.py runserver to run the server
- go to localhost:8000/api/ to test with the swagger ui doc or localhost:8000/
- Go to the settings.py
- Add your frontend url to the 'CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS' list
- The project makes use of jwt authentication, make sure you are familiar with how to handle jwt authentication
- p_p module holds the privacy policy application and all endpoints and work required for the privacy policy should only be done in there
- t_c module holds the terms and conditions application and all endpoints and work required for the terms and conditions should only be done in there
- users module holds the users/auth application and all endpoints and work required for the users should only be done in there