Please refer to the following references for more details of the codes:
[1] IRVSP : J. Gao, et al. Comput. Phys. Comm. 261, 107760 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107760.
[2] pos2aBR: website http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/UnconvMat.html;
source code https://github.com/zjwang11/UnconvMat.
J. Gao, et al. Sci. Bull. 67, 598 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.12.025;
S. Nie, et al. Phys. Rev. B 103, 205133 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205133. -
You are welcome to provide a link to the source code in this repository, but you may not upload the source code to any website.
If you have no idea of the space group number (SGN) in your system, please run 'Phonopy' to get the SGN.
Run 'Phonopy' and 'pos2aBR' to standardize POSCAR to be compatible with the convention in 'IRVSP'.
to compute Irreducible Representations of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package v5.3 (IRVSP).
The "tqc.txt" and "tqc.data" are generated, which you can upload online (http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/)
to solve the eBR/aBR decompostion and compatibilite relations for topological/unconventional materials.
(http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/TopMat_1651msg.html; http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/UnconvMat.html)
src_irvsp_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.
src_irvsp_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals in 1651 magnetic space groups according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS).
to compute the traces of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package. The trace file "trace.txt" is generated, which is needed for the CheckTopologicalMat on the BCS: www.cryst.ehu.es/cryst/checktopologicalmat ["M.G. Vergniory, et al., Nature 566, 480-485. (2019)"].
src_trace_v1.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=1.
src_trace_v1.1.tar.gz: for Hybrid functional calculations with ISPIN=1, which can skip the first N k-points.
src_trace_v2.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=2.
The library can be linked to by DFT packages, such as Quantum Espresso, VASP, Siesta, Abinit, ELK, Wien2k.
- prepare your POSCAR file ...
- phonopy --symmetry --tolerance 0.01 -c POSCAR
- pos2aBR (* converting PPOSCAR to POSCAR_std *)
- use POSCAR_std to do DFT (VASP, QE ...) calculations ...
- irvsp -sg xxx -nb xx xx > outir2
- solve eBR/aBR (* using tqc.data *)
to compute irreducible representations of states in (electronic or phononic) tight-binding Hamiltonians (Wannier90, Slater-Koster).
src_ir2tb_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.
src_ir2tb_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS).
- Please do NOT set ISYM tag in INCAR (Default ISYM=2).
- For SOC calculations, please set the MAGMOM tag explicitly in INCAR (for example, MAGMOM=900*0). The default values of MAGMOM could cause the SYMMETRY error when using IRVSP.
- For detailed magnetic calculations, please refer to http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/TopMat_1651msg.html.
- For VASP6.x, please modify the line "CALL SET_SPINROT_WRAPPER(LATT_CUR%B(1,1),-1)" in mkpoints.F to "CALL SET_SPINROT_WRAPPER(LATT_CUR%B(1,1),IU6)" and recompile VASP before using IRVSP.