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Merge pull request scala#15663 from som-snytt/issue/13885-repl-parser…
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dwijnand authored Jul 26, 2022
2 parents 19eff87 + 5f4653d commit 62ca3fc
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Showing 7 changed files with 167 additions and 145 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/ReplCompilationUnit.scala

This file was deleted.

258 changes: 145 additions & 113 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/ReplCompiler.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ import
import{withRootImports, RootRef}
import{ParsedComment, SourceFile}
import{ParsedComment, Property, SourceFile}
import{CompilationUnit, Compiler, Run}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.chaining.given

/** This subclass of `Compiler` is adapted for use in the REPL.
Expand All @@ -29,12 +30,14 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
* - provides utility to query the type of an expression
* - provides utility to query the documentation of an expression
class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {
class ReplCompiler extends Compiler:

override protected def frontendPhases: List[List[Phase]] = List(
List(new TyperPhase(addRootImports = false)),
List(new CollectTopLevelImports),
List(new PostTyper),
List(TyperPhase(addRootImports = false)),

def newRun(initCtx: Context, state: State): Run =
Expand All @@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {

def importPreviousRun(id: Int)(using Context) = {
// we first import the wrapper object id
val path = nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE ++ "." ++ objectNames(id)
val path = nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE ++ "." ++ ReplCompiler.objectNames(id)
val ctx0 = ctx.fresh
.withRootImports(RootRef(() => requiredModuleRef(path)) :: Nil)
Expand All @@ -67,117 +70,29 @@ class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {
end newRun

private val objectNames = mutable.Map.empty[Int, TermName]
private def packaged(stats: List[untpd.Tree])(using Context): untpd.PackageDef =
import untpd.*
PackageDef(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), stats)

private case class Definitions(stats: List[untpd.Tree], state: State)

private def definitions(trees: List[untpd.Tree], state: State): Definitions = inContext(state.context) {
import untpd._

// If trees is of the form `{ def1; def2; def3 }` then `List(def1, def2, def3)`
val flattened = trees match {
case List(Block(stats, expr)) =>
if (expr eq EmptyTree) stats // happens when expr is not an expression
else stats :+ expr
case _ =>

var valIdx = state.valIndex
val defs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]

/** If the user inputs a definition whose name is of the form REPL_RES_PREFIX and a number,
* such as `val res9 = 1`, we bump `valIdx` to avoid name clashes. lampepfl/dotty#3536 */
def maybeBumpValIdx(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match
case apply: Apply => for a <- apply.args do maybeBumpValIdx(a)
case tuple: Tuple => for t <- tuple.trees do maybeBumpValIdx(t)
case patDef: PatDef => for p <- patDef.pats do maybeBumpValIdx(p)
case tree: NameTree => match
case Some(n) if n >= valIdx => valIdx = n + 1
case _ =>
case _ =>

flattened.foreach {
case expr @ Assign(id: Ident, _) =>
// special case simple reassignment (e.g. x = 3)
// in order to print the new value in the REPL
val assignName = ( ++ str.REPL_ASSIGN_SUFFIX).toTermName
val assign = ValDef(assignName, TypeTree(), id).withSpan(expr.span)
defs += expr += assign
case expr if expr.isTerm =>
val resName = (str.REPL_RES_PREFIX + valIdx).toTermName
valIdx += 1
val vd = ValDef(resName, TypeTree(), expr).withSpan(expr.span)
defs += vd
case other =>
defs += other

objectIndex = state.objectIndex + 1,
valIndex = valIdx

/** Wrap trees in an object and add imports from the previous compilations
* The resulting structure is something like:
* ```
* package <none> {
* object rs$line$nextId {
* import rs$line${i <- 0 until nextId}._
* <trees>
* }
* }
* ```
private def wrapped(defs: Definitions, objectTermName: TermName, span: Span): untpd.PackageDef =
inContext(defs.state.context) {
import untpd._

val tmpl = Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, defs.stats)
val module = ModuleDef(objectTermName, tmpl)
final def compile(parsed: Parsed)(using state: State): Result[(CompilationUnit, State)] =

PackageDef(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), List(module))
given Context = state.context
val unit = ReplCompilationUnit(ctx.source).tap { unit =>
unit.untpdTree = packaged(parsed.trees)
unit.untpdTree.putAttachment(ReplCompiler.ReplState, state)

private def createUnit(defs: Definitions, span: Span)(using Context): CompilationUnit = {
val objectName = ctx.source.file.toString
val objectTermName = ctx.source.file.toString.toTermName
objectNames.update(defs.state.objectIndex, objectTermName)

val unit = new ReplCompilationUnit(ctx.source)
unit.untpdTree = wrapped(defs, objectTermName, span)

private def runCompilationUnit(unit: CompilationUnit, state: State): Result[(CompilationUnit, State)] = {
val ctx = state.context :: Nil) // this outputs "2 errors found" like normal - but we might decide that's needlessly noisy for the REPL

if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) (unit, state).result
else ctx.reporter.removeBufferedMessages(using ctx).errors
} // "2 errors found"

final def compile(parsed: Parsed)(implicit state: State): Result[(CompilationUnit, State)] = {
val defs = definitions(parsed.trees, state)
val unit = createUnit(defs, Span(0, parsed.trees.last.span.end))(using state.context)
runCompilationUnit(unit, defs.state)
val newState = unit.tpdTree.getAttachment(ReplCompiler.ReplState).get
if !ctx.reporter.hasErrors then (unit, newState).result
else ctx.reporter.removeBufferedMessages.errors
end compile

final def typeOf(expr: String)(implicit state: State): Result[String] =
final def typeOf(expr: String)(using state: State): Result[String] =
typeCheck(expr).map { tree =>
given Context = state.context
tree.rhs match {
Expand All @@ -190,7 +105,7 @@ class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {

def docOf(expr: String)(implicit state: State): Result[String] = inContext(state.context) {
def docOf(expr: String)(using state: State): Result[String] = inContext(state.context) {

/** Extract the "selected" symbol from `tree`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +152,7 @@ class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {

final def typeCheck(expr: String, errorsAllowed: Boolean = false)(implicit state: State): Result[tpd.ValDef] = {
final def typeCheck(expr: String, errorsAllowed: Boolean = false)(using state: State): Result[tpd.ValDef] = {

def wrapped(expr: String, sourceFile: SourceFile, state: State)(using Context): Result[untpd.PackageDef] = {
def wrap(trees: List[untpd.Tree]): untpd.PackageDef = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,4 +215,121 @@ class ReplCompiler extends Compiler {
object ReplCompiler:
val ReplState: Property.StickyKey[State] = Property.StickyKey()
val objectNames = mutable.Map.empty[Int, TermName]
end ReplCompiler

class ReplCompilationUnit(source: SourceFile) extends CompilationUnit(source):
override def isSuspendable: Boolean = false

/** A placeholder phase that receives parse trees..
* It is called "parser" for the convenience of collective muscle memory.
* This enables -Vprint:parser.
class Parser extends Phase:
def phaseName: String = "parser"
def run(using Context): Unit = ()
end Parser

/** A phase that assembles wrapped parse trees from user input.
* Ths `ReplState` attachment indicates Repl wrapping is required.
* This enables -Vprint:repl so that users can see how their code snippet was wrapped.
class ReplPhase extends Phase:
def phaseName: String = "repl"

def run(using Context): Unit =
ctx.compilationUnit.untpdTree match
case pkg @ PackageDef(_, stats) =>
pkg.getAttachment(ReplCompiler.ReplState).foreach {
case given State =>
val defs = definitions(stats)
val res = wrapped(defs, Span(0, stats.last.span.end))
res.putAttachment(ReplCompiler.ReplState, defs.state)
ctx.compilationUnit.untpdTree = res
case _ =>
end run

private case class Definitions(stats: List[untpd.Tree], state: State)

private def definitions(trees: List[untpd.Tree])(using Context, State): Definitions =
import untpd.*

// If trees is of the form `{ def1; def2; def3 }` then `List(def1, def2, def3)`
val flattened = trees match {
case List(Block(stats, expr)) =>
if (expr eq EmptyTree) stats // happens when expr is not an expression
else stats :+ expr
case _ =>

val state = summon[State]
var valIdx = state.valIndex
val defs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Tree]

/** If the user inputs a definition whose name is of the form REPL_RES_PREFIX and a number,
* such as `val res9 = 1`, we bump `valIdx` to avoid name clashes. lampepfl/dotty#3536 */
def maybeBumpValIdx(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match
case apply: Apply => for a <- apply.args do maybeBumpValIdx(a)
case tuple: Tuple => for t <- tuple.trees do maybeBumpValIdx(t)
case patDef: PatDef => for p <- patDef.pats do maybeBumpValIdx(p)
case tree: NameTree => match
case Some(n) if n >= valIdx => valIdx = n + 1
case _ =>
case _ =>

flattened.foreach {
case expr @ Assign(id: Ident, _) =>
// special case simple reassignment (e.g. x = 3)
// in order to print the new value in the REPL
val assignName = ( ++ str.REPL_ASSIGN_SUFFIX).toTermName
val assign = ValDef(assignName, TypeTree(), id).withSpan(expr.span)
defs += expr += assign
case expr if expr.isTerm =>
val resName = (str.REPL_RES_PREFIX + valIdx).toTermName
valIdx += 1
val vd = ValDef(resName, TypeTree(), expr).withSpan(expr.span)
defs += vd
case other =>
defs += other

Definitions(defs.toList, state.copy(objectIndex = state.objectIndex + 1, valIndex = valIdx))
end definitions

/** Wrap trees in an object and add imports from the previous compilations.
* The resulting structure is something like:
* ```
* package <none> {
* object rs$line$nextId {
* import rs$line${i <- 0 until nextId}.*
* <trees>
* }
* }
* ```
private def wrapped(defs: Definitions, span: Span)(using Context): untpd.PackageDef =
import untpd.*

val objectName = ctx.source.file.toString
val objectTermName = objectName.toTermName
ReplCompiler.objectNames.update(defs.state.objectIndex, objectTermName)

val tmpl = Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, defs.stats)
val module = ModuleDef(objectTermName, tmpl).withSpan(span)

PackageDef(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), List(module))
end ReplPhase

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