Also named #Graph Mining and Analysis with Python#
Advanced machine learning and combinatorial methods for large scale text and graph data
The course is a part of the Master Data Science in Ecole Polytechnique
Advanced graph kernels and classification,clustering / community mining (Louvain, modularity, degeneracy),
Influence maximization models (SIR/SIS, LT, IC,…), degeneracy based spreaders selection.
Graph of words advanced topics: tw-icw, graph kernels for document similarity, graph based regularization for text classification
Word embeddings, Unsupervised document classification with the Word Mover’s Distance, WMD vs cosine similarity
Deep learning for NLP, Supervised document classification (TF-IDF vs TW-IDF), CNNs for sentence classification
Keyword extraction for summarization: Graph based keyword extraction, summarization (off line, online), Filipova’s word graph for multi-sentence fusion.
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning, David Barber c 2010
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop, Springer,ISBN-13: 978-0387310732 Text Web Mining
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 2008. (
Web Data Mining, Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, Bing Liu, Second Edition, July 2011,
Practical Graph Mining With R, Nagiza F. Samatova,, Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series (2013) Bigdata
Frontiers in Massive Data Analysis,