- Log into
- Run script provided by Jean B. in /EXAMPLES/NXS2024/
- What is scientific software (MG)
- Version control: Git and GitHub (MG)
- Environment management (python env and conda, pip) (JB):
- Running python options: scripts, python interpreter, IDE, jupyter (JB)
- Intro to file systems at ORNL. Where are my neutron data stored? Oncat (AS)
- create a git repo
- Open notebook, Explanation of notebook (shift enter, shift enter...)
- Cell: imports:
- Exercise 1: Import data from ascii to numpy array. Do this multiple ways. Mention pandas.
- Exercise 2: Plot with matplotlib. Make it interactive. Show errors?
- Exercise 3: Extend script to for loop over multiple files
- Exercise 4: Create widget to do Exercise 3.
- Exercise 4 (SciPy): Set up fit to a peak: initial conditions, define to fit, define residual, define fit range, interpret errors (variance-covariance matrix)
- Exercise 5: Use LMFIT for same process.
- Advanced Exercise 1: Event data: Inspect nxs file with HDFView,
- Load neutron data and log metadata from nxs file with h5py.
- Advanced Ex 2: histogram events (with log binning)
- Super Advanced Ex 3: Re-use fitting script, fit peaks, plot position versus experimental log.