A simplest implementation of Cradle Platform Pipeline Element in C++.
- clang
- gcc
- make
- cmake
- Docker
Use the following command to pull submodules after cloning
git submodule update --init --recursive
Building to run project locally from CLI
We use Docker images as part of the platform therefore your workflow will heavily depend upon using this tool.
docker build . -t analogdevicesinc/cxx-pipeline-processor:latest
docker run -d --hostname mongohost --name ld-mongo -p 27017:27017 -v ~/data:/data/db mongo
GUI client for MongoDB https://www.robomongo.org/
docker run -d --hostname rabbithost --name ld-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
Access RabbitMQ UI http://localhost:15672/
Login: guest
, password: guest
To run container locally you will need to
specify environment variables values in .env
The repository contains sample values. You might tweak IP address.
It is considered to be a good practice to make .env.local
put your values inside and never checkout this file into VCS.
docker run --env-file=./.env analogdevicesinc/cxx-pipeline-processor:latest
Always tag your builds properly and make sure that those align with your code tags. Use semantic versioning for your project.
cmake -LAH
Because pipeline usually contains number of components written in different languages interopability represents a huge concern.
To mitigate this concern it is necessary to define common interfaces. Protocol Buffers seems like a good choice here due to its programming language independence and ability to directly translate values into its language dependent constructs.
Using a shared versioned repository with protocode will address the interop problem.