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Unfuck Keyboard:

  1. Set function keys as default instead of the stupid bullshit keys
  2. Use English ABC layout for english keyboard, all the others are fucked beyong repair
    • Use Karabiner - - to fix the backtick/tilde key to actually type backtick/tilde. For this download predefined rule "Remap section sign from British Keyboard to US's backtick + plusminus to tilde"
  3. Install PC-Style shortcuts to Karabiner Elements:
    • You can then selectively enable/disable these modifications. It makes HOME/END do beginning/end of line, like a normal OS.

Unfuck Touchpad:

  1. Enable "touch to click" so you won't have to push through the touchpad for every click: Apple logo in top left corner, system settings, trackpad, enable Tap to click.
  2. Install to emulate middle-click with three (or more) fingers tap both on touchpad and Magic Mouse.

Unfuck mice:

  1. There's a tool for that: - it allows:
  • Inverting horizontal/vertical scrolling
  • Disabling scroll acceleration
  • Disabling mouse acceleration

Unfuck display resolution - maybe this is only an issue with 14" Mac but if you don't like one of the few "clear" display resolutions and the other ones are kinda blurry, there is a solution:

  1. Install - It's a paid tool (pro version) but you can use two weeks trial period and there is a non-pro feature you can use to unfuck the display resolution.
  2. In the settings turn these options on:
    • Edit the system configuration of this display model
    • Enable flexible scaling
  3. Go to your Mac's Displays settings and pick a few resolutions you'll want to use, note them down.
  4. Go back to BetterDisplay settings and add these into "Custom scaled resolutions" in "Flexible scaling options".
  5. Apply the changes.

Turn off the fucked startup sound:

  1. Click apple icon, System Settings, Sound, Play sound on Startup

Make fucking Apple Music not turn on every time you put on your BT headphones which issue a "resume" command

  1. Download and install and set it up to autostart after boot
  2. This issue only seems to appear after booting. If you manually play something on Spotify, the fucking OSX seems to magically remember you want to use Spotify. If you quit the Spotify app, the fucked behavior returns.. There is no known safe way to REMOVE apple music.

Setup proper environment similar to Linux:

  1. Install iTerm2
  • Configure the Iterm2 / Settings / General / Closing / Quit when all windows are closed. This will close the iTerm2 application so that when you close all the terminal windows, the application will no longer appear in the alt-tab menu option which does NOTHING when you pick it.
  1. Install homebrew - follow the guide in here:
  2. Install basic packages: brew install bash coreutils gsed mc
  3. Set up your .bash_profile (check the file in this repo for inspiration or as a default). BEWARE, macos doesn't use .bashrc, you need to use .bash_profile
  4. Set Bash from Homebrew as your default shell:
  • sudo sh -c 'echo /opt/homebrew/bin/bash >> /etc/shells'
  • chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash
  1. Setup your gitconfig, i.e.
	email =
	name = My Name
	excludesfile = /Users/<username>/.gitignore_global
[includeIf "gitdir:/Users/<username>/git/work/"]
	path = /Users/<username>/.gitconfig-work
[includeIf "gitdir:/Users/<username>/git/personal/"]
	path = /Users/personal/.gitconfig-personal
	autoSetupRemote = true
	name = My Work Name
	email =
	sshCommand = ssh -i /Users/<username>/.ssh/id_ed25519_work -o IdentitiesOnly=yes

Some useful oneliners:

# Unhide Library folder
chflags nohidden "${HOME}/Library/"

# Set login message
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'your@email \u2022 +420-XXX-YYY-ZZZ'

# Expand Save dialog by default
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true

# Expand print panel by default
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool true

# Save screenshots in PNG
defaults write type -string "png"
defaults write location -string "${HOME}/Downloads"

# Delete unavailable simulators from XCode
xcrun simctl delete unavailable

function wifi_name {
        /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | \
            awk '/ SSID/ { print $2 }'

alias ldd='otool -L'

alias lockscreen='/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend'

alias plview='plutil -convert xml1 -o -'

alias ql='qlmanage -p'

alias sshot='screencapture -t png -ix ${HOME}/Downloads/sshot.png && ql ${HOME}/Downloads/sshot.png 2>/dev/null'

alias lsusb='system_profiler SPUSBDataType'


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