A small nodejs script that helps me crwaling problem descriptions and my solutions from leetcode, and saving the files in my local github repo, so I don't have to copy and paste from the website everytime I finished one problem.
- setInfo : set Leetcode Account information and Github Local repo path.
- importProblems : crawl problem infos from Leetcode, including problem id, problem title, problem link, etc.
- Log : log problems I have finished.
- getProblems : get the problem descriptions and my solutions from Leetcode and save them to the local repo path.
- github.sh : a shell script to add, commit and push the new added file to my github.
Prompt is to read the account information.
Request is used to send GET http request to Leetcode problem list and receive the respond json file.
CasperJs is used as crawler, simulating the browser and user's behavior to login account in Leetcode and crawl my code.
Cheerio is used in finding useful information from the HTML returned by CasperJS.
Mongodb used in helping query and insert problems and user information.
- Directly commit the file to Github using Github API instead of saving it to local repo and commit to by shell commands.
- Save the information in a local json file instead of using a db.
- Send Http request to crawl problems from Leetcode.
- Send Http request to login and crawl code from Leetcode instead of using CasperJS.
- Wrtie a front-end of this application, make it a web application using AngularJS as frontend and ExpressJS as backend.
At first, I tried to directly crawl HTML from LeetCode algorithm page, but got no content about problems, because the problems are asynchronous loaded by AJAX.
First Solutio : Using CasperJS to simulate the browser to load AJAX data.
Final Solution : Use network function in Chrome to check the data packet, and find the AJAX URL, and send http request to that URL.
At first, I wanted to crawl my code after I finished one problem. My account in browser would be logged out ,because I logged in it in CasperJS to crawl my code. So, each time I crawl my code, my account will be logged off and I will have to login again to do the next problem.
Solution: Instead of crawling one problem each time, I can use a logger to log the problems I just finished, so I can crawl them all at one time.
Callback Hell:
Func1(args, (args) => {
Func2(args,(args) => {