- TEL: +33 6 5814 2501
- Blog: http://izpk.blogspot.fr
- E-mail: zpkhhx@gmail.com
- GitHub: github.com/zhoupeikun
- Objective: Seeking a six months’ internship related to data science
- Be available from Feb 2017 to Oct 2017
- 2015 -2017 University Paris Saclay, Paris, France Master of Computer Science
- 2016 - 2017 Telecom ParisTech, Master of Data & Knowledge
- 2015 - 2016 University Paris-sud, Master1 of Computer Science
- 2014 - 2015 University Paris-sud, Paris, France, Bachelor of Computer Science
- 2011 - 2015 Xidian University, Xi'an, China, Bachelor of Software Engineering
- Development: Android/Java, Front-end (JS, JQuery, Django), Shell, OCaml, SQL, VBA, Git
- Data science: Apache Hadoop, Spark, Scala, Python(scikit-learn/XGboost), R,Matlab
- PM: Proficient in prototype design(Axure) and product management.
- Languages: English (fluent) French (professionals) Chinese (native)
- Interests: Body-building, Badminton, Swimming(Lifeguard), History, Tech-News
2016.4-2016.8 IT Analyst (Internship) Bank of Communications, Luxembourg
- Developed OA tools with Python, implemented an internal report center website with JS
- Responsible for helpdesk, Network services, and daily maintenance
- Responsible for VBA script for risk department
- Worked with Deloitte to optimize regulatory report to CSSF
- Responsible for several research reports about Fintech and online banking
2016.1-2016.3 Android Development Engineer Start-up Yifenqian(法国省钱秘笈)
- Responsible for development of the prototype version of Android app Yifenqian
- Implemented main functions and launched in Google Play
2016.1-2016.6 Search Developer(Internship) INRIA, Saclay
- Worked on developing and optimizing the input flow decomposition problem
- Implemented a graph structure with C++, optimized input stream and income flow method
2015.6-2015.8 Sales Manager(Competition) Huawei, Xi’an
- Ranking 6th in Huawei Sales Championship, Xi’an
- Experienced sales, lectures, and negotiation training.
2016.12 DataCamp in EP Qualitative and quantitate non-inverse monitoring of anti-cancer drugs
- Using PCA to reduce the number of features because most of them are irrelevant
- Spilt data into three groups to increase training samples, tried several regression methods
- Combined multiple classifiers, optimized parameters, improve error rate from 0.13 to 0.04
2016.10 Kaggle Predict if a client will subscribe a bank term deposit
- The data is related with direct marketing campaigns of a Portuguese banking institution, including 20 attributes (age, job, education...)
- After data cleaning, using different classifiers and received 59.85% correct rate at most.
2016.1 - 2016.3 Android APP Yifenqian
- Redesigned and implemented the Android version based on an iOS version.
2015.6 - 2015.7 Android APP Weather
- An internship project in IBM Technology Center in Xidian University. Completed the entire development process independently, including product design, database, codes.
2015.5 - 2015.5 Unity5.0 Game Space Shooter
- Implemented this game with Unity5.0. Implemented collision detection in several ways, implemented 2D using orthographic camera, recovered the objects by boundary and trigger.
2015.2 - 2015.4 Game AI Frontière
- Responsible for AI algorithm. Using Minimax and alpha-beta pruning at first, then updated to alpha-beta iterative deepening algorithm.
- Pro-processed graph to attain better route by using A* search algorithm.
- 2016 Member of Council of Xidian University Alumni Association in France
- 2014 The First Prize of Scholarship, School of Software, Xidian University
- 2013 The Second Prize of Mathematical Contest in Modeling, U.S.A
- 2013 The Second Prize of Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Shaanxi
- 2013 Outstanding Leader Award (Top 1%), Xidian University