Full planning and control stack for GRASP LML Service Robots @ Penn.
- ROS Melodic
- Clone using
- URG ROS Package (for deployment on real hardware)
Currently, only ROS Melodic running on *buntu 18.04 is supported. Running the code on other distributions of the OS or ROS will require at least minor changes to the build system.
- Install all tools and packages
- Install ROS Melodic
- Run
- Setup commit hooks
- Run
in the root of the repo
- Run
- To run the simulator, from the root of the repo run:
rosbuild_ws/simulator/ut_multirobot_sim/bin/simulator --sim_config=rosbuild_ws/simulator/sim_config.lua
- To run the navigation stack on the simulator, from inside
devel/lib/control_stack/nav_node src/control_stack/config/sim_config.lua 1
You may replace the 1
with any robot ID supported by the simulator configuration. You may run several nav stacks with different robot IDs simultaneously, which will allow for multiple agents to run in the same simulator.
- To view the nav stack running in simulation, from the root of the repo run:
rosrun rviz rviz -d rosbuild_ws/simulator/visualization.rviz