The aws-vpc-builder-cdk
project has two primary goals:
- Provide a simple and repeatable way to deploy and explore complex networking architectures on AWS.
- Showcase the capabilities of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to create and orchestrate a complex architecture.
Using a configuration file alone - build a complex network setup including:
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)s
- An AWS Transit Gateway
- AWS VPN Connections to the AWS Transit Gateway
- Centralized Egress to the Internet
- AWS Firewall Inspection for inter-VPC traffic
- Centralized Interface endpoints for private access to AWS service endpoints
- AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) share subnets to accounts, an Organization Unit, or an entire Organization.
- Amazon Route53 private hosted zones shared with Amazon VPCs, Inbound and Outbound DNS Resolvers.
The deployed setup can be as complex as everything above (and multiple types of each thing) to as simple as a single Amazon VPC with a single subnet in a single availability Zone.
The app supports multiple configuration files. So you can mirror setups between regions, or create isolated configurations in your account.
Taking an example from this blog post let's consider this network architecture:
This deployment is realized using the following configuration file:
stackNamePrefix: sample-firewall-blog
ssmPrefix: /sample-firewall-blog/network
region: us-east-1
- us-east-1a
- aws-vpc-builder: sample-firewall-blog
style: transitGatewayAttached
newCustomerGatewayAsn: 65012
newCustomerGatewayName: toGround-DataCenterA
useTransit: central
useTransit: central
style: natEgress
useTransit: central
style: awsNetworkFirewall
firewallDescription: For Inspection Vpc
firewallName: InspectionEgress
style: workloadIsolated
providerInternet: centralEgress
cidrMask: 24
style: workloadIsolated
cidrMask: 24
style: transitGateway
tgwDescription: Central Transit Gateway
- vpcName: SpokeVpcA
routesTo: SpokeVpc
inspectedBy: inspectionVpc
- vpcName: SpokeVpcA
routesTo: centralEgress
inspectedBy: inspectionVpc
- vpcName: SpokeVpc
routesTo: centralEgress
inspectedBy: inspectionVpc
- vpcName: inspectionVpc
routesTo: centralEgress
- vpcName: SpokeVpcA
routesTo: vpnToGround
- vpcName: SpokeVpc
routesTo: vpnToGround
When the configuration file above is ingested by this app, it will create multiple CloudFormation stacks which the CDK can deploy in the correct order.
The ~70 lines of configuration file have generated >5000 lines of CloudFormation.
After you've completed the 'Environment Setup' section below you can deploy this by running:
cdk deploy -c config=sample-firewall-blog.vpcBuilder.yaml --all --require-approval never
Remove the --require-approval never
if you'd like to be asked before any IAM resources, or Security Groups are created.
After it's deployed feel free to explore. You can make changes and re-deploy and the environment will adjust automatically. Try removing the 'inspectedBy' from the routes and see what happens!
An AWS Cloud9 environment will contain all the tools and software to use this repository right away. Alternately anything with a command line and a text editor should do the trick!
You can follow the getting started guide for Cloud9 here
If you're using Cloud9, you should already have the CDK installed (use version 2).
Otherwise, you can follow these instructions to install the CDK (use version 2).
After installing the CDK, install the required NPM modules for the project by running:
npm install
Now run the test cases to assure your environment is complete!
npm run build ; npm run test
If test cases don't pass, try deleting the node_modules
folder and package-lock.json
file. Then re-run npm install
and try again.
Configure your AWS CLI Credentials to work against the account you will deploy to.
If you're in an AWS Cloud9 environment this should already be done for you! If you're not using AWS Cloud9 configure the AWS CLI using these instructions.
Be sure to set the region to match the region you wish to deploy to. eg:
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
Run a quick test to make sure the credentials are working
aws s3 ls
This command should list buckets in your deployment account.
The CDK requires a place to put assets it builds. Bootstrap this account to handle this by running. If you've done this before in this account you can skip this step.
cdk bootstrap
Create your own configuration file in the 'config' folder in this project. Or deploy a sample one that's included.
Each sample in the config
directory includes a markdown file with deployment instructions and an architecture diagram. See what samples aare available and how to deploy them here.
Alternately a complete configuration file with many comments and every available option is in the config-walkthrough.yaml
Copy this file to a new file, and set it up the way you want for a deployment!
This project makes every effort to deploy configuration files that pass validation checks. If you arrive at a configuration file that fails to deploy after passing validation checks, please submit a bug!
This project makes use of / prefers a centralized managed model for networking by utilizing AWS RAM shared subnets from a central Network account.
This simplifies the deployment (All regional Amazon VPCs in one account) and helps centralize governance of the estate.
If you are AWS RAM sharing with an OU you will need the 'organizationId' from the AWS Organizations Service page. The value will begin with 'o-'.
You'll also need the 'ou-' that you wish to share with. That can be found by clicking the ou and copying the 'ou-' identifier.
Alternately you can AWS RAM share with a specific account ID by putting the Accounts ID in the sharedWith
After your configuration is set up the way you wish, execute this command to verify the configuration file contents are correct.
NOTE: Nothing gets deployed by a 'synth' command, but instead it just validates the configuration contents and generates templates in the cdk.out
You will need pass the configuration file as an option on the command line.
cdk synth -c config=[configuration-file]
(replace [configuration-file]
with the filename in the 'config' directory you want to synth / test)
Errors in the configuration file will be caught and shown. Missing values, values not the right type, extra values etc. are all caught and shown in the error messages.
Once you're comfortable that everything looks good, execute a deployment!
cdk deploy -c config=[configuration-file] --all --require-approval never
Leave off the --require-aproval never
if you'd like to be prompted when security groups / IAM roles will be created to allow it to proceed.
Feel free to modify the configuration file to add or remove contents. At any point you can re-run the deploy command and the AWS CDK will handle the changes.
cdk deploy -c config=[configuration-file] --all --require-approval never
You can destroy the stacks deployed by the configuration file by running:
cdk destroy -c config=[configuration-file] --all
We'd love additional contributions to this project by way of new Amazon VPC styles, new network functions etc. Open an issue to discuss your idea before submitting a pull request please!
After changes to the IConfig Type the schema will need to be regenerated.
typescript-json-schema --required --noExtraProps tsconfig.json IConfig > lib/config/config-schema.json
All typescript is formatted using Prettier.
npx prettier --write **/**/*.ts
npx prettier --check **/**/*.ts
.... more to come.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.