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R package for Optimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys


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This package offers an approach for the determination of the best stratification of a sampling frame, the one that ensures the minimum sample cost under the condition to satisfy precision constraints in a multivariate and multidomain case. This approach is based on the use of the genetic algorithm: each solution (i.e. a particular partition in strata of the sampling frame) is considered as an individual in a population; the fitness of all individuals is evaluated applying the Bethel-Chromy algorithm to calculate the sampling size satisfying precision constraints on the target estimates.

Functions in the package allow to:

  • support in the preparation of required input data;
  • execute the optimization step;
  • analyse the obtained results of the optimisation step;
  • select a sample from the new frame accordingly to the best allocation.

Functions for the execution of the genetic algorithm are a modified version of the functions in the ‘genalg’ package.

A complete illustration of all features and functions can be found at the link:

Download the SamplingStrata cheatsheet from:


You can install SamplingStrata from github with:


Three different methods for the optimization step

The optimization can be run by indicating three different methods, on the basis of the following:

A. if stratification variables are categorical (or reduced to) then the method is the “atomic”;

B. if stratification variables are continuous, then the method is the “continuous”;

C. if stratification variables are continuous, and there is spatial correlation among units in the sampling frame, then the required method is the “spatial”.

Complete example

Jupyter notebook: Binder

Example with the “atomic” method


# Load data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   REG  COM        Nom HApoly Surfacesbois Airbat POPTOT
# 1   4  261     Zurich   8781         2326   2884 363273
# 2   1 6621     Geneve   1593           67    773 177964
# 3   3 2701      Basel   2391           97   1023 166558
# 4   2  351       Bern   5162         1726   1070 128634
# 5   1 5586   Lausanne   4136         1635    856 124914
# 6   4  230 Winterthur   6787         2807    972  90483

# Define the sampling frame -----------------------------------------------------------------
frame <-buildFrameDF(df= swissmunicipalities,
                     id = "COM",                    # unique identifier of sampling units
                     domainvalue= "REG",            # domain variable (region)
                     X = c("POPTOT","HApoly"),      # stratification variables
                     Y =c("Surfacesbois","Airbat")) # target variables
#     id     X1   X2   Y1   Y2 domainvalue
# 1  261 363273 8781 2326 2884           4
# 2 6621 177964 1593   67  773           1
# 3 2701 166558 2391   97 1023           3
# 4  351 128634 5162 1726 1070           2
# 5 5586 124914 4136 1635  856           1
# 6  230  90483 6787 2807  972           4

# Define precision constraints ------------------------------------------------------------
ndom <- length(unique(frame$domainvalue))
cv <- = rep("DOM1",ndom),
                         CV1 = rep(0.10,ndom),      # precision (cv=10%) for 'Surfacesbois'
                         CV2 = rep(0.10,ndom),      # precision (cv=10%) for 'Airind'
                         domainvalue= c(1:ndom)))   # same precision constraints for all domains
#    DOM CV1 CV2 domainvalue
# 1 DOM1 0.1 0.1           1
# 2 DOM1 0.1 0.1           2
# 3 DOM1 0.1 0.1           3
# 4 DOM1 0.1 0.1           4
# 5 DOM1 0.1 0.1           5
# 6 DOM1 0.1 0.1           6
# 7 DOM1 0.1 0.1           7

# Build atomic strata ---------------------------------------------------------------------
strata <- buildStrataDF(frame)
# Number of strata:  2895
# ... of which with only one unit:  2894> head(strata)
#              STRATO N   M1 M2 S1 S2 COST CENS DOM1    X1   X2
# 100*305     100*305 1   59  0  0  0    1    0    1   100  305
# 1010*1661 1010*1661 1  983  0  0  0    1    0    1  1010 1661
# 102*306     102*306 1   65  0  0  0    1    0    1   102  306
# 1020*5351 1020*5351 1 1375  2  0  0    1    0    1  1020 5351
# 10227*571 10227*571 1   73 48  0  0    1    0    1 10227  571
# 10230*330 10230*330 1   15  2  0  0    1    0    1 10230  330

# Find an initial solution and a suitable number of final strata in each domain -----------
solutionKmean <- KmeansSolution(strata = strata,    # atomic strata
                                errors = cv,        # precision constraints
                                maxclusters = 10)   # max number of strata to be evaluated 
# number of strata to be obtained in each domain in final solution:                             
nstrat <- tapply(solutionKmean$suggestions, solutionKmean$domainvalue,
                 FUN=function(x) length(unique(x)))
# 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
# 9  8 10  9 10  9 10

# Optimization step ------------------------------------------------------------------------
solution <- optimStrata(method = "atomic",          # method
                        framesamp = frame,            # sampling frame
                        errors = cv,                  # precision constraints
                        nStrata = nstrat,             # strata to be obtained in the final stratification
                        suggestions = solutionKmean,  # initial solution
                        iter = 50,                    # number of iterations
                        pops = 10)                    # number of stratifications evaluated at each iteration
# Number of strata:  2895
# ... of which with only one unit:  2894
#  *** Starting parallel optimization for  7  domains using  5  cores
#   |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed=20s  
# *** Sample size :  362
# *** Number of strata :  59

#   STRATO         M1        M2        S1        S2   N DOM1 COST CENS     SOLUZ
# 1      1   61.07407  17.37778  41.87780  13.22224 270    1    1    0  9.141966
# 2      2 1114.66667  64.80392 555.75540  53.48631  51    1    1    0  6.985276
# 3      3   57.05128 110.12821  50.51679  35.55146  39    1    1    0  3.550527
# 4      4  477.31472  33.92386 351.59986  37.68313 197    1    1    0 19.010081
# 5      5 3226.14286 184.00000 540.04720  80.64561   7    1    1    0  2.000000
# 6      6 1805.21429 150.28571 256.07733 210.69830  14    1    1    0  7.553702

# Sample selection --------------------------------------------------------------------------
s <- selectSample(frame = solution$framenew,        # frame with the indication of optimized strata
                  outstrata = solution$aggr_strata) # optimized strata with sampling units allocation 
# *** Sample has been drawn successfully ***
#   362  units have been selected from  59  strata
# ==> There have been  6  take-all strata 
# from which have been selected  9 units
# 1           1      1  195*201 5534  195 201 37 10     1      30 0.03333333
# 2           1      1  172*193 5801  172 193 14  4     1      30 0.03333333
# 3           1      1  349*398 5499  349 398 19 15     1      30 0.03333333
# 4           1      1 2939*460 5582 2939 460 67 50     1      30 0.03333333
# 5           1      1  186*309 5663  186 309 65 10     1      30 0.03333333
# 6           1      1  290*421 5463  290 421 11 14     1      30 0.03333333


R package for Optimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys







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