This project is a simple MicroPython application that will run on Raspberry Pico. It will be able to detect when goal is achieved and by which team.
We will need the following hardware:
- Raspberry Pico (Brains)
- 2x 7 Segment display (Scoreboard)
- 2x IR LED Transmitter (To transmit IR light)
- 2x IR LED Receiver (To receive IR Light)
- Some cable for wiring up everything
This is a really simple program:
Pico will simply detect when IR Beam is broken and add a score to the team that scored a goal. For goal detection we will use simple IR Light and for scoreboard we will use 7 segment display. When team reaches 10 goals, score is reset.
TODO: We could add some sort of animation for winning team.
We will be using the following GPIO pins: 17,16,14,13,12,18,19
for 1st 7 segment display, pin 6
for Team 1 goal detection, 21,20,10,9,7,22,26
for 2nd 7 segment display and pin 5
for Team 2 goal detection.
If you want to display dots, you can connect pins 15
and 11
Please note that wiring can differ for your 7 segment display, please check wiring in documentation for your hardware to avoid burning out LEDs and or Pico!
Step 1: Find a place for sensors
Step 2: Secure sensors with tape/screw