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诗人艺术家(Poem Artists)

人工智能古诗插画自动生成工具(AI-generated paintings for Chinese ancient poems)


[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《静夜思》,是唐代诗人李白写的。这首诗描述了一个安静的夜晚,诗人躺在床上,看到地上的明亮的月光,以为是地上的霜。诗人抬头看着明亮的月亮,然后低头开始想念远方的家乡。这首诗用简单的文字描绘了诗人对家乡的思念之情。通过这首诗,我们可以了解到,无论我们身在何处,家乡总是我们内心深处最温暖的地方。这首诗也告诉我们,要珍惜和家人在一起的时光,因为这是我们最宝贵的回忆。 English version: This poem is called "Thoughts in a Quiet Night," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem describes a quiet night when the poet lies in bed and sees the bright moonlight on the ground, mistaking it for frost. The poet looks up at the bright moon, then lowers his head and begins to miss his hometown far away. This poem uses simple words to depict the poet's longing for his hometown. Through this poem, we can understand that no matter where we are, our hometown is always the warmest place in our hearts. This poem also tells us to cherish the time spent with our family, as these are our most precious memories.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《早发白帝城》,作者是唐代著名诗人杜甫。这首诗描述了诗人早晨离开白帝城,乘船沿长江前往江陵的景象。诗人描绘了清晨云雾缭绕的白帝城,以及江上的美丽景色。他写道:“朝辞白帝彩云间”,意味着早晨告别白帝城时,天空中的彩云很美丽。接下来,他说“千里江陵一日还”,表示船行千里,一天就能到达江陵。 诗中还提到:“两岸猿声啼不住”,意味着沿途两岸的猿猴不停地叫着,给人一种神秘的感觉。最后,“轻舟已过万重山”,表示诗人乘坐的小船已经穿过了许多层层叠叠的山峦。整首诗描绘了长江美丽的自然景色,以及诗人离别白帝城时的心情。 English version: This poem is called "Setting Out Early from the White Emperor's City," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The poem describes the poet's journey by boat from the White Emperor's City to Jiangling along the Yangtze River in the morning. The poet depicts the misty White Emperor's City in the early morning and the beautiful scenery along the river. He writes, "Morning farewell to the White Emperor's City among colorful clouds," meaning that when he says goodbye to the White Emperor's City in the morning, the colorful clouds in the sky are beautiful. Next, he says, "A thousand miles to Jiangling, returned in a single day," indicating that the boat travels a thousand miles and can reach Jiangling in just one day. The poem also mentions, "On both banks, the monkeys' cries never cease," implying that monkeys on both sides of the river keep calling, creating a mysterious atmosphere. Finally, "The light boat has already passed through layers of mountains," indicating that the small boat the poet is riding has already passed through many layers of mountains. The entire poem depicts the beautiful natural scenery of the Yangtze River and the poet's emotions when leaving the White Emperor's City.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese Version: 这首诗叫《望庐山瀑布》,是唐代诗人李白创作的。这首诗描述了庐山的瀑布景观,给人们展示了自然界的壮美景色。 诗中的“日照香炉生紫烟”描绘了阳光照在香炉山上,紫色的烟雾弥漫。这句话告诉我们,这是一个阳光明媚的日子,紫烟给山增添了一种神秘感。接下来的“遥看瀑布挂前川”形象地描述了远处的瀑布像挂在山间的一幅画。这里的“挂”字让我们想象到瀑布像一幅美丽的画卷,悬挂在大自然的画廊里。 “飞流直下三千尺”描绘了瀑布水流从高处直落,落差有三千尺。这句话让我们感受到瀑布的气势磅礴。最后一句“疑是银河落九天”则是诗人用想象力把瀑布比作天上的银河,仿佛从九天之上落下。这里的“疑是”表示诗人对这美景的惊叹,同时也让我们感受到诗人的想象力。 总的来说,这首诗通过描绘庐山瀑布的美景,展现了大自然的壮观和诗人的想象力。这是一首充满意境的诗歌,让人们在欣赏美景的同时,也能感受到诗人的情感。 English Version: This poem is called "Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem describes the waterfall landscape of Mount Lu, showing the magnificent scenery of nature. In the poem, "Sunlight shines on the incense burner, creating purple smoke" describes the sunlight shining on the mountain, with purple smoke filling the air. This line tells us that it's a sunny day, and the purple smoke adds a sense of mystery to the mountain. The following line, "From afar, the waterfall hangs like a painting in the river," vividly describes the distant waterfall as if it were a painting hanging between the mountains. The word "hangs" allows us to imagine the waterfall as a beautiful scroll, suspended in nature's gallery. "The torrent plunges down three thousand feet" portrays the waterfall's water cascading from a great height, with a drop of three thousand feet. This line allows us to feel the majestic power of the waterfall. The final line, "As if the Milky Way has fallen from the ninth heaven," is the poet's imaginative comparison of the waterfall to the Milky Way in the sky, as if falling from the ninth heaven. The phrase "as if" expresses the poet's astonishment at the beautiful scene while also allowing us to feel the poet's imagination. In summary, this poem presents the magnificent natural scenery of Mount Lu's waterfall and showcases the poet's imagination through its vivid descriptions. It is a poem full of artistic conception, allowing readers to appreciate the beauty of the landscape and the poet's emotions.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《秋浦歌》,是唐代诗人白居易写的。这首诗讲述了一个人因为忧愁而变得满头白发的故事。诗人用“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长”来形容这个人的白发有多长,就像是忧愁让它变长一样。接下来的两句“不知明镜里,何处得秋霜”则表示这个人不知道在明镜中的自己何时变得满头白发,就像是被秋天的霜冻一样。这首诗通过形象的描绘,表达了人们对时间流逝和生命无常的感慨。 English version: This poem is called "Autumn River Song" and was written by Bai Juyi, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem tells the story of a person who becomes white-haired due to sorrow. The poet uses the lines "White hair three thousand zhang, for sorrow seems to grow" to describe how long the person's white hair is, as if it grows longer because of sorrow. The following lines "Unknowing where in the mirror's space, autumn frost begins to show" express that the person doesn't know when they became white-haired in the mirror, just like being frosted by autumn. Through vivid descriptions, this poem conveys people's feelings about the passage of time and the impermanence of life.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《夜宿山寺》,是唐代诗人杜牧创作的。这首诗描述了诗人在山寺里过夜的情景。诗人说,山寺的楼很高,有一百尺,站在上面就像可以摘到星星一样。因为山寺是神圣的地方,诗人不敢大声说话,怕惊动天上的神仙。这首诗让我们感受到了山寺的宁静和神秘。 English version: This poem is called "Staying Overnight in a Mountain Temple," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu. The poem describes the scene of the poet spending the night in a mountain temple. The poet says that the temple's tower is very tall, about a hundred feet high, and standing on it feels like you can pick stars from the sky. Because the mountain temple is a sacred place, the poet dares not speak loudly, fearing that he might disturb the immortals in heaven. This poem allows us to feel the tranquility and mystery of the mountain temple.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《赠汪伦》,是唐代著名诗人李白创作的。这首诗讲述了李白要乘船离开的时候,在岸上突然听到了汪伦唱歌的声音。这里的“桃花潭”是一个美丽的地方,水非常深,有一千尺。但是,李白觉得这个美丽的景色也比不上汪伦送他离开时的深情。这首诗表达了李白对朋友汪伦深厚的友情和感激之情。通过这首诗,我们可以学到珍惜朋友之间的感情,因为真诚的友谊是非常珍贵的。 English version: This poem is called "A Farewell to Wang Lun" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem tells the story of Li Bai about to leave on a boat when he suddenly hears the sound of Wang Lun singing on the shore. The "Peach Blossom Pool" mentioned in the poem is a beautiful place with water that is a thousand feet deep. However, Li Bai feels that this beautiful scenery cannot compare to the deep affection Wang Lun shows him as he leaves. This poem expresses Li Bai's deep friendship and gratitude towards his friend Wang Lun. Through this poem, we can learn to cherish the feelings between friends, as true friendship is very precious.



[唐代] 李白


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》,是唐代著名诗人王之涣创作的。诗中描述了诗人在黄鹤楼与朋友孟浩然分别的场景。黄鹤楼位于武汉市,是中国著名的古建筑之一,有着悠久的历史。 诗人用“故人西辞黄鹤楼”表达了与朋友分别的情感。黄鹤楼是一个美丽的地方,烟花三月是春天,扬州的春天景色非常美。诗人用“孤帆远影碧空尽”形象地描绘了朋友乘船离去的画面,让人感受到离别的伤感。最后一句“唯见长江天际流”,诗人表达了长江的辽阔和壮丽,也寓意着友情的长久。 这首诗通过美丽的描绘,展现了作者对友情的珍视和离别时的不舍。对于一个8岁的孩子来说,可以让她了解到古代的黄鹤楼和长江的美景,同时也能感受到诗人对朋友的深厚感情。 English version: This poem is called "Farewell to Meng Haoran at the Yellow Crane Tower," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes the scene of the poet parting with his friend Meng Haoran at the Yellow Crane Tower. The Yellow Crane Tower is located in Wuhan City and is one of China's famous ancient buildings with a long history. The poet expresses his emotions of parting with his friend using the line "Old friend bids farewell to the Yellow Crane Tower." The Yellow Crane Tower is a beautiful place, and "smoke and flowers in March" refers to the beautiful scenery of spring in Yangzhou. The poet vividly depicts the scene of his friend leaving by boat with the line "A solitary sail, a distant shadow, on the vast blue sky." This makes the reader feel the sadness of parting. In the last line, "Only the Yangtze River flows to the horizon," the poet expresses the vastness and magnificence of the Yangtze River and implies the lasting friendship between them. This poem shows the author's cherishing of friendship and the reluctance to part through beautiful descriptions. For an 8-year-old child, it can help her understand the ancient Yellow Crane Tower and the beautiful scenery of the Yangtze River while also feeling the deep emotions of the poet towards his friend.



[唐代] 李白


中文版本: 这首诗叫《望天门山》,是唐代诗人李白创作的。诗中描述了天门山的美丽景色。天门山位于中国湖南省,是长江和楚江的分界线。在这里,楚江从天门山中穿过,形成了一道美丽的景观。江水碧绿,从东边流过来,然后在这里转弯。 两岸的青山对峙,好像是在欢迎江水的到来。在这美丽的景色中,还有一艘孤独的帆船,它在太阳的照耀下,悠然地航行在江面上。这首诗通过描绘天门山的美景,表达了诗人对大自然的赞美和对美好生活的向往。 English version: This poem is called "Looking at Tianmen Mountain" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. It describes the beautiful scenery of Tianmen Mountain, which is located in Hunan Province, China, and serves as the boundary between the Yangtze River and the Chu River. Here, the Chu River passes through Tianmen Mountain, creating a stunning landscape. The river's emerald waters flow from the east and then turn at this point. On both banks, green mountains stand opposite each other, as if welcoming the arrival of the river. Amidst this beautiful scene, there's a solitary sailboat, leisurely sailing on the river under the sun's rays. Through the vivid depiction of Tianmen Mountain's beauty, the poem expresses the poet's admiration for nature and his longing for a good life.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《绝句》,是一首描绘春天美丽景色的诗。诗中提到“迟日江山丽”,意思是春天的阳光很美,照在江山上,让江山变得更加美丽。接下来说“春风花草香”,意味着春天的风吹过,带来了花草的香气,让人感受到春天的气息。第二句谈到“泥融飞燕子”,这里的“泥融”是指春天的泥土开始变软,燕子就会飞来筑巢。最后一句“沙暖睡鸳鸯”,描述的是河边的沙子在阳光下变暖,鸳鸯在沙滩上悠闲地睡觉。整首诗用简单的词语描绘了春天的美丽景色,让人感受到春天的温暖和生机。 English version: This poem is called "Jueju," and it describes the beautiful scenery of spring. The poem mentions "the late sun shines on the beautiful rivers and mountains," meaning the sunlight in spring is gorgeous, making the rivers and mountains even more beautiful. The next line, "the spring breeze brings the fragrance of flowers and grass," implies that the spring breeze carries the scent of flowers and grass, making people feel the breath of spring. The second line talks about "the mud melts, and the swallows fly," where "mud melts" refers to the softening of the soil in spring, and the swallows come to build their nests. The last line, "the sand is warm, and the mandarin ducks sleep," describes the sand on the riverbank warming up under the sunlight, and the mandarin ducks sleeping leisurely on the beach. The entire poem uses simple words to depict the beautiful scenery of spring, making people feel the warmth and vitality of spring.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《春夜喜雨》,是唐代诗人杜甫写的。诗里说,好的春雨总是在春天的时候下,这时候正是万物复苏的时候。春雨随着风轻轻地进入夜晚,悄悄地滋润着大地,让万物生长。到了晚上,田野的小路和云都变得很黑,只有江边的船上的灯火还亮着。到了第二天早晨,我们可以看到雨后的花朵更加鲜艳,就像锦官城(现在的成都市)那样美丽。这首诗表达了诗人对春雨的喜爱,以及春雨给大地带来的美好景象。 English version: This poem is called "A Delightful Rain on a Spring Night" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet, Du Fu. The poem describes how the wonderful spring rain always falls during the spring season, which is when everything comes back to life. The spring rain gently enters the night along with the wind, silently nourishing the earth and allowing all things to grow. At night, the paths in the fields and the clouds become dark, with only the lights on the boats by the river remaining bright. In the morning, we can see that the flowers after the rain are even more vibrant, as beautiful as the city of Jinguan (now Chengdu). This poem expresses the poet's love for spring rain and the beautiful scenes it brings to the earth.



[唐代] 杜甫


中文版本: 《望岳》是唐代著名诗人杜甫创作的一首诗。这首诗表达了诗人对泰山的赞美和自己志向的抒发。泰山位于中国山东省,是中国五岳中的东岳,有着很高的地位。 诗中“岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。”描绘了泰山的雄伟壮观。接下来,“造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。”则表达了泰山自然美景的神奇。诗人用“荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。”来形容泰山的云雾和鸟类,让我们感受到了泰山的生机勃勃。 最后,诗人写道“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。”这句话表达了诗人要登顶泰山,俯瞰众山的雄心壮志。这首诗既赞美了泰山的美丽,也表达了诗人的高远志向。 English version: "Looking at Mount Tai" is a poem written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet, Du Fu. This poem expresses the poet's admiration for Mount Tai and his own aspirations. Mount Tai is located in Shandong Province, China, and is the easternmost of the Five Sacred Mountains, holding a high status in Chinese culture. In the poem, "How majestic is Mount Tai? The green of Qi and Lu never ends." depicts the grandeur of Mount Tai. Following that, "Nature's clock shows divine beauty, as yin and yang separate dusk and dawn." expresses the magic of Mount Tai's natural scenery. The poet uses "My chest heaves with layers of clouds, my eyes widen to see the returning birds." to describe the clouds and birds of Mount Tai, allowing us to feel its vitality. Finally, the poet writes, "I will rise to the highest peak, and look down upon all the small mountains." This line expresses the poet's ambition to climb Mount Tai and overlook the other mountains. This poem not only praises the beauty of Mount Tai but also expresses the poet's lofty aspirations.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 《春望》是唐代诗人杜甫创作的一首描绘战乱时期春天景象的诗。诗人以春天的景色为背景,表达了对国家和人民疾苦的关切和忧虑。 诗中“国破山河在”表明国家虽然遭受战乱,但自然景色依然美丽。接着“城春草木深”描绘了春天城市的繁荣景象。然而,诗人的心情并不愉快,因为战争给人们带来了巨大的痛苦。“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”形容诗人在看到美丽的春天景色时,心中充满了悲伤和愤怒。接下来,“烽火连三月,家书抵万金”表示战争持续了很长时间,家人的来信对诗人来说非常珍贵。最后,“白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪”表达了诗人对战乱时代的无奈和担忧。 总之,《春望》通过描绘春天的景色,表达了诗人对战乱时代的忧虑和对国家和人民的关切之情。 English version: "Spring View" is a poem written by Du Fu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty, depicting the spring scenery during the turbulent times of war. The poet uses the spring scenery as the background to express his concern and worry for the country and the suffering of the people. In the poem, "the country is broken, but the mountains and rivers remain" indicates that although the country has suffered from war, the natural scenery is still beautiful. Following that, "the city is filled with deep grass and trees in spring" describes the prosperous scene of the city in spring. However, the poet's mood is not happy because the war has brought great pain to the people. "Moved by the flowers, tears fall; birds' cries of departure break the heart" describes the poet's sadness and anger when he sees the beautiful spring scenery. Then, "beacon fires last for three months, and letters from home are worth their weight in gold" means that the war has lasted for a long time, and the letters from family are precious to the poet. Finally, "white hair is scratched shorter, barely able to hold a hairpin" expresses the poet's helplessness and worry about the turbulent times. In summary, "Spring View" expresses the poet's concern for the country and people during the turbulent times of war through the depiction of the spring scenery.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这是一首古典的绝句,名为《绝句漫兴九首》。绝句是一种汉诗的形式,通常有四句。这首诗描绘了春天的景色,作者在春江边散步,欣赏自然美景。第一句“肠断春江欲尽头”表示春天即将过去,作者感到非常惋惜。第二句“杖藜徐步立芳洲”描述作者拄着拐杖慢慢地走在花香四溢的岛屿上。第三句“癫狂柳絮随风去”描绘了柳树上的絮状物随风飘散的情景,给人一种疯狂的感觉。最后一句“轻薄桃花逐水流”则描绘了桃花随着江水漂浮的美丽景象。整首诗通过春江、柳絮和桃花等元素,展现了春天的美好与生机,同时也表达了作者对春天流逝的惋惜之情。 English version: This is a classical Chinese quatrain called "Jueju Manxing Jiushou." A quatrain is a form of Chinese poetry that usually consists of four lines. This poem depicts the scenery of spring, with the author taking a leisurely walk by the river, appreciating the beauty of nature. The first line, "Intestines break, the spring river is about to end," conveys the author's regret that spring is almost over. The second line, "With a stick of Cockscomb, I slowly stand on the fragrant island," describes the author walking slowly on a fragrant island with a walking stick. The third line, "The mad willow catkins follow the wind," portrays the scene of catkins from willow trees scattering in the wind, giving a sense of madness. The last line, "The light and frivolous peach blossoms chase the water flow," depicts the beautiful scene of peach blossoms floating with the river. Through elements such as the spring river, willow catkins, and peach blossoms, the poem showcases the beauty and vitality of spring, while also expressing the author's lament for the passing of spring.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这首《登高》是唐代诗人杜甫创作的一首诗。诗人通过描述登高时的风景和自己的心情,表达了对国家和人民的忧虑。诗中的“猿啸哀”、“鸟飞回”等描绘了山间的自然景色,营造出一种苍凉、悲壮的氛围。诗人登高时看到的“无边落木”和“长江滚滚来”,象征着生命的无常和时光的流逝。诗人感叹自己“万里悲秋常作客”,意味着他长年在外奔波,不能安定下来。同时,“百年多病独登台”揭示了诗人在人生晚年,身体多病的艰辛处境。最后,诗人用“艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯”表达了对人生苦难的感慨和对国家的忧虑。总的来说,这首诗通过自然景物和个人情感的描绘,展现了诗人对生活、国家和人民的关爱。 English version: The poem "登高" (Climbing High) was written by Du Fu, a famous poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem expresses the poet's concern for the country and its people through the description of the scenery and his feelings while climbing high. The phrases "猿啸哀" (the monkeys' sad cries) and "鸟飞回" (birds flying back) depict the natural landscape in the mountain, creating a desolate and solemn atmosphere. The "无边落木" (endless falling leaves) and "长江滚滚来" (the rolling Yangtze River) that the poet sees while climbing symbolize the impermanence of life and the passage of time. The poet laments that he has been an eternal traveler, unable to settle down, with the line "万里悲秋常作客" (a thousand miles of sorrowful autumn, always a guest). At the same time, "百年多病独登台" (a hundred years of illness, climbing the platform alone) reveals the poet's difficult situation in his later years, suffering from various illnesses. Finally, the poet expresses his feelings of hardship and concern for the country with the lines "艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯" (hardship and resentment fill his frosty hair, recently stopped drinking turbid wine in his downfall). Overall, this poem demonstrates the poet's care for life, the country, and its people through the portrayal of natural scenery and personal emotions.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《曲江二首其一》,是唐代诗人杜甫创作的。诗中描绘了春天的美景和人们的欢乐生活。诗人每天穿着春天的衣服,到江边喝酒玩耍,喝醉了就回家。虽然有酒债,但这是很正常的事情。人生七十岁很少见,所以要珍惜时间。诗人看到花丛中的蝴蝶,还有在水面上飞来飞去的蜻蜓。他告诉大家,风景和时间都在不断地变化,所以大家要抓住机会,一起欣赏美景,不要错过这美好时光。 English version: This poem is called "Qujiang Ershou: The First One" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The poem describes the beautiful scenery of spring and the joyful life of people. The poet wears spring clothes every day, goes to the river to drink and have fun, and returns home drunk. Although he has a wine debt, it is a normal thing. It is rare to live to be seventy years old, so we should cherish our time. The poet sees butterflies in the flowers and dragonflies flying over the water. He tells everyone that the scenery and time are constantly changing, so everyone should seize the opportunity to enjoy the beauty together and not miss this wonderful time.



[唐代] 杜甫


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《绝句》,是唐代诗人杜甫创作的。诗句描述了美丽的自然景色和宽阔的视野。第一句“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳”,讲的是两只黄色的鸟儿在绿色的柳树上叫唤,形象生动,让人感受到春天的生机。第二句“一行白鹭上青天”,描绘了一群白色的鹭鸟飞向蓝天,给人一种宁静和自由的感觉。 第三句“窗含西岭千秋雪”,通过窗子可以看到远处西岭的积雪,这里的“千秋雪”表示积雪的厚度和时间,意味着雪的美丽和永恒。最后一句“门泊东吴万里船”,意味着门前停靠着来自东吴地区的船只,象征着繁荣和交流。整首诗通过自然景色和人文景观的描绘,展现了诗人对美好生活的向往和对自然的热爱。 English version: This poem is called "Jueju" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The poem describes the beautiful natural scenery and a broad view. In the first line, "Two orioles sing amid the green willows," it tells about two yellow birds chirping in the green willows, vividly depicting the vitality of spring. The second line, "A row of white egrets flies into the blue sky," portrays a group of white egrets flying into the blue sky, giving a sense of tranquility and freedom. The third line, "The window frames the snow of a thousand autumns on the western ridge," implies that the accumulated snow on the distant western ridge can be seen through the window. The "snow of a thousand autumns" represents the thickness and duration of the snow, symbolizing its beauty and eternity. The last line, "Ships from the eastern Wu moor at the door for thousands of miles," means that ships from the eastern Wu region are moored at the door, symbolizing prosperity and communication. The poem, through its portrayal of natural scenery and cultural landscapes, shows the poet's longing for a beautiful life and love for nature.



[唐代] 白居易


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《池上》,描述了一个可爱的小孩在池塘里划着小船采摘白莲的场景。小孩子用力撑着小船,想要偷偷采摘白莲。但是他不知道怎么隐藏自己的踪迹,于是在水面上留下了一道浮萍被拨开的痕迹。这首诗用简单的文字描绘了一个生动的画面,让我们能够想象出小孩子在水中玩耍的情景。同时,这首诗也反映了作者对大自然的热爱和对童真的怀念。 English version: This poem is called "On the Pond" and describes a scene of a cute child rowing a small boat and picking white lotus flowers in a pond. The child pushes the boat hard, trying to secretly pick the white lotus. However, he doesn't know how to hide his tracks, so he leaves a trail of duckweed being pushed apart on the water. The poem uses simple words to paint a vivid picture, allowing us to imagine the scene of a child playing in the water. At the same time, the poem also reflects the author's love for nature and nostalgia for childhood innocence.



[唐代] 白居易


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《忆江南》,是一首描绘江南美丽景色的诗。江南指的是中国南方的一片地区,那里有很多河流、湖泊和美丽的自然风光。诗人用简单的词语表达了对江南美景的怀念之情。诗中提到的“日出江花红胜火”意味着江边的花在阳光照耀下显得非常美丽,红色的花朵在阳光下闪闪发光,就像火一样。而“春来江水绿如蓝”则形容春天到来时,江水变得清澈透明,绿得像蓝色一样。这两句诗意味着江南的景色在不同的季节里都非常美丽。最后一句“能不忆江南?”表达了诗人对江南美景的思念之情,他想问:怎么能不想念这么美丽的地方呢? English version: This poem is called "Recalling Jiangnan" and describes the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, a region in southern China known for its rivers, lakes, and stunning natural landscapes. The poet expresses his nostalgia for the beauty of Jiangnan with simple words. In the poem, "sunrise river flowers red as fire" means that the flowers by the river are very beautiful under the sunlight, with the red petals shining like fire. "Spring comes, river water green as blue" describes how the river water becomes clear and transparent in spring, as green as blue. These two lines suggest that the scenery of Jiangnan is beautiful in different seasons. The last line, "How can one not remember Jiangnan?" expresses the poet's longing for the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, asking: how can one not miss such a beautiful place?



[唐代] 白居易


Chinese version: 这首古诗叫《赋得古原草送别》,是白居易创作的。这首诗描绘了原野上的草在一年四季不断生长、枯萎的景象。诗人用草的生命力来表达自己对离别的感慨。 诗中的“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣”描述了草在一年内不断生长和枯萎的过程。接下来的“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”则展示了草的生命力非常顽强,即使遭受野火的破坏,也会在春风的吹拂下重新生长。 “远芳侵古道,睛翠接荒城”描绘了草在古道和荒城中蔓延的情景,给人一种生命力旺盛的感觉。最后的“又送王孙去,萋萋满别情”表达了诗人在送别朋友时的不舍之情。 总的来说,这首诗通过描绘原野上的草的生命力,表达了诗人对离别的感慨和不舍。 English version: This poem is called "Fù dé gǔ yuán cǎo sòng bié" (A Farewell to the Grass on the Ancient Plains), written by Bai Juyi. The poem describes the grass on the plains, which grows and withers throughout the year. The poet uses the vitality of the grass to express his feelings about parting. In the poem, "离离原上草,一岁一枯荣" (Lilì yuán shàng cǎo, yī suì yī kū róng) describes the process of grass growing and withering within a year. The following lines, "野火烧不尽,春风吹又生" (Yě huǒ shāo bù jìn, chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng), show that the grass is very resilient; even after being destroyed by wildfire, it will grow again under the gentle breeze of spring. "远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城" (Yuǎn fāng qīn gǔ dào, qíng cuì jiē huāng chéng) depicts the grass spreading along the ancient road and the deserted city, giving a sense of strong vitality. The last line, "又送王孙去,萋萋满别情" (Yòu sòng wáng sūn qù, qī qī mǎn bié qíng), expresses the poet's reluctance to say goodbye to his friend. In conclusion, this poem expresses the poet's feelings about parting and reluctance by describing the vitality of the grass on the plains.



[唐代] 白居易


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《大林寺桃花》,意思是描述在大林寺里的桃花盛开的美景。诗人用简单的词汇描述了一个美丽的景象。诗句“人间四月芳菲尽”告诉我们,在世间的四月份,春天的花朵已经凋谢了。但是,“山寺桃花始盛开”说明在大林寺里,桃花才刚刚开始盛开,好像春天又回来了。诗人感慨地说:“长恨春归无觅处”,意味着他很遗憾春天离开了,找不到春天的踪迹。最后,诗人发现:“不知转入此中来”,原来春天的美丽景色就在大林寺的桃花中。这首诗让我们知道,大自然的美丽可以在意想不到的地方找到,我们要学会欣赏周围的美景。 English version: This poem is called "Peach Blossoms at the Dalin Temple," and it describes the beautiful scenery of peach blossoms blooming in the temple. The poet uses simple words to depict a beautiful scene. The line "In the human world, the fragrance of April has faded" tells us that in the world, the flowers of spring have withered away by April. However, "Peach blossoms in the mountain temple begin to bloom" shows that in the Dalin Temple, peach blossoms are just starting to bloom, as if spring has returned. The poet laments, "I've long regretted that spring has gone without a trace," meaning he is sad that spring has left and can't find its trace. In the end, the poet discovers, "Unknowingly, it has entered here," and realizes that the beauty of spring lies in the peach blossoms at the Dalin Temple. This poem teaches us that the beauty of nature can be found in unexpected places, and we should learn to appreciate the beauty around us.



[唐代] 白居易


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《遗爱寺》,描述了诗人在寺庙附近的美好时光。诗人坐在溪边,周围有很多漂亮的石头。他沿着寺庙四周走,一边寻找美丽的花朵。在这里,他总能听到鸟儿的叫声,感受到它们的快乐。而且,无论他走到哪里,都能听到清澈的泉水声音。这首诗让我们感受到了大自然的美丽和宁静,也表达了诗人对美好生活的向往。 English version: This poem is called "Yi Ai Temple" and describes the poet's wonderful time near a temple. The poet sits by a stream, surrounded by beautiful stones. He walks around the temple, looking for beautiful flowers. Here, he can always hear the chirping of birds, feeling their happiness. Moreover, wherever he goes, he can hear the sound of clear spring water. This poem allows us to feel the beauty and tranquility of nature and expresses the poet's longing for a beautiful life.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《过华清宫》,是唐代诗人杜牧创作的。华清宫是唐朝皇帝的度假胜地,位于长安城(今天的西安)附近。这首诗通过描绘华清宫的美丽景色,表达了诗人对皇宫奢华生活的向往。 首句“长安回望绣成堆”,意思是诗人站在华清宫外,回头望向长安城,发现城市的美景如同一幅绣花般美丽。第二句“山顶千门次第开”,描述了华清宫的宏伟建筑,宫殿的门户层层叠叠地开在山顶上。第三句“一骑红尘妃子笑”,描绘了皇帝骑马出行时,妃子们笑容满面的场景。最后一句“无人知是荔枝来”,暗示了皇帝为了让妃子们品尝到新鲜的荔枝,特意派人远道而来,但这段奢华生活却无人知晓。 通过这首诗,我们可以了解到唐代皇宫的奢华生活,以及诗人对这种生活的向往。 English version: This poem is called "Passing by Huaqing Palace," written by Du Mu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. Huaqing Palace was a vacation resort for the emperors of the Tang Dynasty, located near Chang'an (today's Xi'an). The poem expresses the poet's longing for the luxurious life in the palace through the beautiful scenery of Huaqing Palace. The first line, "Chang'an looks back and sees embroidery piled up," means that the poet stands outside Huaqing Palace, looking back at Chang'an City, and finds the city's beautiful scenery as beautiful as embroidery. The second line, "A thousand doors on the mountain top open one after another," describes the grand architecture of Huaqing Palace, with the palace gates opening layer upon layer on the mountain top. The third line, "A ride in the red dust makes the concubines smile," portrays the scene of the emperor riding a horse and the concubines smiling. The last line, "No one knows it's the lychees that have come," implies that the emperor sent people from far away to bring fresh lychees for the concubines to taste, but this luxurious life is unknown to others. Through this poem, we can learn about the luxurious life in the Tang Dynasty palace and the poet's longing for such a life.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《泊秦淮》,是唐代诗人杜牧创作的。诗中描绘了一个寒冷的夜晚,烟雾笼罩着寒水,月光洒在沙滩上。作者在秦淮河边靠近酒家的地方停泊船只。在这个寂静的夜晚,他听到对岸的商贾之女在唱歌,歌声悠扬。她们似乎并不知道曾经的国家已经灭亡,还在唱着过去美好时光的歌曲。这首诗表达了作者对国家命运的忧虑和对美好往事的怀念。 English version: This poem, titled "Mooring at Qinhuai River," is written by Du Mu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes a cold, foggy night with mist covering the cold water and moonlight shining on the sand. The poet moors his boat near a tavern by the Qinhuai River. In the quiet night, he hears the singing of merchant's daughters from across the river. Their melodious voices seem to be unaware of the country's past downfall, still singing songs of the past's beautiful moments. This poem expresses the poet's concern for the nation's fate and his nostalgia for the happy times gone by.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首《山行》是一首描写山间景色的诗。诗人描述了一条通往山上的斜坡石头小路,周围是深藏在白云之中的人家。诗人在这里停下车子,坐下来欣赏美丽的枫林,此时正值傍晚时分。霜叶的红色比二月的花朵还要艳丽。诗人用简单的语言表现出了山间自然美景的魅力,让人们感受到了大自然的美好。这首诗可以让小朋友学习到如何用诗歌来描述自然景色,同时也可以激发他们对大自然的热爱。 English version: "Mountain Journey" is a poem that describes the scenery in the mountains. The poet depicts a sloping stone path leading up the mountain, surrounded by houses hidden deep in the white clouds. The poet stops the car here and sits down to enjoy the beautiful maple forest during the evening. The red color of the frosty leaves is even more vibrant than the flowers in February. The poet uses simple language to express the charm of the natural beauty in the mountains, allowing people to feel the beauty of nature. This poem can teach children how to use poetry to describe natural scenery and inspire their love for nature.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《清明》,是唐代著名诗人杜牧创作的。诗中描述了清明时节,大雨纷纷下个不停,行人在路上感到非常辛苦。诗人用“欲断魂”这个词来形容行人的心情,表示他们受到了很大的痛苦。然后,诗人问路边的人,哪里有酒家可以休息一下呢?一个牧童指着远方,告诉诗人那边有一个叫杏花村的地方。这首诗用简单的文字,描绘了清明时节的景象和行人的心情,让我们感受到了那个时代的风土人情。 English version: This poem is called "Qingming" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu. The poem describes the Qingming Festival season, with heavy rain falling continuously, making it difficult for travelers on the road. The poet uses the phrase "desire to break the soul" to describe the travelers' feelings, indicating that they are experiencing great pain. Then, the poet asks someone by the road where they can find a tavern to rest. A shepherd boy points to the distance and tells the poet that there is a place called Apricot Blossom Village. This poem uses simple words to depict the scenery and emotions of the travelers during the Qingming Festival, allowing us to feel the customs and sentiments of that era.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《秋夕》,是一首描绘秋天夜晚的美丽景色的诗。诗人用银烛、秋光、冷画屏来形容秋天的夜晚,让我们感受到了秋天的清凉。诗人还提到了轻罗小扇,这是女子用来扇风的工具,她们用它来扑打流萤,给我们展示了一个生动的画面。接下来,诗人说天阶夜色涼如水,让我们感受到了夜晚的寒意。最后,诗人卧看牵牛织女星,这是中国古代的一个传说,牵牛星和织女星是一对相爱的人,但因为种种原因不能在一起,所以每年只能在七夕这一天相会。通过这首诗,我们可以感受到秋天夜晚的美丽和浪漫。 English version: This poem is called "Autumn Evening" and describes the beautiful scenery of an autumn night. The poet uses silver candles, autumn light, and cold painted screens to depict the coolness of an autumn evening. The poet also mentions light silk fans used by women to fan themselves while they play with fireflies, creating a vivid image. Next, the poet describes the coolness of the night, like water on the heavenly steps. Finally, the poet lies down to watch the Cowherd and Weaver Girl stars, a famous Chinese legend about two lovers who are separated and can only meet once a year on the Qixi Festival. Through this poem, we can feel the beauty and romance of an autumn night.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《相思》,是唐代诗人王之涣创作的。这首诗讲述了红豆这种植物和相思的情感之间的联系。红豆是一种生长在南方的植物,每到春天就会发出新的枝条。这首诗希望有心人多去采摘红豆,因为红豆寓意着相思之情。 诗中的“红豆”是一种象征,代表了对远方亲人或朋友的思念。春天是万物复苏的季节,也是人们抒发思念之情的时候。诗人通过描绘红豆的生长,表达了人们对亲朋好友的思念之情。这首诗的意境优美,寓意深刻,非常适合小朋友学习。 English version: This poem is called "Love Seeds," written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem tells the connection between the red bean plant and the feelings of love and longing. Red beans are a type of plant that grows in the south, and every spring, new branches will sprout. The poem wishes that people with love in their hearts would pick more red beans because they symbolize the feelings of longing. In the poem, "red beans" serve as a symbol representing the longing for distant family members or friends. Spring is the season of revival for everything, and it's also the time when people express their feelings of longing. The poet describes the growth of red beans to express people's longing for their loved ones. This poem has a beautiful artistic conception and profound meaning, making it very suitable for young children to learn.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《鸟鸣涧》,是唐代诗人王之涣创作的。这首诗描绘了一个宁静的春天夜晚。诗人在诗中使用了许多美丽的自然景象来表达他的感受。 第一句“人闲桂花落”,诗人描述了一个人闲暇时光,桂花随风飘落的场景。第二句“夜静春山空”,说明了这是一个春天的夜晚,周围的环境非常安静,让人感到轻松愉悦。第三句“月出惊山鸟”,讲述了当月亮升起时,山里的鸟儿被惊扰,开始鸣叫。最后一句“时鸣春涧中”,意味着鸟儿的叫声在春天的溪涧里回荡,给人一种宁静美好的感觉。 总的来说,这首诗通过描绘春天夜晚的自然景色,传达了诗人对大自然的热爱和对生活的美好向往,同时也表现了诗人内心的宁静与和谐。 English version: This poem is called "Birds Singing in the Mountain Stream," written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem depicts a peaceful spring night, and the poet uses many beautiful natural scenes to express his feelings. In the first line, "People idle as osmanthus flowers fall," the poet describes a scene where someone is enjoying their leisure time while osmanthus flowers fall with the wind. The second line, "The night is quiet, and the spring mountain is empty," indicates that it is a spring night, and the surrounding environment is very peaceful, making people feel relaxed and joyful. The third line, "The moon rises and startles the mountain birds," tells the story of birds being disturbed and starting to sing when the moon rises. The last line, "Their songs echo in the spring stream," implies that the birds' singing resonates in the spring stream, giving a sense of tranquility and beauty. In summary, this poem conveys the poet's love for nature and his longing for the beauty of life by depicting the natural scenery of a spring night. It also reflects the poet's inner peace and harmony.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《使至塞上》,作者是唐代诗人王之涣。诗的内容是描述一位使者来到边塞,看到了壮美的边塞风光。诗中提到“单车欲问边”,意思是这位使者独自一人驾车来到边境。接着说“属国过居廷”,表示使者所在的国家和边境的国家相互往来。诗中还提到“征蓬出汉塞,归雁入胡天”,意味着蓬莱草从汉朝的边境飘到了胡人的天空,大雁从胡人的国度飞回汉朝。这些描绘了边境的美丽景色,也反映了边境地区的民族交融。 诗人还描述了“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”,这是一幅壮美的边塞画卷。大漠中的孤烟直指炊烟,而长河落日圆则形容夕阳在河面上映出的美景。最后,诗人提到“萧关逢候骑,都护在燕然”,这里的“萧关”是指古代的一个关口,而“候骑”是指守卫边境的骑兵。诗人通过这些描绘,表达了对边塞将士的敬意,同时也展示了边塞地区的繁荣景象。 English version: This poem is called "Envoy to the Frontier" and was written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes an envoy who arrives at the border and witnesses the magnificent scenery of the frontier. The poem mentions "a single cart wants to ask the border," meaning the envoy comes to the border alone by cart. It then says "the affiliated country passes through the court," indicating the envoy's country and the border country have interactions. The poem also mentions "the wandering plants leave the Han border, and the returning geese enter the barbarian sky." This implies that the plants drift from the Han Dynasty's border to the barbarian's sky, and the geese fly back to the Han Dynasty from the barbarian lands. These descriptions depict the beautiful scenery of the border and reflect the ethnic integration in the border areas. The poet also describes "the lonely smoke in the vast desert, and the setting sun on the long river." This is a magnificent picture of the frontier. The lonely smoke refers to the cooking smoke in the desert, while the setting sun on the long river describes the beautiful scene of the sunset reflected on the river surface. Finally, the poem mentions "Xiao Pass meets the cavalry, and the protector is in Yanran." "Xiao Pass" refers to an ancient pass, and "cavalry" refers to the border guards. Through these descriptions, the poet expresses his respect for the frontier soldiers and showcases the prosperity of the frontier region.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《山居秋暝》,是唐代诗人王之涣创作的。这首诗描述了秋天傍晚时分的山居生活。诗人描绘了雨后的空山,天气逐渐变凉,意味着秋天已经来临。明亮的月光穿过松树照射在地面上,清澈的泉水从石头上流淌下来。在这美丽的景色中,还有竹林里归来的洗衣女们的欢声笑语,以及莲花摇曳中的渔舟。虽然春天的花开已经结束,但王孙们仍然可以在这里尽情享受大自然的美好。这首诗展现了诗人对自然之美的热爱,以及对宁静生活的向往。 English version: This poem is called "Mountain Dwelling in Autumn Evening" and was written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the life in the mountains during an autumn evening. The poet depicts the empty mountains after the rain, with the weather gradually cooling down, signifying the arrival of autumn. The bright moonlight shines through the pine trees onto the ground, and the clear spring water flows over the rocks. In this beautiful scene, there are also the laughter of the women returning from washing clothes in the bamboo grove, and the fishing boats swaying among the lotus flowers. Although the blossoms of spring have come to an end, the nobles can still enjoy the beauty of nature here. This poem shows the poet's love for the beauty of nature and his yearning for a peaceful life.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,是唐代诗人王之涣所写。这首诗讲述了作者在重阳节这一天,想念远在山东的兄弟。重阳节是中国的一个传统节日,每年的九月初九日,人们会爬山登高,插茱萸以求健康和长寿。 诗中的“独在异乡为异客”描述了作者身处异乡,感到孤独。而“每逢佳节倍思亲”表达了在节日里,思念亲人的心情更加强烈。接下来的“遥知兄弟登高处”告诉我们,作者知道兄弟们正在登高庆祝重阳节。最后一句“遍插茱萸少一人”表示,尽管兄弟们都在庆祝,但因为作者不在,总觉得少了一个人。 这首诗通过对重阳节习俗的描绘,表达了作者对兄弟的思念之情,同时也反映了人们对亲情的珍视。 English version: This poem is called "Remembering My Brothers in Shandong on the Double Ninth Festival" and was written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem tells the story of the author missing his brothers in Shandong on the day of the Double Ninth Festival. The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, when people climb mountains and insert dogwood branches for health and longevity. In the poem, "alone in a foreign land as a stranger" describes the author's loneliness in a foreign place. "Every time a festival comes, I miss my family twice as much" expresses the stronger feelings of longing for family during the festival. The following line "knowing from afar that my brothers are climbing" tells us that the author knows his brothers are celebrating the Double Ninth Festival by climbing. The last line "dogwood branches are inserted everywhere, but one person is missing" means that although the brothers are celebrating, it always feels like one person is missing because the author is not there. Through the depiction of the customs of the Double Ninth Festival, this poem expresses the author's longing for his brothers and reflects the value people place on family bonds.



[唐代] 王维


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《送元二使安西》,作者是唐代著名诗人王之涣。诗的内容是描述一位朋友要去西域出使的场景。诗人以渭城(今天的陕西省渭南市)的早晨细雨为背景,来表现朋友离别的情景。 第一句“渭城朝雨浥轻尘”,描述了早晨的渭城下着小雨,雨水洗刷了空气中的尘土。第二句“客舍青青柳色新”,说明了雨后的客栈周围的柳树颜色鲜艳,显得非常美丽。这两句诗描绘了一个宁静优美的早晨,为下文离别的场景做了铺垫。 第三句“劝君更尽一杯酒”,诗人劝朋友再喝一杯酒,表示要珍惜这最后的相聚时光。最后一句“西出阳关无故人”,阳关是古代通往西域的关口,诗人告诉朋友在西域的路上将不再有熟悉的朋友相伴。这两句诗表达了离别的伤感和对朋友的不舍。 这首诗通过优美的描绘和真挚的情感,展现了友情的珍贵和离别的伤感,让人感受到诗人与朋友之间深厚的感情。 English version: This poem is called "Sending Yuan Er on a Mission to the West," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes the scene of a friend going on a mission to the Western Regions. The poet uses the morning rain in Weicheng (now Weinan City, Shaanxi Province) as the background to express the scene of parting. The first line, "Weicheng's morning rain wets the light dust," describes the light rain in Weicheng in the morning, and the rain washes away the dust in the air. The second line, "The guesthouse is surrounded by fresh green willows," describes the bright color of the willows around the guesthouse after the rain, making it very beautiful. These two lines depict a peaceful and beautiful morning, setting the stage for the parting scene. The third line, "I urge you to have another drink," encourages the friend to have one more drink, cherishing the last moments together. The last line, "No old friends beyond the Yangguan pass," tells the friend that there will be no familiar friends on the journey to the Western Regions. These two lines express the sadness of parting and the reluctance to let go of the friend. Through the beautiful description and sincere emotions, this poem shows the preciousness of friendship and the sadness of parting, allowing people to feel the deep bond between the poet and his friend.



[唐代] 刘禹锡


中文版本: 这首《竹枝词》是一首描绘春天美景和歌声的诗。诗人用简单的文字,描述了江边的杨柳青青,江水平静。诗中的“闻郎江上唱歌声”表示诗人听到了江上有人在唱歌,歌声让春天的景色更加美丽。最后两句“东边日出西边雨,道是无睛却有晴”告诉我们,虽然天气变化多端,但是春天的美好总是存在的。 这首诗用简单的文字和形象的描绘,让小朋友能够轻松地理解春天的美丽。诗人通过描绘自然景色和歌声,传达了春天的欢快与生机。这是一首非常适合8岁女孩学习的诗歌,可以让她感受到春天的美好。 英文版本: This poem, titled "Bamboo Branch Song," describes the beautiful scenery and singing in spring. The poet uses simple words to depict the green willows by the river and the calm river water. In the line "hearing a young man singing on the river," the poet hears someone singing on the river, making the spring scenery even more enchanting. The last two lines, "sunrise in the east and rain in the west, though there is no clear sky, there is still sunshine," tell us that despite the changing weather, the beauty of spring always exists. The poem uses simple words and vivid descriptions, making it easy for children to understand the beauty of spring. Through the portrayal of natural scenery and singing, the poet conveys the joy and vitality of spring. This is a very suitable poem for an 8-year-old girl to learn, allowing her to experience the beauty of spring.



[唐代] 刘禹锡


Chinese version: 这首《浪淘沙》是一首描写人生奋斗经历的诗。诗人用浪淘沙这个比喻来表示人生的曲折和艰难。第一句“莫道谗言如浪深”,告诉我们不要害怕别人的谗言,因为它们就像波浪一样,虽然看起来很深,但是我们可以努力去克服。第二句“莫言迁客似沙沉”,意味着我们不要觉得生活中的挑战像沙子一样沉重,我们可以战胜这些困难。 第三句“千淘万漉虽辛苦”,表达了人生的奋斗过程虽然辛苦,但我们要不断去淘洗、筛选,去除那些不好的东西。第四句“吹尽狂沙始到金”,意味着我们经过不懈的努力,最终能够抵达成功的彼岸,就像把狂沙吹走后,终于找到了黄金。总的来说,这首诗鼓励我们要勇敢面对生活的困难,不断努力,最终取得成功。 English version: This poem, "Waves Sifting Sand," is about the struggles and experiences of life. The poet uses the metaphor of waves sifting sand to represent the twists and hardships of life. The first line, "Don't say slander is as deep as waves," tells us not to be afraid of others' slander because it is like waves - although they may seem deep, we can overcome them with effort. The second line, "Don't say the challenges are as heavy as sand," means that we should not feel that the challenges in life are as heavy as sand, and we can overcome these difficulties. The third line, "Thousands of sifting and sieving, though hard," expresses that the process of striving in life is difficult, but we must constantly sift and filter, removing the bad things. The fourth line, "Blow away the wild sand to reach the gold," means that after our tireless efforts, we can finally reach the other side of success, just like blowing away the wild sand to find the gold. In summary, this poem encourages us to face the difficulties of life bravely, work hard, and ultimately achieve success.



[唐代] 刘禹锡


Chinese version: 这首诗是唐代著名诗人白居易创作的《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》。诗中描述了诗人在巴山楚水这个凄凉的地方度过了23年,感叹自己像烂柯人一样被遗忘。然后,他提到沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春,意味着生活还在继续,新的事物在不断涌现。最后,诗人听到了友人的歌声,让他暂时忘却痛苦,感受到生活的美好。这首诗表达了诗人对故乡的思念,以及在困境中寻找希望的信念。 English version: This poem, "In Response to Musician Tian's Gift Upon Our First Meeting in Yangzhou" is written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet, Bai Juyi. In the poem, the poet describes spending 23 years in the desolate region of Bashan and Chushui, feeling abandoned and forgotten like the legendary woodcutter, Rotten Ke. He then mentions the sunken boat by the shore, with thousands of sails passing by, and the sick tree in front of flourishing woods, symbolizing that life goes on and new things continue to emerge. Finally, the poet hears his friend's song, which allows him to temporarily forget his pain and appreciate the beauty of life. This poem expresses the poet's longing for his hometown and his belief in finding hope in difficult situations.



[唐代] 刘禹锡


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《浪淘沙》,描述了黄河的壮观景象。诗人用生动的描绘,让我们感受到黄河的浩渺和辽阔。九曲黄河是指黄河弯弯曲曲的河道,万里沙则形容河流漫长的距离。浪淘风簸自天涯,意味着黄河的波浪不断冲刷着河岸,带着沙粒四处飘散。诗人把黄河比喻成银河,表达了自己想要直上天空的愿望。牵牛和织女是中国神话中的爱情故事,他们每年只能在七夕相会。诗人想要和他们一起去,体现了诗人对美好爱情和幸福生活的向往。这首诗给我们展示了黄河的宏伟景色,同时也表达了诗人的情感和愿望。 English version: This poem is called "Lang Tao Sha," and it describes the magnificent scenery of the Yellow River. The poet uses vivid descriptions to let us feel the vastness and breadth of the Yellow River. The "nine bends" of the Yellow River refer to its winding course, and "ten thousand miles of sand" describes the long distance of the river. The waves of the Yellow River constantly wash the riverbanks, scattering sand everywhere. The poet compares the Yellow River to the Milky Way, expressing his desire to soar into the sky. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are a love story in Chinese mythology, who can only meet once a year on the Qixi Festival. The poet wants to join them, reflecting his longing for beautiful love and a happy life. This poem shows us the grand scenery of the Yellow River while also expressing the poet's emotions and aspirations.



[唐代] 刘禹锡


Chinese version: 这首古诗叫《乌衣巷》,描述了一个古老的街道和周围的景色。诗人用朱雀桥边的野草花和乌衣巷口的夕阳斜,来描绘出一个美丽的画面。诗中还提到了旧时王谢堂前的燕子,它们现在飞入了普通百姓的家。这里的“王谢堂前燕”意味着昔日的显贵,而“寻常百姓家”则代表了普通的人们。这首诗表达了诗人对过去的怀念,同时也说明了世事的变迁,昔日的显贵也会随着时间的推移而淡化,而普通人的生活会变得更加美好。 English version: This poem, titled "Wuyi Alley," describes an ancient street and the surrounding scenery. The poet uses the wildflowers by the Zhuque Bridge and the slanting sunset at the entrance of Wuyi Alley to paint a beautiful picture. The poem also mentions the swallows that used to be in front of the Wang and Xie halls, which now fly into the homes of ordinary people. Here, "swallows in front of the Wang and Xie halls" symbolize the nobles of the past, while "ordinary people's homes" represent commoners. This poem expresses the poet's nostalgia for the past while also showing the changes in the world. The glory of the past nobles fades with time, and the lives of ordinary people become more beautiful.



[唐代] 李商隐


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《乐游原》,作者是唐代著名诗人杜牧。诗的内容是这样的:在一个傍晚,作者心情有些不舒服,于是驾驶着马车来到了一个叫乐游原的地方。这里的夕阳非常美丽,可是太阳快要落山了。这首诗用简单的文字表达了作者对大自然美景的欣赏和对时间流逝的感慨。 English version: This poem is called "Le You Yuan," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu. The content of the poem is as follows: One evening, the author feels a bit uncomfortable, so he drives a carriage to a place called Le You Yuan. The sunset here is incredibly beautiful, but the sun is about to set. This poem uses simple words to express the author's appreciation for the natural beauty and his feelings about the passage of time.



[唐代] 李商隐


Chinese version: 这首《无题》是唐代著名诗人李商隐创作的一首诗。这首诗主要描述了离别的愁苦和美丽的春天逐渐消逝的景象。诗人用东风吹不动残败的花朵来表达离别的无奈和悲伤。接着,他又用春蚕死去、蜡炬燃尽的意象,来说明时间的流逝。诗中的“晓镜”和“夜吟”描绘了作者在离别之后的日常生活,早晨照镜子时发现头发变白,晚上吟诵诗歌感受到月光的寒冷。最后一句“蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看”则表达了诗人对未来的期待,希望能早日重逢。 English version: This untitled poem was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet, Li Shangyin. The poem mainly describes the sorrow of parting and the fading beauty of spring. The poet uses the image of the east wind being unable to move the withered flowers to express the helplessness and sadness of parting. Then, he uses the imagery of the dying spring silkworms and the burnt-out candles to show the passage of time. The "morning mirror" and "night chanting" in the poem depict the author's daily life after parting, noticing his hair turning white in the morning mirror and feeling the cold of the moonlight while reciting poetry at night. The last line, "There are not many roads to Pengshan, and the bluebird is eager to explore," expresses the poet's hope for the future and his desire to reunite soon.



[唐代] 李白


中文版本: 这首诗叫做《清平调》,是唐代著名诗人李白创作的一首描绘春天美景的诗。诗中的“云想衣裳花想容”是形容春天的云彩像美丽的衣裳,花朵像美丽的容颜。这里的“衣裳”和“容颜”都是用来比喻大自然的美丽。接下来的“春风拂槛露华浓”描述了春风轻轻吹过门槛,露水晶莹剔透,处处都充满了春天的气息。 在第二句,诗人提到“群玉山头见”,“群玉”意指美丽的女子,而“山头”则暗示了仙境之地。这里诗人想表达的是,如果不是在山上遇见这些美丽的女子,那一定是在瑶台月下与她们相逢。这里的“瑶台”指的是天上的仙境,而“月下”则象征着浪漫的氛围。整首诗通过对春天美景的描绘,展现了诗人对美好生活的向往和想象。 英文版本: This poem is called "Qing Ping Diao" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. It is a poem that depicts the beautiful scenery of spring. In the poem, "clouds like clothes and flowers like faces" is used to describe how the clouds in spring resemble beautiful clothes and the flowers resemble beautiful faces. Both "clothes" and "faces" are used as metaphors for the beauty of nature. The following line, "spring breeze brushes the doorstep, and the dew is thick," describes the gentle spring breeze blowing over the doorstep and the crystal-clear dew, filling the air with the scent of spring. In the second line, the poet mentions "meeting on the mountain of beautiful women," with "beautiful women" referring to beautiful women and "mountain" implying a fairyland. The poet wants to express that if he doesn't meet these beautiful women on the mountain, he must meet them under the moon on the Yao Terrace. The "Yao Terrace" refers to the fairyland in the sky, and "under the moon" symbolizes a romantic atmosphere. The poem as a whole shows the poet's longing and imagination for a beautiful life through the depiction of the beautiful spring scenery.



[唐代] 王昌龄


Chinese version: 这首古诗名为《从军行七首》,是唐代诗人王昌龄创作的。这首诗描绘了战士们在战场上的英勇形象。首句“青海长云暗雪山”描述了战场所在的地理环境,青海是一个很高的地方,有很多云和雪山。第二句“孤城遥望玉门关”说的是战士们在孤独的城市里,遥望着远方的玉门关。玉门关是古代中国的一个重要关口,守卫着国家的安全。 第三句“黄沙百战穿金甲”,描述了战士们在沙漠中经历了很多次战斗,他们穿着金色的铁甲,勇敢地战斗。最后一句“不破楼兰终不还”,表达了战士们誓言要打败敌人、守卫楼兰这片疆土,直到胜利才会回家。楼兰是古代一个重要的城市,位于中国西北部。 这首诗通过对战士们英勇的描绘,表达了对国家的忠诚和对和平的向往。这是一首非常有意义的诗,可以让孩子们了解到古代战士们的勇敢和忠诚。 English version: This ancient poem is called "Seven Poems of the Army" and was written by Wang Changling, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem portrays the heroic image of soldiers on the battlefield. The first line, "Long clouds in Qinghai darken the snowy mountains," describes the geographical environment of the battlefield, with Qinghai being a high place with many clouds and snowy mountains. The second line, "A lonely city looks far into the Yumen Pass," tells of soldiers in a lonely city, gazing into the distance at the Yumen Pass. The Yumen Pass was an important pass in ancient China that guarded the country's security. The third line, "Hundred battles in the yellow sand wearing golden armor," describes the soldiers experiencing many battles in the desert, wearing gold-colored iron armor and fighting bravely. The last line, "Not breaking Loulan and never returning," expresses the soldiers' vow to defeat the enemy and defend the land of Loulan until victory is achieved and they can return home. Loulan was an important city in ancient times, located in the northwest of China. This poem, through its portrayal of the soldiers' bravery, expresses loyalty to the country and the longing for peace. It is a meaningful poem that can help children understand the courage and loyalty of ancient soldiers.



[唐代] 王昌龄


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《从军行七首》,是唐代著名诗人王之涣所写。这首诗描述了士兵们在关山边防的生活。诗中提到琵琶的新声,意味着士兵们在战争中获得了胜利,所以他们用琵琶舞蹈来庆祝。同时,诗人也表达了对故乡的思念之情。句子“撩乱边愁听不尽”描绘了士兵们在战场上的忧虑和不安。最后一句“高高秋月照长城”则表现了长城的雄伟壮观,以及秋天的美丽景色。总的来说,这首诗既展现了士兵们战斗的勇敢,也表达了他们对家乡的眷恋,是一首非常优美的诗歌,适合8岁的孩子学习。 English version: This poem is called "From Army Lines, Seven Poems," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes the life of soldiers on the border of the mountains and rivers. The new sound of the pipa mentioned in the poem signifies the soldiers' victory in the war, so they celebrate with dancing and playing the pipa. At the same time, the poet expresses his feelings of homesickness. The line "Endless worries of the border in chaos" depicts the soldiers' anxiety and unease on the battlefield. The last line, "The high autumn moon shines on the Great Wall," shows the magnificent Great Wall and the beautiful scenery of autumn. Overall, this poem demonstrates both the bravery of the soldiers in battle and their longing for home. It is a beautiful poem suitable for an 8-year-old child to learn.



[唐代] 王昌龄


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《出塞》,作者是王之涣。诗的第一句“秦时明月汉时关”讲的是关口的历史,意味着这个地方有很悠久的历史。第二句“万里长征人未还”说的是士兵们离家很远,还没有回来。这里的“长征”就是指士兵们要走很长的路。第三句“但使龙城飞将在”讲的是只要有勇敢的将领,就能守住这个地方。这里的“龙城飞将”是指勇敢的将领。最后一句“不教胡马度阴山”表示不会让敌人的马匹越过阴山。这里的“胡马”是指敌人的马匹,而“阴山”是一座山的名字。这首诗表达了作者对国家的忠诚和对士兵们的敬意。 English version: This poem is called "Out of the Frontier" and is written by Wang Zhihuan. The first line, "The moon shines over the gate in the Qin Dynasty, and the gate remains in the Han Dynasty," talks about the history of the gate, implying that it has a long history. The second line, "Ten thousand miles away, the soldiers have not yet returned," tells us that the soldiers are far from home and have not yet returned. The "long march" here refers to the long journey that the soldiers have to take. The third line, "As long as the brave generals of the Dragon City are present," means that as long as there are brave generals, they can defend this place. The "Dragon City generals" here refers to the brave generals. The last line, "Won't let the enemy's horses cross the Yinshan Mountains," means that the enemy's horses will not be allowed to cross the mountains. Here, "enemy's horses" refers to the horses of the enemy, and "Yinshan" is the name of a mountain. This poem expresses the author's loyalty to the country and respect for the soldiers.



[唐] 王昌龄


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《芙蓉楼送辛渐》,作者是唐代的著名诗人王之涣。这首诗写的是在芙蓉楼送别朋友辛渐的情景。诗中描绘了冰冷的雨夜,江水与吴地相连,寒雨让人感到寂寥。第二句诗描述了第二天早晨,送别的朋友独自走在楚山之间。楚山是当时中国南方的一个地区,有很多高山。这里的意思是,朋友离开后,楚山显得更加孤独。 最后两句诗表达了诗人对朋友的牵挂。洛阳是当时的一个大城市,诗人的亲朋好友都在那里。他们可能会问起辛渐的近况。诗人用“一片冰心在玉壶”来形容自己对朋友的关心。冰心表示诗人内心的冷静,玉壶象征着纯洁。这里的意思是诗人对朋友的关心是真诚而深刻的。 English version: This poem is called "Furong Tower Farewell to Xin Jian" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes the scene of bidding farewell to a friend, Xin Jian, at the Furong Tower. The poem depicts a cold, rainy night, with the river connecting to the Wu region, making the atmosphere lonely. The second line of the poem describes the next morning, with the friend walking alone among the Chu Mountains. Chu Mountain was a region in southern China at the time, with many high mountains. The meaning here is that after the friend leaves, the Chu Mountains seem even more lonely. The last two lines of the poem express the poet's concern for his friend. Luoyang was a big city at that time, and the poet's friends and relatives were all there. They might ask about Xin Jian's well-being. The poet uses "a piece of ice heart in a jade pot" to describe his concern for his friend. The ice heart represents the poet's inner calm, while the jade pot symbolizes purity. The meaning here is that the poet's concern for his friend is sincere and deep.



[唐代] 刘长卿


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》,作者是唐代的诗人刘长卿。诗中描述了一个冬天的傍晚,诗人在山里遇到了大雪,来到了一位山主人的家里。诗人看到远处的山显得很苍老,而天气也很冷。山主人的房子很简陋,但是他很热情地招待诗人。当诗人走进山主人的家时,他听到了狗在吠叫。这首诗表达了诗人在寒冷的雪夜里,被山主人的热情招待而感到温暖的心情。 English version: This poem is called "Meeting Snow and Lodging at the House of the Master of Furuong Mountain," written by Liu Changqing, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes an evening in winter when the poet encounters a heavy snowfall in the mountains and comes to the house of a mountain master. The poet sees the distant mountains looking old and the weather is very cold. The mountain master's house is simple, but he warmly welcomes the poet. As the poet enters the mountain master's home, he hears a dog barking. This poem expresses the poet's warm feelings as he is warmly welcomed by the mountain master on a cold snowy night.



[唐代] 贺知章


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《回乡偶书》,是唐代诗人贺知章写的。这首诗讲述了诗人离开家乡很多年后回到家乡的感受。 诗人说他小时候离开家,现在已经老了,回到家乡。他发现虽然他的家乡话还是和以前一样,但是他的头发已经变白了。这说明他已经离开家乡很久了。在家乡,他遇到了一些小朋友。这些小朋友和诗人不认识,因为他们在诗人离开家乡后才出生的。这些小朋友好奇地问诗人是从哪里来的。诗人用这种方式表达了他对家乡的思念和对时光流逝的感慨。 这首诗用简单的语言描述了诗人回到家乡的情景,让人感受到了诗人对家乡的眷恋和对过去的回忆。这首诗也告诉我们,时间过得很快,我们应该珍惜和家人在一起的时光。 English version: This poem is called "Returning to My Hometown," written by the Tang Dynasty poet He Zhizhang. The poem describes the poet's feelings when he returns to his hometown after many years away. The poet says that he left home when he was young and now he is old and returning to his hometown. He finds that although his hometown dialect has not changed, his hair has turned white. This indicates that he has been away from his hometown for a long time. In his hometown, he meets some children who do not know him because they were born after he left. The children curiously ask the poet where he is from. The poet uses this scene to express his longing for his hometown and his feelings about the passage of time. This poem uses simple language to describe the poet's return to his hometown, making people feel the poet's attachment to his hometown and his memories of the past. The poem also tells us that time passes quickly, and we should cherish the time we spend with our families.



[唐代] 贺知章


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《咏柳》,作者是唐代的诗人贺知章。这首诗描绘了春天美丽的柳树。诗中说柳树像用碧玉做的,又高又美。柳树的枝条很多,像绿色的丝带垂下来。诗人好奇地问,谁把柳树的叶子剪得这么细呢?原来是春天的风,像剪刀一样,把柳叶剪得很漂亮。这首诗让我们感受到春天的美好和生机。 English version: This poem is called "Ode to the Willow," written by He Zhizhang, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the beautiful willow trees in spring. In the poem, the willow tree is compared to a tall and beautiful tree made of jade. The numerous branches of the tree hang down like green ribbons. The poet wonders who has cut the leaves of the willow tree so delicately. It turns out that the spring breeze, like scissors, has beautifully trimmed the willow leaves. This poem allows us to feel the beauty and vitality of spring.



[唐代] 孟浩然


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《春晓》,是唐代诗人孟浩然创作的。这首诗描述了春天早晨的景象。诗人在春天的早晨醒来,发现自己睡得很沉,因为春天的气候温暖舒适。早晨鸟儿在树上唱歌,声音传到处处,让人感受到大自然的美好。晚上,风吹起来,雨也下起来,这是春天的特点。因为风雨,花朵从树上落下来,但我们不知道到底落下了多少花朵。这首诗让我们感受到春天的美丽和生机。孟浩然用简单的词语描绘了春天的美景,让我们能够在脑海中想象出这美好的景象。 English version: This poem is called "Spring Dawn" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran. The poem describes the scene of a spring morning. The poet wakes up in the morning during spring and finds that he has slept deeply because the spring weather is warm and comfortable. In the morning, birds sing in the trees, and their voices can be heard everywhere, making people feel the beauty of nature. At night, the wind blows and the rain falls, which is a characteristic of spring. Because of the wind and rain, flowers fall from the trees, but we don't know how many flowers have fallen. This poem allows us to feel the beauty and vitality of spring. Meng Haoran uses simple words to depict the beautiful scenery of spring, allowing us to imagine this beautiful scene in our minds.



[唐代] 杜牧


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《江南春》,是唐代诗人杜牧创作的。这首诗描绘了江南春天的美丽景色。诗人用简单的词语表达了江南春天的美,让我们感受到春天的气息。 第一句“千里莺啼绿映红”,形容春天里,江南的大地一片生机勃勃,鸟儿欢唱,绿树映衬着红花。这里的“莺”是指黄鹂,它的叫声非常美妙。这句话让我们想象到了春天的美景。 第二句“水村山郭酒旗风”,描绘了江南的水乡和山村。这里的“酒旗”是酒楼的标志,表示这里的人们生活富足,热爱生活。这句话让我们感受到了江南的繁荣和宁静。 第三句“南朝四百八十寺”,提到了江南地区曾经的繁荣时期,那时有很多寺庙。这句话让我们想象到了历史上的江南。 第四句“多少楼台烟雨中”,描绘了江南的楼台在烟雨中若隐若现的美景。这句话让我们感受到了江南独特的韵味。 总的来说,这首诗用简单的词语描绘了江南春天的美丽景色,让我们感受到了春天的气息和江南的独特韵味。 English version: This poem, titled "Spring in Jiangnan," was written by Du Mu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. It portrays the beautiful scenery of spring in the southern region of the Yangtze River in China. The poet uses simple words to express the beauty of spring in Jiangnan, allowing us to feel the breath of spring. The first line, "A thousand miles of oriole singing, green reflecting red," describes the vibrant spring landscape in Jiangnan, with birds singing and green trees contrasting with red flowers. The "oriole" mentioned here refers to the Chinese oriole, which has a beautiful song. This line allows us to imagine the beautiful scenery of spring. The second line, "Water village, mountain city, wine flag wind," depicts the water towns and mountain villages in Jiangnan. The "wine flag" is a symbol of a tavern, indicating that the people here are affluent and enjoy life. This line lets us feel the prosperity and tranquility of Jiangnan. The third line, "Four hundred and eighty temples of the Southern Dynasties," refers to the prosperous period in the history of Jiangnan when there were many temples. This line allows us to imagine the historical Jiangnan. The fourth line, "How many pavilions in the misty rain," describes the unique charm of Jiangnan's pavilions appearing and disappearing in the misty rain. This line allows us to feel the unique charm of Jiangnan. In conclusion, this poem uses simple words to portray the beautiful scenery of spring in Jiangnan, allowing us to feel the breath of spring and the unique charm of Jiangnan.



[唐代] 贾岛


Chinese version: 这首诗叫做《题诗后》,是一首描绘诗人创作诗歌过程中情感的诗。诗人用了四句话来表达他写诗时的心情。前两句“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”告诉我们,诗人花了很长时间才写出这两句诗,而且写这首诗时,他的心情非常悲伤,甚至哭了。这说明诗人非常用心地去创作这首诗,也表现出了他对诗歌的热爱。 后两句“知音如不赏,归卧故山秋”表示,如果没有人能理解和欣赏这首诗,诗人会选择回到他的故乡,也就是一个安静的地方,去享受秋天的美景。这里的“知音”是指能够理解和欣赏诗人诗歌的人。诗人希望有人能懂得他的心意,也希望他的诗能被人们喜爱。这首诗表达了诗人对诗歌的热情和对被理解的渴望。 English version: This poem is called "After Writing a Poem" and describes the poet's emotions during the process of creating a poem. The poet uses four lines to express his feelings while writing the poem. The first two lines, "Two lines achieved in three years, one recitation brings double tears," tell us that the poet spent a long time writing these two lines of poetry, and when he wrote this poem, he was very sad, even crying. This shows that the poet put a lot of effort into creating this poem and also demonstrates his love for poetry. The last two lines, "If no one appreciates, I'll return to rest in my hometown's autumn," mean that if no one can understand and appreciate this poem, the poet will choose to go back to his hometown, which is a quiet place, to enjoy the beauty of autumn. The term "appreciator" here refers to someone who can understand and appreciate the poet's work. The poet hopes that someone will understand his intentions and that his poem will be loved by people. This poem expresses the poet's passion for poetry and his desire to be understood.



[唐代] 贾岛


Chinese version: 这首诗是唐代诗人王之涣所作,题目是《题李凝幽居》,意思是描述李凝的幽静的住所。诗中描绘了一幅宁静的田园风光画面。诗人说,这里的房子很少,周围也没什么邻居,一条小草径通向荒芜的园子。有鸟儿在池塘边的树上过夜,僧人在月光下敲门。过了桥,可以看到不同的田野景色;移动石头,可以改变云彩的形状。诗人说他会暂时离开,但还会回来,履行与李凝约定的幽静生活。 English version: This poem, titled "Inscription on Li Ning's Secluded Residence," is written by Wang Zhihuan, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem depicts a tranquil, idyllic landscape. The poet describes a place with few houses and neighbors, where a small grassy path leads into a desolate garden. Birds rest in trees by the pond, and monks knock on doors under the moonlight. Crossing the bridge reveals different countryside scenery, while moving stones can change the shape of clouds. The poet says he will leave temporarily but will return, keeping his promise to Li Ning to enjoy a quiet life together.



[唐代] 孟郊


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《登科后》,是唐代诗人白居易创作的。这首诗讲述了作者在通过科举考试后,心情非常高兴和放松。在这首诗中,作者用简单的词语和生动的画面来表达自己的喜悦。 诗的第一句“昔日龌龊不足夸”,意思是以前的日子很艰苦,不值得夸耀。第二句“今朝放荡思无涯”,意思是今天科举考试通过了,心情无比轻松。第三句“春风得意马蹄疾”,意思是像春天的风一样,心情愉快地骑着马。第四句“一日看尽长安花”,意思是在一天之内就能看遍长安城的美丽花朵。 这首诗告诉我们,努力学习和坚持不懈是非常重要的。只有这样,我们才能在未来取得成功,实现自己的梦想。 English version: This poem is called "After Passing the Imperial Examination," written by Bai Juyi, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the author's joy and relaxation after passing the imperial examination. In this poem, the author uses simple words and vivid src/images to express his happiness. The first line of the poem, "In the past, there was nothing to boast about," means that the previous days were tough and not worth boasting about. The second line, "Today, my thoughts are boundless and carefree," means that after passing the examination, the author feels extremely relaxed. The third line, "The spring breeze is delightful, and the horse's hooves are swift," means that the author is riding a horse with a cheerful mood, like the spring breeze. The fourth line, "In one day, I can see all the flowers in Chang'an," means that the author can enjoy the beautiful flowers in Chang'an City within a day. This poem teaches us that hard work and perseverance are essential. Only in this way can we achieve success in the future and realize our dreams.



[唐代] 孟郊


Chinese version: 《游子吟》是一首描写母爱的古典诗歌,作者是唐代诗人孟郊。这首诗通过一个简单的故事来表达母亲对孩子深厚的感情。在诗中,母亲为即将离家的孩子缝制衣物,用心地密密缝补,担心孩子回家的日子会很迟。这里的“寸草心”是指母亲对孩子的关爱,而“三春晖”则是孩子长大后对母亲的孝敬。整首诗以简单的语言表达了母爱的伟大和深沉,让人感叹母爱的伟大。 English version: "Song of the Wandering Son" is a classic Chinese poem written by Meng Jiao during the Tang Dynasty, which describes a mother's love for her child. In the poem, the mother sews clothes for her child who is about to leave home. She sews carefully and tightly, worried that her child's return may be delayed. The phrase "inch of grass heart" represents the mother's care for her child, while "three springs of sunshine" symbolizes the child's filial piety towards the mother when they grow up. The poem uses simple language to express the greatness and depth of a mother's love, making readers appreciate the power of maternal love.



[唐代] 元稹


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《离思》,是一首描写离别时的思念之情的诗。诗人用“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”这两句话来表达自己对心爱的人的思念之情。沧海是很大的海,巫山是很高的山。诗人说,曾经见过大海的人,就不会觉得其他的水很大;见过巫山的人,就不会觉得其他的云很美。这就像诗人见过心爱的人,就觉得其他人都不值得留恋。接下来的两句“取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君”,诗人说自己在走过花丛时,懒得回头看那些花,因为心里想的都是心爱的人。这里的“修道”是指修行,寻找心灵的平静和升华。诗人表示自己的一半心思在修行,一半心思在想念心爱的人。 English version: This poem is called "Li Si" and it's about the feelings of longing when people are separated. The poet uses the lines "Once you've seen the vast ocean, other waters seem small; without Wushan, other clouds are not as beautiful" to express his longing for his beloved. The vast ocean and Wushan are metaphors for the greatness and beauty of the poet's beloved. The poet is saying that once you've experienced the greatness and beauty of your beloved, everything else seems insignificant. In the next lines, "As I pass by the flowers, I'm too lazy to look back; half of my heart is devoted to spiritual cultivation, half to you," the poet says that he doesn't bother to look back at the flowers as he walks past them, because all he can think about is his beloved. The "spiritual cultivation" mentioned here refers to the pursuit of inner peace and spiritual growth. The poet says that half of his heart is devoted to spiritual cultivation, and the other half to his beloved.



[唐代] 张九龄


中文版本(Chinese Version): 这首诗叫《望月怀远》,作者是唐代著名诗人张九龄。在这首诗中,作者通过观察明亮的月亮和遥远的天涯来表达对远方亲人的思念之情。 诗中的第一句“海上生明月”,指的是明亮的月亮出现在海面上;第二句“天涯共此时”,说明无论身处何地,都能同时欣赏到这美丽的月光。接下来的两句“情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思”,则表达了人们在夜晚看到明亮的月亮时,会想起远方的亲人,心中充满了思念之情。 第五句“灭烛怜光满”,意味着诗人在夜晚熄灭了蜡烛,让月光充满了房间;第六句“披衣觉露滋”,则形容诗人在夜晚感受到了露水的湿润。最后两句“不堪盈手赠,还寝梦佳期”,诗人表达了无法将满手的月光送给远方的亲人,只能在梦中与他们重逢。 通过这首诗,我们可以感受到作者对月亮的喜爱和对亲人的思念之情。这首诗的意境优美,是中国古典诗歌的典范之作。 英文版本(English Version): This poem is called "Looking at the Moon and Thinking of Someone Far Away," written by Zhang Jiuling, a famous poet from the Tang Dynasty. In this poem, the author expresses his longing for distant loved ones by observing the bright moon and the distant horizon. The first line, "The moon rises above the sea," refers to the bright moon appearing above the sea; the second line, "Sharing this moment at the ends of the earth," means that no matter where you are, you can enjoy the beautiful moonlight at the same time. The next two lines, "Lovers complain of the long night, and all evening their thoughts arise," express that people will think of their loved ones far away when they see the bright moon at night, and their hearts are filled with longing. The fifth line, "Extinguishing the candle to cherish the full light," means that the poet extinguishes the candle at night, letting the moonlight fill the room; the sixth line, "Putting on clothes and feeling the dew," describes the poet feeling the dampness of the dew at night. In the last two lines, "Unable to bear giving a handful, returning to bed to dream of a better time," the poet expresses that he cannot send the handful of moonlight to his distant relatives and can only reunite with them in his dreams. Through this poem, we can feel the author's love for the moon and his longing for his loved ones. The artistic conception of this poem is beautiful and is a classic example of Chinese classical poetry.



[唐代] 王勃


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《送杜少府之任蜀州》,作者是唐代著名诗人王之涣。这首诗是写给他的朋友杜少府,祝贺他去蜀州(现在的四川)工作。诗里说,城市的高楼大厦像是在帮助三秦(指关中地区),风和烟在望着五津(指五个渡口)。诗人和杜少府虽然都是为了工作而离开家乡,但是心里还是很想念对方。诗人说,只要心里有朋友,就算远在天涯,也会感觉像是邻居一样。最后,诗人提醒杜少府要小心在路上,不要让自己的儿女担心。 English version: This poem is called "Sending Du Shaofu to His New Post in Shu State," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. It is dedicated to his friend Du Shaofu, congratulating him on his new job in Shu State (now Sichuan). In the poem, the city's tall buildings seem to support the region of Sanqin, while the wind and smoke look out towards the five ferries. Although the poet and Du Shaofu are both leaving their hometowns for work, they still miss each other deeply. The poet says that as long as you have friends in your heart, even if they are far away, it feels like they are neighbors. Finally, the poet reminds Du Shaofu to be careful on his journey and not to worry his children.



[唐代] 高适


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《别董大》,是唐代著名诗人白居易创作的。这首诗讲述了诗人和朋友董大分别的情景。诗中用“千里黄云白日曛”描绘了广阔的天空,黄云遮住了太阳,让人感受到了离别的伤感。接下来,“北风吹雁雪纷纷”描述了北风吹起的雪花像雁群一样飘落,增加了离别时的凄冷氛围。 在诗的后半部分,诗人鼓励董大不要担心前路没有朋友:“莫愁前路无知己”。诗人相信,董大的才能和品质会让更多人认识和尊重他:“天下谁人不识君”。这是诗人对朋友的祝福和鼓励,表达了他们深厚的友谊。 English version: This poem is called "Farewell to Dong Da" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi. The poem describes the scene of the poet and his friend Dong Da parting ways. In the poem, "A thousand miles of yellow clouds and the sun fades" depicts the vast sky with yellow clouds covering the sun, evoking a sense of sadness in parting. Following that, "The north wind blows the geese and snow flurry" describes the snowflakes blown by the north wind falling like a flock of geese, adding to the cold atmosphere of separation. In the second half of the poem, the poet encourages Dong Da not to worry about not having friends on his journey ahead: "Don't worry about the lack of friends on the road ahead." The poet believes that Dong Da's talents and qualities will make more people recognize and respect him: "Who in the world doesn't know you?" This is the poet's blessing and encouragement to his friend, expressing their deep friendship.



[唐代] 李贺


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《马诗》,是一首描绘马儿奔跑在辽阔大漠中的诗。诗人用了很多美丽的词语来形容大漠和燕山的景色。"大漠沙如雪",意思是大漠里的沙子很白,像雪一样。"燕山月似钩",意思是燕山上的月亮弯弯的,像钩子一样。诗人还用了一个词:"金络脑",它是一种马儿戴的金饰,表示诗人很想骑着这匹马。最后一句"快走踏清秋",意思是诗人希望马儿能快点跑,让他感受到秋天的美好。这首诗让我们感受到了诗人对马儿的喜爱和对大自然的赞美。 English version: This poem is called "Horse Poem" and it describes a horse running in the vast desert. The poet uses many beautiful words to describe the scenery of the desert and Yanshan Mountain. "The desert sand is like snow" means that the sand in the desert is very white, just like snow. "The Yanshan moon is like a hook" means that the moon on Yanshan Mountain is curved like a hook. The poet also uses a term "golden bridle," which is a kind of golden ornament worn by horses, indicating the poet's desire to ride this horse. The last sentence, "Run fast and step on the clear autumn," means that the poet hopes the horse can run quickly to let him experience the beauty of autumn. This poem allows us to feel the poet's love for the horse and his admiration for nature.



[唐代] 骆宾王


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《咏鹅》,是唐代诗人骆宾王创作的一首脍炙人口的儿童诗。这首诗用简单的文字描绘了一幅美丽的鹅儿在水中游玩的画面。诗人用“鹅、鹅、鹅”三个字来模仿鹅儿的叫声,让我们仿佛听到了鹅儿的欢快歌声。接下来,诗人用“曲项向天歌”来形容鹅儿高昂着脖子,向天空歌唱。这里的“曲项”意味着鹅的脖子弯曲,让我们想象到鹅儿优雅的姿态。诗句“白毛浮绿水”描绘了鹅儿洁白的羽毛在绿色的水面上显得格外醒目。最后,诗人用“红掌拨清波”来形容鹅儿用红色的脚掌轻轻地拨动着清澈的水波。整首诗以简练的文字,生动地描绘了鹅儿在水中游玩的美好画面,让人感受到大自然的美好和生机。 English version: This poem is called "Ode to the Goose" and was written by Luo Binwang, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. It is a popular children's poem that describes a beautiful scene of geese playing in the water. The poet uses the words "goose, goose, goose" to imitate the sound of the geese, making us feel as if we can hear their joyful song. Next, the poet describes the geese singing with their necks bent towards the sky with the phrase "neck bent, singing to the heavens." The word "bent neck" signifies the graceful posture of the geese. The line "white feathers float on green water" depicts the striking contrast of the geese's white feathers against the green water. Finally, the poet uses the phrase "red feet stir clear waves" to describe the geese gently paddling the clear water with their red feet. The poem uses concise language to vividly portray the beautiful scene of geese playing in the water, allowing readers to appreciate the beauty and vitality of nature.



[唐代] 王之涣


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《登鹳雀楼》,是唐代诗人王之涣创作的。这首诗用简单的字句描述了一幅美丽的画面。诗人站在鹳雀楼上,看到的是太阳慢慢落下山的那一边,黄河像一条金色的带子流入大海。诗人告诉我们,如果想看得更远,就要爬得更高。这句话的意思是,我们要努力学习,才能看到更多的美好事物。这首诗鼓励我们要有远大的抱负,勇往直前。 English version: This poem is called "Climbing Stork Tower" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem uses simple words to describe a beautiful scene. The poet stands on the Stork Tower and sees the sun slowly setting behind the mountains, and the Yellow River flowing like a golden ribbon into the sea. The poet tells us that if we want to see further, we need to climb higher. This means that we need to work hard and study to see more beautiful things in life. This poem encourages us to have great ambitions and to keep moving forward.



[唐代] 柳宗元


Chinese version: 这首古诗叫《江雪》,作者是唐代的诗人柳宗元。这首诗描述了一个冬天的雪景。诗中的“千山鸟飞绝”意味着在这个寒冷的冬天,连鸟儿都不再飞翔;“万径人踪灭”说明因为下雪,人们都不出门,路上看不到行人的脚印。这个时候,诗人看到一位老渔夫——“孤舟蓑笠翁”,他独自一人乘小船在江上钓鱼。这位老渔夫穿着蓑衣,戴着斗笠,这是古时候渔夫的服装。他在江上独钓,周围是寒冷的江水和飘落的雪花。这首诗通过描绘这个简单而美丽的雪景,表现了诗人对自然的敬畏和对勤劳渔民的赞美。 English version: This ancient poem is called "River Snow," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Zongyuan. The poem describes a snowy scene in winter. In the poem, "a thousand mountains, birds no longer fly" means that in this cold winter, even the birds have stopped flying; "Ten thousand paths, human traces vanished" indicates that due to the snowfall, people do not go out, and there are no footprints of pedestrians on the road. At this time, the poet sees an old fisherman - "a lone boat, a straw-cloaked old man," who is fishing alone on the river in a small boat. The old fisherman is wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, which were the traditional clothes of fishermen in ancient times. He is fishing alone on the river, surrounded by cold river water and falling snowflakes. Through the depiction of this simple and beautiful snowy scene, the poem expresses the poet's awe of nature and admiration for the hardworking fishermen.



[唐代] 李绅


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《悯农》,是唐代诗人李绅创作的。这首诗讲述了农民在烈日当头的时候辛勤劳作的场景。第一句“锄禾日当午”,意思是农民在正午时分用锄头锄禾。第二句“汗滴禾下土”,描述了农民们辛勤劳作,汗水都滴到了禾苗下的土地上。第三句“谁知盘中餐”,让我们思考在我们吃饭的时候,是否想过这些粮食是如何来的。最后一句“粒粒皆辛苦”,告诉我们每一粒粮食都是农民们辛勤劳动的结晶,我们应该珍惜粮食,感激农民的辛勤付出。这首诗让我们更加尊重和感激农民的辛勤劳动,也让我们明白粮食来之不易,要珍惜粮食,珍惜生活。 English version: This poem is called "Sympathy for the Peasants" and was written by Li Shen, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the scene of farmers working hard under the scorching sun. The first line, "Plowing the fields at noon," means that the farmers are plowing the fields with a hoe during the hottest part of the day. The second line, "Sweat dripping onto the soil below the crops," describes the farmers' hard work and how their sweat drips onto the soil beneath the crops. The third line, "Who knows the food on the plate," makes us think about whether we consider where our food comes from when we eat. The last line, "Each grain is hard-earned," tells us that every grain of food is the result of the farmers' hard work, and we should cherish our food and appreciate the farmers' efforts. This poem helps us to respect and appreciate the hard work of farmers and understand that food is not easily obtained. We should cherish our food and our lives.



[唐代] 王建


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《新嫁娘》,是一首描绘新婚妇女生活的诗。诗中讲述了一个新婚妇女在结婚三天后开始学做家务,洗手做饭。因为她还不了解丈夫家里的饮食习惯,所以先让小姑子尝一尝她做的菜。这首诗用简单的文字表现了新婚妇女在新家努力适应生活的情景,展现了她们的勤劳、谦虚和善良品质。 English version: This poem is called "The New Bride" and describes the life of a newlywed woman. The poem tells the story of a new bride who starts learning housework and cooking three days after getting married. Because she is not familiar with her husband's family's eating habits, she asks her sister-in-law to taste the food she has prepared first. The poem uses simple words to show the scene of a new bride trying to adapt to her new life, demonstrating her diligence, humility, and kindness.



[唐代] 李世民


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《赐萧瑀》,是一首古代的诗歌。诗歌的意思是:疾风可以看出草的强度,大浪可以看出人的忠诚。勇敢的人要明白什么是正义,聪明的人一定要怀有仁爱之心。这首诗告诉我们要做一个有道德、有智慧和有爱心的人。诗人用了一些比喻,比如“疾风知劲草”和“板荡识诚臣”,让我们更容易理解这些道理。我们可以学到,无论遇到什么困难,都要坚持做好事,做一个有道德的人。同时,我们还要学会关心别人,用聪明的头脑去帮助别人。 English version: This poem is called "Ci Xiao Yu" and is an ancient Chinese poem. The meaning of the poem is: strong winds reveal the strength of the grass, and big waves reveal the loyalty of a person. Brave people should understand what is right, and wise people must have a loving heart. This poem teaches us to be a moral, wise, and loving person. The poet uses some metaphors, such as "strong winds know the strong grass" and "big waves recognize the loyal minister," to help us understand these principles more easily. We can learn that no matter what difficulties we face, we should always do good deeds and be a moral person. At the same time, we should learn to care for others and use our intelligence to help others.


[唐代] 郑谷


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《柳》,描述了春天美丽的柳树。诗人描绘了江桥畔半烟半雨的景象,让我们感受到春天的湿润气息。在山路中,柳树的绿叶映衬着杏花和桃花的美丽。诗人用“会得离人无限意”表达了看到柳树时,心中涌现出对离别亲人的思念之情。柳树的枝条像千丝万絮,在春风中轻轻摇曳,显得生机勃勃。这首诗用简单的文字,生动地描绘了春天的景色和离别的情感,让我们更加喜欢春天和柳树。 English version: This poem is called "Willow" and describes the beautiful willow trees in spring. The poet depicts the misty and rainy scene by the riverside bridge, allowing us to feel the moist atmosphere of spring. In the mountain path, the green leaves of the willow trees are set off by the beauty of apricot and peach blossoms. The poet uses the line "meeting the feelings of the departed" to express the feelings of missing loved ones when seeing the willow trees. The branches of the willow trees are like thousands of silk threads, swaying gently in the spring breeze, full of vitality. This poem uses simple words to vividly describe the spring scenery and the emotions of parting, making us appreciate spring and willow trees even more.



[唐代] 杜秋娘


中文版本: 这首诗叫《金缕衣》,是唐代诗人杜秋娘创作的。诗人在这首诗中劝告读者不要过于珍惜金缕衣,也就是不要过于追求物质财富,而应该珍惜年轻时光。诗人用“花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝”来比喻人生的道理。意思是说,当花儿盛开的时候,我们应该把握时机去采撷,等花儿凋谢了,我们再去折枝也没有意义。这里的“花”是指年轻的时光,而“折枝”是指抓住人生的机会。诗人希望读者能够理解到人生短暂,应该把握每一个时刻,努力去追求真正有价值的东西,而不是只看重物质的财富。这首诗用简单的文字表达了人生的哲理,对于一个8岁的孩子来说,可以学会珍惜时间和抓住机会的重要性。 English version: This poem is called "Golden-threaded Robe," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Qiuniang. In this poem, the poet advises the reader not to be too attached to the golden-threaded robe, which symbolizes material wealth. Instead, the poet encourages the reader to cherish their youth. The poet uses the metaphor of "When flowers bloom, pick them you must; do not wait for them to wither and pick the empty branches" to illustrate the philosophy of life. It means that when flowers are in full bloom, we should seize the opportunity to pick them. If we wait until the flowers wither, picking the branches will be meaningless. Here, "flowers" represent youth, and "picking branches" refers to seizing life's opportunities. The poet hopes that readers can understand the brevity of life and grasp every moment, striving to pursue what is truly valuable instead of focusing solely on material wealth. This poem expresses the philosophy of life with simple words, and for an 8-year-old child, it teaches the importance of cherishing time and seizing opportunities.



[唐代] 贾岛


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《寻隐者不遇》,是唐代诗人贾岛创作的。这首诗描述了诗人在山中寻找隐居的高人,却没有遇见他。诗人在松树下遇到一个小孩,问他高人在哪里。小孩告诉诗人,高人去采药了,就在这座山里。但是山中的云雾很浓,所以诗人不知道高人具体在哪个地方。这首诗通过简单的描绘,表现了诗人对高人的敬仰以及对隐居生活的向往。在古代,许多文人都向往远离尘世的生活,寻求心灵的宁静。这首诗就是一个很好的例子,通过诗人的寻找,让我们感受到了古代文人的情怀。 English version: This poem is called "Searching for the Recluse but Not Finding Him," written by Jia Dao, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the poet's search for a hermit in the mountains but not finding him. The poet meets a child under a pine tree and asks where the hermit is. The child tells the poet that the hermit has gone to gather herbs and is in this mountain. However, the thick clouds in the mountain make it difficult for the poet to know the hermit's exact location. Through simple descriptions, this poem expresses the poet's admiration for the hermit and his yearning for a reclusive life. In ancient times, many scholars longed to escape from the mundane world and seek spiritual tranquility. This poem is a great example, as it allows us to feel the sentiments of ancient scholars through the poet's search.



[唐代] 崔颢


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《黄鹤楼》,是唐代诗人崔颢写的。黄鹤楼是中国著名的古建筑之一,位于湖北省武汉市。这首诗描绘了黄鹤楼美丽的自然景色和诗人的感慨。 诗中说,过去有人乘坐黄鹤离开了这个地方,现在只剩下黄鹤楼。黄鹤离去后不再回来,而白云在天空中飘荡了很久。诗人看到晴朗的江面上,汉阳树木清晰可见,鹦鹉洲上的草地郁郁葱葱。当太阳落山时,诗人想念家乡,但不知道家乡在哪里。江上的烟波让诗人感到忧愁。 这首诗通过描绘黄鹤楼的美景,表达了诗人对家乡的思念和离愁。同时,诗中的黄鹤和白云也象征着人生的无常和时光的流逝。 English version: This poem is called "Yellow Crane Tower", written by Cui Hao, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The Yellow Crane Tower is one of China's famous ancient buildings, located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. This poem describes the beautiful natural scenery of the Yellow Crane Tower and the poet's feelings. In the poem, it says that someone rode a yellow crane and left this place, and now only the Yellow Crane Tower remains. After the yellow crane leaves, it will not return, and the white clouds have been floating in the sky for a long time. The poet sees the clear Hanyang trees on the sunny river and the lush grass on the Parrot Island. When the sun sets, the poet misses his hometown but doesn't know where it is. The misty waves on the river make the poet feel sad. This poem expresses the poet's longing for his hometown and his sadness through the beautiful scenery of the Yellow Crane Tower. At the same time, the yellow crane and white clouds in the poem also symbolize the impermanence of life and the passage of time.



[唐代] 韩翃


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《寒食》,是唐代诗人韩翃创作的。寒食节是一个古老的中国传统节日,人们在这一天不生火做饭,吃冷食。这首诗描述了寒食节那天春天的景象。 诗中说,春天来到了城里,到处都是漂亮的花朵在飞舞。寒食节那天,东风吹过,柳树的枝条随风摇曳。当太阳落山时,汉宫里的人们点燃了蜡烛。蜡烛的轻烟飘散到了五侯家,五侯是指当时的显贵和大臣们。 这首诗用简单的描绘,展现了春天的美丽和寒食节的氛围。诗人通过这些细腻的描绘,让我们感受到了春天的生机和活力。 English version: This poem is called "Cold Food Festival" and was written by Han Hong, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The Cold Food Festival is an ancient Chinese traditional festival where people do not cook and eat cold food on this day. This poem describes the spring scenery on the day of the Cold Food Festival. In the poem, spring has come to the city, and beautiful flowers are flying everywhere. On the day of the Cold Food Festival, the east wind blows, and the willow branches sway with the wind. When the sun sets, people in the Han Palace light candles. The light smoke from the candles drifts into the homes of the five marquises, who were the nobles and ministers at that time. This poem uses simple descriptions to show the beauty of spring and the atmosphere of the Cold Food Festival. Through these delicate descriptions, the poet allows us to feel the vitality and energy of spring.



[唐代] 颜真卿


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《劝学》,意思是鼓励人们要努力学习。诗中说“三更灯火五更鸡”,意思是在深夜的时候还有灯光,到了凌晨鸡就开始啼叫了,这个时候正是男孩子学习的好时机。接下来说“黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟”,意思是年轻的时候头发还是黑色的,但是不知道要抓紧时间学习,等到老了头发变白了才后悔没有早点学习。这首诗告诉我们要珍惜时间,努力学习,不要等到老了才后悔。 English version: This poem is called "Encouraging Learning." It encourages people to study hard. The poem says, "Lamps burn at midnight, and roosters crow at dawn," meaning that during the late night, there are still lights on, and when it's early morning, the roosters start to crow. This is the perfect time for boys to study. The next line says, "With black hair, one doesn't realize the importance of studying early; with white hair, one regrets not studying earlier." This means that when we are young and our hair is black, we don't realize the importance of studying hard. When we are old and our hair turns white, we regret not studying earlier. This poem teaches us to cherish our time, study hard, and not wait until we are old to regret not studying earlier.



[唐代] 王翰


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《凉州词》,是唐代著名诗人王之涣所写。诗中描述了战场上的英勇壮烈场景。首句“葡萄美酒夜光杯”讲述了士兵们在战斗前夕喝美酒、鼓舞士气的情景。第二句“欲饮琵琶马上催”表现了战士们临战前的紧张气氛,他们还没来得及喝酒,就被战马的蹄声提醒要上战场了。第三句“醉卧沙场君莫笑”告诉我们,士兵们在战场上英勇作战,即使倒在沙场上也不应被嘲笑。最后一句“古来征战几人回?”提醒我们,历史上很多英勇的士兵都没能从战场上回来,这是战争的残酷现实。这首诗表达了对战士们的敬意和对战争的反思。 English version: This poem is called "Liangzhou Ci" and was written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes the heroic and tragic scenes on the battlefield. The first line, "Grape wine in a luminous cup at night," tells of soldiers drinking fine wine and boosting their morale on the eve of battle. The second line, "Wanting to drink, but the pipa urges us on horseback," shows the tense atmosphere before the battle, as the soldiers are reminded to go to the battlefield by the sound of horse hooves before they have a chance to drink. The third line, "Drunkenly lying on the battlefield, don't laugh," tells us that the soldiers fought bravely on the battlefield and should not be ridiculed even if they fell. The last line, "How many people have returned from battles since ancient times?" reminds us that many brave soldiers in history have not been able to return from the battlefield, which is the cruel reality of war. The poem expresses respect for the soldiers and reflection on the war.



[唐代] 王之涣


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《凉州词》,是唐代著名诗人王之涣创作的。诗中描述了一幅辽阔的黄河景色和孤独的城市画面。首句“黄河远上白云间”,描绘了黄河的宽广和云雾缭绕的远山,让我们感受到了黄河的壮丽。接下来的“一片孤城万仞山”,说明这座城市被高山环抱,显得十分孤独。 最后两句“羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关”,告诉我们这里的春天并不像我们所想象的那样美好。羌笛是一种乐器,这里用来代表边疆的音乐。杨柳是春天的象征,但在这里却没有春天的气息。最后一句“春风不度玉门关”,则表达了春天的风没有吹过这座孤城,让我们感受到了边疆生活的艰辛。 English version: This poem is called "Liangzhou Ci," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan. The poem describes a vast Yellow River landscape and a lonely city scene. The first line, "The Yellow River far up in the white clouds," depicts the vastness of the Yellow River and the misty distant mountains, making us feel the magnificence of the Yellow River. The following line, "A solitary city amidst ten-thousand-foot mountains," tells us that this city is surrounded by high mountains, making it appear very lonely. The last two lines, "Why should the Qiang flute complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass through the Jade Gate Pass," tell us that the spring here is not as beautiful as we imagine. The Qiang flute is a musical instrument, representing the frontier music here. Willows symbolize spring, but there is no sign of spring here. The last line, "The spring breeze does not pass through the Jade Gate Pass," expresses that the spring wind has not blown through this lonely city, making us feel the hardships of life on the frontier.



[唐代] 张继


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《枫桥夜泊》,作者是唐代的诗人张继。这首诗描述了一个寒冷的夜晚,诗人在枫桥附近的江边停泊。诗人看到月亮落下,乌鸦在天空叫着,感受到冰冷的霜。江边的枫树和渔民的篝火让诗人感到更加忧愁,难以入睡。远处的姑苏城外有一个叫寒山寺的地方,那里的钟声在夜里敲响,传到诗人所在的客船上。这首诗通过描绘夜晚的景象,表达了诗人对家乡和亲人的思念之情。 English version: This poem is called "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ji. The poem describes a cold night when the poet anchors his boat near Maple Bridge. The poet sees the moon setting, crows cawing in the sky, and feels the icy frost. The maple trees on the riverbank and the fishermen's bonfires make the poet feel even more melancholic and unable to sleep. In the distance, outside the city of Gusu, there is a place called Hanshan Temple, where the bell tolls in the night, reaching the poet's boat. Through the depiction of the night scene, the poem expresses the poet's feelings of longing for his hometown and loved ones.



[宋代] 苏轼


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《饮湖上初晴后雨》,是一首描绘西湖美景的诗。诗人说,水面上的光线在晴天显得非常漂亮,山的颜色在雨天也很奇特。诗人把西湖比作美女西施,说无论淡妆还是浓抹,西湖都很美丽。这首诗让我们知道,不同的天气,西湖都有它独特的美。 English version: This poem is called "Drinking on the Lake after the First Clear Day and then Rain," and it describes the beautiful scenery of West Lake. The poet says that the light on the water is lovely on a clear day, and the color of the mountains is also unique in the rain. The poet compares West Lake to the beautiful woman Xi Shi, saying that whether lightly or heavily made up, West Lake is always beautiful. This poem teaches us that in different weather, West Lake has its unique beauty.



[宋代] 苏轼


Chinese version: 《惠崇春江晚景》是一首描绘春天江边美丽景色的诗。诗人用简单的文字,描述了春天里江边的美景。首句“竹外桃花三两枝”,告诉我们春天已经来临,桃花在竹子旁边开放。第二句“春江水暖鸭先知”,意味着春天的江水变暖,鸭子是第一个察觉到这个变化的。第三句“萎蒿满地芦芽短”,描绘了江边的植物,萎蒿遍地,芦苇芽刚刚长出。最后一句“正是河豚欲上时”,表示这正是河豚出没的季节。整首诗通过描绘春天江边的自然景色,展现了春天的生机与美好。 English version: "Huichong's Spring River Evening Scenery" is a poem that describes the beautiful scenery of a river in spring. The poet uses simple words to depict the beauty of the riverside in spring. The first line, "A few peach blossoms outside the bamboo," tells us that spring has arrived, and peach blossoms are blooming next to the bamboo. The second line, "The spring river water is warm, and the ducks know it first," means that the river water in spring becomes warm, and the ducks are the first to notice this change. The third line, "Withered wormwood covers the ground, and the reed sprouts are short," describes the plants by the river, with wormwood everywhere and reed sprouts just emerging. The last line, "It's the time when pufferfish are about to appear," indicates that it is the season for pufferfish to appear. The whole poem presents the vitality and beauty of spring by depicting the natural scenery of the riverside in spring.



[宋代] 苏轼


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《题西林壁》,是唐代诗人苏轼创作的。这首诗描述了庐山的美丽景色。庐山位于中国江西省,是著名的旅游胜地。诗人用简单的文字描绘了庐山的远近、高低、山峰等景观。诗人想表达的是,当我们身处在美丽的景色中时,我们很难看到它的真正面貌。这是因为我们离得太近,无法把整个景色看得一清二楚。这首诗教我们要站在更高、更远的地方去欣赏美景,这样我们才能更好地了解它的美。 English version: This poem is called "Inscription on the Wall of West Forest" and was written by Su Shi, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the beautiful scenery of Mount Lu, which is located in Jiangxi Province, China, and is a famous tourist attraction. The poet uses simple words to depict the various aspects of Mount Lu's scenery, such as the distance, height, and peaks. The poet wants to express that when we are in the midst of beautiful scenery, it is difficult for us to see its true appearance. This is because we are too close to it and cannot see the whole picture clearly. This poem teaches us to appreciate the beauty from a higher and farther perspective, so that we can better understand its charm.



[宋代] 朱熹


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《观书有感》,是一首描绘自然美景的诗。诗人描述了一个半亩大小的方形水塘,水面上反射着天空的光亮和云彩的影子。诗人好奇地问,这水塘是怎么变得这么清澈的呢?原来是因为有源头不断流入的活水。 这首诗通过观察自然景色,表达了诗人对清新自然美的欣赏。同时,这首诗也可以看作是一个比喻,告诉我们要不断学习新知识,就像活水源源不断地流入水塘,使我们的心灵保持清澈和充实。 English version: This poem is titled "Thoughts on Reading" and describes the beauty of nature. The poet depicts a square pond half an acre in size, with the light of the sky and the shadows of the clouds reflected on the water's surface. The poet curiously asks, how did this pond become so clear? It turns out that it's because of the constant flow of fresh water from the source. Through observing the natural scenery, the poet expresses his appreciation for the fresh and natural beauty. At the same time, this poem can also be seen as a metaphor, telling us to continuously learn new knowledge, just like the constant flow of fresh water into the pond, keeping our minds clear and enriched.



[宋代] 朱熹


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《偶成》,是一首描写时间流逝和珍惜光阴的诗。诗人在诗中提醒我们,年轻时学习容易,年纪大了就难以学成新的知识。所以我们要珍惜时间,不要轻易放过每一寸光阴。诗人用春天的草地和秋天的梧叶来比喻时间的流逝。在我们还没有意识到春天的草地在梦里时,梧桐树叶子已经开始发出秋天的声音。这说明时间过得非常快,我们要抓紧时间学习和成长。 English version: This poem is called "Occasionally Achieved" and describes the passage of time and the importance of treasuring it. The poet reminds us that it is easy to learn when we are young, but difficult to master new knowledge as we grow older. Therefore, we must cherish our time and not take every moment lightly. The poet uses the metaphor of spring grass and autumn leaves to illustrate the passage of time. Before we even realize that the spring grass is dreaming in the pond, the leaves of the wisteria tree in front of the steps are already making autumn sounds. This shows that time passes very quickly, and we must seize the time to learn and grow.



[宋代] 朱熹


Chinese version (简体中文): 这首诗叫《春日》,是一首描绘春天美好景色的诗。诗人在春天的某一天,沿着泗水河边寻找美丽的花朵。这一天阳光明媚,春天的景色无比新鲜。诗人看到东风吹过,感受到春天的气息。万紫千红,形容春天花朵的繁多和丰富多彩。这首诗用简单的语言表达了诗人对春天美景的喜爱,让我们感受到了春天的生机和活力。 English version: This poem is titled "Spring Day" and describes the beautiful scenery of spring. The poet spends a sunny day in spring searching for beautiful flowers along the Si River. The scenery of spring is incredibly fresh and vibrant. The poet recognizes the presence of the east wind, which brings the essence of spring. The phrase "ten thousand purples and a thousand reds" is used to describe the abundance and colorful variety of flowers during springtime. This poem uses simple language to express the poet's love for the beautiful spring scenery, allowing us to feel the vitality and energy of spring.



[宋代] 王安石


Chinese version: 这首诗叫做《梅花》,是一首描绘梅花美丽的诗。在这首诗里,作者描述了一棵梅花树在墙角的情景。梅花很特别,它不像其他的花朵那样在春天开放,而是在寒冷的冬天独自绽放。这就是诗里说的“凌寒独自开”。虽然雪花也是白色的,但是我们可以从远处就知道这些白色的东西不是雪,因为梅花有一种很美的香味,这就是“遥知不是雪,为有暗香来”。这首诗通过对梅花的描绘,表现了梅花坚强、独立的品质,也让我们感受到了大自然的美丽。 English version: This poem is called "Plum Blossoms" and it describes the beauty of plum blossoms. In this poem, the poet describes a plum tree in the corner of a wall. Plum blossoms are unique because they don't bloom in spring like other flowers, but in the cold winter, they bloom alone. This is what the poem refers to as "blooming alone in the cold". Although snowflakes are also white, we can tell from a distance that these white things are not snow because plum blossoms have a beautiful fragrance, which is "knowing it's not snow from afar, for the hidden fragrance comes." Through the description of plum blossoms, this poem shows the strong and independent qualities of plum blossoms and allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature.



[宋代] 王安石


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《元日》,是王之涣创作的。这首诗讲述了人们在新年这一天的活动。元日就是农历的一月一日,也就是我们现在说的春节。诗中提到了爆竹、春风、屠苏酒、新桃符等元素,让我们感受到了浓厚的节日氛围。 首句“爆竹声中一岁除”,意味着过去的一年在爆竹声中结束了。人们放爆竹是为了庆祝新年的到来,驱走晦气。第二句“春风送暖入屠苏”,讲的是春风给大地带来了温暖,屠苏酒是一种古代中国的药酒,人们在新年时喝屠苏酒,祈求健康。第三句“千门万户瞳瞳日”,形容新年这一天,家家户户都在忙碌地准备节日活动。最后一句“总把新桃换旧符”,意味着人们把旧的桃符换成新的,寓意着辞旧迎新,祈求新的一年平安吉祥。 English version: This poem is called "Yuan Ri," written by Wang Zhihuan. It describes the activities people do on New Year's Day. Yuan Ri is the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar, which is also known as the Spring Festival. The poem mentions elements such as firecrackers, spring breeze, tusu wine, and new peach talismans, allowing us to feel the strong festive atmosphere. The first line, "A year ends in the sound of firecrackers," means that the past year has ended amidst the sound of firecrackers. People set off firecrackers to celebrate the arrival of the New Year and drive away bad luck. The second line, "The spring breeze brings warmth to the tusu wine," talks about the spring breeze bringing warmth to the earth. Tusu wine is an ancient Chinese medicinal wine, and people drink it during the New Year to pray for good health. The third line, "Thousands of households are busy on this day," describes how every family is busy preparing for the festival on New Year's Day. The last line, "Always replace the old peach talismans with new ones," means that people replace the old peach talismans with new ones, symbolizing bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, praying for peace and good fortune in the new year.



[宋代] 王安石


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《泊船瓜洲》,是一首描绘江南美景的诗。诗人描述了他的船停泊在瓜洲,这里是京口(今扬州)附近的一个地方。瓜洲四周被水环绕,远处还有钟山。钟山的名字来源于山上的钟,这座山距离瓜洲有一些远。诗人提到春风让江南的岸边变得更加美丽,绿色的植物覆盖了大地。诗人好奇,明月何时会再次照亮他的回程。这首诗通过描绘江南的美景,表达了诗人对自然美的欣赏和对家乡的思念之情。 English version: This poem is called "Boat Moored at Gua Zhou" and describes the beautiful scenery of the Jiangnan region. The poet tells us that his boat is anchored at Gua Zhou, a place near Jingkou (present-day Yangzhou). Gua Zhou is surrounded by water, with Zhongshan Mountain in the distance. The mountain's name comes from the bell on the mountain, which is quite far from Gua Zhou. The poet mentions that the spring breeze makes the banks of Jiangnan even more beautiful, with green plants covering the land. The poet wonders when the bright moon will light his way home again. Through the depiction of the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, the poem expresses the poet's appreciation of natural beauty and his longing for his hometown.



[宋代] 陆游


Chinese version: 这首诗是一首劝学诗,作者在冬天的夜晚读书时写给自己的孩子。诗中提到古人的学问是非常丰富的,他们年轻时就开始努力学习,直到老年才取得成就。这告诉我们要从小努力学习,才能成为有学问的人。诗人还说,仅仅从书本上学到的知识是不够的,我们还要亲自去实践。这意味着我们不仅要读书学习,还要在生活中应用所学到的知识,这样才能真正掌握它。 English version: This poem is about encouraging learning. The author wrote it for his child while reading on a winter night. The poem mentions that the knowledge of ancient people is very rich, and they started learning from a young age and achieved success in their old age. This tells us that we must work hard to learn from an early age to become knowledgeable people. The poet also says that the knowledge gained from books alone is not enough, and we must practice it ourselves. This means that we should not only read and learn but also apply the knowledge we have learned in our lives, so that we can truly master it.



[宋代] 陆游


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《示儿》,是唐代诗人陆游写的。诗里的“元知万事空”告诉我们,当人死去后,一切都变得空虚。陆游很伤心,因为他看不到九州(中国)团结。诗中的“王师北定中原日”说的是,他期待国家军队能够收复失去的土地,让国家再次强大起来。最后,陆游提醒孩子们在家里祭祀祖先时,不要忘记告诉他们国家已经恢复了团结和繁荣。这首诗表达了陆游对国家命运的关心和对家族传统的尊重。 English version: This poem is called "示儿" (To My Son), written by the Tang Dynasty poet Lu You. In the poem, the line "死去元知万事空" (When one dies, everything becomes empty) tells us that everything becomes meaningless after death. Lu You is sad because he cannot see a united China. The line "王师北定中原日" (The day when the royal army regains the Central Plains) expresses his hope that the national army can reclaim lost territories and make the country strong again. Finally, Lu You reminds children not to forget to tell their ancestors about the country's reunification and prosperity during family rituals. This poem expresses Lu You's concern for the fate of the nation and his respect for family traditions.



[宋代] 陆游


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《游山西村》,是唐代诗人陆游创作的。诗人在这首诗里描述了他游玩乡村时的所见所闻。首句“莫笑农家腊酒浑”,诗人提醒我们不要嘲笑农家的腊酒,因为这是农家人辛勤劳作的成果。接下来的两句“丰年留客足鸡豚,山重水复疑无路”,诗人表达了农家热情好客的精神,以及山水环绕的美丽乡村景色。中间的一句“柳暗花明又一村”,意味着在看似无路可走的地方,又出现了一个美丽的村庄。 后面的两句“箫鼓追随春社近,衣冠简朴古风存”,诗人描述了村里的春节庆典,人们身着朴素的衣冠,保留着古老的风俗。最后两句“从今若许闲乘月,拄杖无时夜叩门”,诗人表达了自己对这样宁静美好的乡村生活的向往,愿意在这里度过余生。 English version: This poem is called "Touring the Mountain West Village," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Lu You. In this poem, the poet describes what he sees and hears while visiting a rural village. In the first line, "Don't laugh at the farmer's homemade wine," the poet reminds us not to mock the farmer's wine because it is the result of their hard work. The following two lines, "Rich harvests entertain guests with plenty of chickens and pigs, surrounded by mountains and rivers, doubting there's a way," express the warm hospitality of the farmers and the beautiful landscape of the village. The middle line, "In the darkness of willows and brightness of flowers, another village appears," means that in a seemingly inaccessible place, a beautiful village emerges. In the next two lines, "Flutes and drums follow the approaching spring festival, with people dressed in simple attire, preserving ancient customs," the poet describes the village's spring celebration and the villagers' adherence to old traditions. The last two lines, "From now on, if allowed to leisurely enjoy the moonlight, leaning on my cane, I'll knock on doors at night," express the poet's longing for such a peaceful and beautiful rural life, wishing to spend the rest of his days there.



[宋代] 杨万里


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《晓出净慈寺送林子方》,作者是南宋的著名诗人杨万里。诗中描绘了西湖美丽的夏天景色。诗人提到,西湖的风光在六月份与其他季节不同,给人一种特别的感觉。在这里,莲叶接天,呈现出无尽的碧绿色;荷花映着阳光,展现出别样的红色。这两句诗意味着莲叶和荷花的美丽是如此出众,以至于它们能与天空和阳光相辉映。总的来说,这首诗用简洁的文字生动地描绘了西湖夏日的美景,让人仿佛置身其中。 English version: This poem is called "Leaving Jingci Temple in the Morning to Send Lin Zifang" and is written by the famous Southern Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli. The poem describes the beautiful summer scenery of West Lake. The poet mentions that the scenery of West Lake in June is different from other seasons, giving people a special feeling. Here, the lotus leaves reach the sky, showing endless green; the lotus flowers reflect the sun, displaying a unique red color. These two lines of the poem imply that the beauty of the lotus leaves and flowers is so outstanding that they can complement the sky and sunlight. Overall, this poem vividly depicts the beautiful summer scenery of West Lake with concise words, making people feel as if they were there.



[宋代] 晏殊


Chinese version: 《浣溪沙》是一首古典中国诗歌,描绘了诗人在春天的旧亭台附近品酒吟诗的情景。诗人用浪漫的语言表达了对往事的怀念和对春天美景的欣赏。这首诗中有很多美丽的意象,如新词、酒、夕阳、花、燕子等,让人感受到春天的生机与美好。 诗中提到“一曲新词酒一杯”,说明诗人在品尝美酒的同时,欣赏着新词的优美旋律。接着说“去年天气旧亭台”,表示诗人在回忆去年春天的美好时光。当夕阳西下时,诗人想知道它何时才会再次升起。然后,诗人表达了对花朵凋谢无奈的感慨,以及对燕子归来的惊喜。最后,诗人独自在小园的香径上徘徊,沉浸在春天的美景中。 这首诗以优美的诗句和生动的意象展现了春天的魅力,让读者感受到诗人对春天的热爱和对往事的怀念之情。 English version: "浣溪沙" is a classical Chinese poem that depicts the scene of the poet enjoying wine and reciting poetry near an old pavilion in spring. The poet uses romantic language to express nostalgia for the past and appreciation for the beautiful scenery of spring. This poem contains many beautiful src/images, such as new lyrics, wine, sunset, flowers, and swallows, which make people feel the vitality and beauty of spring. The poem mentions "one song of new lyrics and a glass of wine," indicating that the poet is enjoying the beautiful melody of new lyrics while tasting the wine. Next, it says "last year's weather and the old pavilion," which means the poet is reminiscing about the beautiful moments of last spring. When the sun sets in the west, the poet wonders when it will rise again. Then, the poet expresses the helplessness of the falling flowers and the surprise of the returning swallows. Finally, the poet wanders alone on the fragrant path in the small garden, immersed in the beautiful scenery of spring. This poem presents the charm of spring with beautiful verses and vivid src/images, allowing readers to feel the poet's love for spring and nostalgia for the past.



[宋代] 张俞


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《蚕妇》,是一首描写养蚕人辛勤劳动生活的诗。诗人说,昨天去城市里,回来的时候眼泪湿了手帕。因为他看到那些穿着华丽衣服的人,却不是养蚕的人。这里表达了诗人对养蚕人辛勤劳动的同情和尊敬。养蚕人为了养活家人,每天都要辛苦地工作,但是他们得到的回报却不多。诗人希望通过这首诗,让更多的人关注养蚕人的生活,尊重他们的劳动。 English version: This poem is called "The Silkworm Lady" and it describes the hardworking life of silkworm farmers. The poet says that he went to the city yesterday, and when he came back, his handkerchief was wet with tears. This is because he saw people dressed in beautiful clothes, but they were not silkworm farmers. The poet expresses his sympathy and respect for the hard work of the silkworm farmers. In order to support their families, silkworm farmers have to work hard every day, but they don't get much in return. The poet hopes that through this poem, more people will pay attention to the lives of silkworm farmers and respect their labor.



[宋代] 欧阳修


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《画眉鸟》,是一首描绘画眉鸟鸣叫的诗。画眉鸟是一种非常聪明的鸟,它们可以学会很多不同的声音。在这首诗里,画眉鸟的鸣叫声多达千种,它们可以随意地改变声音。诗人用山花和树木来形容画眉鸟的鸣叫声,让我们感受到大自然的美丽。诗人接着说,把画眉鸟关在金笼子里听它唱歌,还不如让它在森林里自由地鸣叫。这里,诗人想告诉我们,自然的美好是无法被束缚的,我们应该尊重和保护大自然。 English version: This poem is called "Hua Mei Bird," which describes the singing of a Hua Mei bird. Hua Mei birds are very intelligent and can learn many different sounds. In this poem, the Hua Mei bird can sing thousands of different songs and change its voice at will. The poet uses mountain flowers and trees to describe the bird's singing, allowing us to feel the beauty of nature. The poet then says that it is better to let the Hua Mei bird sing freely in the forest than to lock it in a golden cage. Here, the poet wants to tell us that the beauty of nature cannot be confined, and we should respect and protect it.



[宋代] 陈师道


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《十七日观潮》,描述了诗人观看潮水涨落的场景。首句“漫漫平沙走白虹”,意味着沙滩上空荡荡的,一片白色的虹形弧线。这里的“白虹”形象地描绘了海滩上的潮水。第二句“瑶台失手玉杯空”,瑶台是神仙居住的地方,失手玉杯空表示潮水涨起后,神仙们的玉杯也被冲空了。这句话用寓言的方式,表达了潮水涨得很快的意思。第三句“晴天摇动清江底”,描绘了晴朗的天空下,潮水涌动,波光粼粼。诗人运用“摇动”一词,展现了潮水的动态美。最后一句“晩日浮沉急浪中”,晚霞映照在潮水中,波浪翻滚,诗人用“浮沉”来形容波浪的起伏。整首诗以观潮为主题,通过对潮水的描绘,展现了大自然的壮美景色。 English version: This poem is called "Watching the Tide on the 17th Day" and describes the poet's experience of observing the rise and fall of the tide. The first line, "Endless flat sand walks the white rainbow," means that the beach is empty, with a white, rainbow-shaped arc. The "white rainbow" vividly depicts the tide on the beach. The second line, "The jade cup is empty when it slips from the hands of the immortals on the jade platform," indicates that when the tide rises, the immortals' jade cups are also washed away. This line uses allegory to express the idea that the tide rises quickly. The third line, "The clear river bottom shakes under the sunny sky," describes the tide surging and sparkling under the clear sky. The poet uses the word "shake" to show the dynamic beauty of the tide. The last line, "The setting sun floats and sinks in the midst of the rushing waves," describes the sunset reflecting on the tide, with waves rolling. The poet uses "float and sink" to describe the undulations of the waves. The poem focuses on watching the tide and presents the magnificent beauty of nature through the depiction of the tide.



[宋代] 杨万里


Chinese version: 这是一首描绘自然景色的古诗,名叫《小池》。诗人用简单的文字,描绘了一个宁静的小池塘景色。泉眼是指泉水涌出的地方,这里的泉水流得很细,没有声音。树木的阴影映在水面上,阳光透过树叶洒在水面,显得很柔和。小荷是指荷叶,这里的荷叶刚刚长出尖尖的角。蜻蜓是一种昆虫,它们早就站在荷叶的尖尖角上。这首诗通过细腻的描绘,让我们仿佛置身于一个美丽的小池塘边,感受大自然的宁静和美好。 English version: This is an ancient Chinese poem called "Little Pond" that describes a peaceful natural scene. With simple words, the poet paints a picture of a tranquil pond. The "spring eye" refers to the place where the spring water gushes out, and the water flows delicately without making a sound. The shadows of the trees reflect on the water, and the sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a gentle and soft atmosphere. The "little lotus" refers to the lotus leaves, which have just begun to sprout sharp points. Dragonflies, a type of insect, have already settled on the tips of the lotus leaves. Through the delicate description, this poem makes us feel as if we are standing by a beautiful little pond, experiencing the tranquility and beauty of nature.



[宋代] 林升


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《题临安邸》,作者是南宋著名诗人林升。诗的内容是描绘了美丽的杭州城和西湖景色。诗人用简单的字词,表达了对杭州美景的喜爱和赞美。 诗中的“山外青山楼外楼”形象地描绘了杭州城的美丽景色,意味着杭州的美不仅仅在城里,还在城外的山水之间。接下来的“西湖歌舞几时休”,则说明了西湖是一个热闹的地方,有很多歌舞表演,让人流连忘返。 最后两句“暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州”,诗人表达了游人被杭州的美景和暖风所吸引,仿佛置身于繁华的汴州(即当时的开封市,北宋的首都)。这里的“醉”是形容游人沉醉于美景之中,不舍得离去。 总的来说,这首诗通过生动的描绘,展现了杭州美丽的自然景色和繁华的城市生活,让读者仿佛身临其境,感受到诗人对杭州的热爱。 English version: This poem is called "题临安邸" (On Visiting Lin'an Residence), written by the famous Southern Song Dynasty poet Lin Sheng. The poem describes the beautiful city of Hangzhou and the scenery of West Lake. The poet uses simple words to express his love and admiration for the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou. In the poem, "山外青山楼外楼" (Beyond the mountains are green mountains, beyond the buildings are more buildings) vividly depicts the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou, meaning that the beauty of Hangzhou is not only in the city but also in the mountains and waters outside the city. The following line, "西湖歌舞几时休" (When will the singing and dancing by West Lake end?), indicates that West Lake is a lively place with many singing and dancing performances, making people linger and forget to leave. In the last two lines, "暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州" (The warm breeze intoxicates the visitors, making Hangzhou seem like Bianzhou), the poet expresses that the visitors are attracted by the beautiful scenery and warm breeze of Hangzhou, as if they were in the prosperous Bianzhou (now Kaifeng City, the capital of Northern Song Dynasty). The word "醉" (intoxicated) here describes the visitors being immersed in the beautiful scenery and unwilling to leave. In conclusion, this poem vividly presents the beautiful natural scenery and prosperous urban life of Hangzhou, making readers feel as if they are there, experiencing the poet's love for Hangzhou.



[宋代] 叶绍翁


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《游园不值》,是唐代诗人叶绍翁创作的。诗人在这首诗里描述了一个春天的场景,让我们想象一下这个画面。诗人敲了敲门,但是门久久不开。这个时候,诗人注意到门口的一些细节:地上有鞋子的印子,显得有些苍老。这说明有很长时间没有人来过这个地方了。 尽管门没有开,但是诗人看到了满园的春色。春天的美景是无法被关在园子里的。诗人看到一枝红杏从墙外探出来,给人一种生机勃勃的感觉。这首诗让我们明白了,即使有时候我们不能进入一个地方,我们仍然可以欣赏到那里的美丽。这首诗用简单的词语表达了春天的美好,是非常适合孩子们学习的。 English version: This poem is called "Visiting the Garden in Vain" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Ye Shaoweng. The poet describes a spring scene in this poem, allowing us to imagine the picture. The poet knocks on the door, but it remains closed for a long time. At this moment, the poet notices some details at the entrance: shoe prints on the ground, looking old. This indicates that no one has been to this place for a long time. Although the door does not open, the poet sees the beauty of spring throughout the garden. The beautiful scenery of spring cannot be confined within the garden. The poet sees a branch of red apricot extending out from the wall, giving a vibrant feeling. This poem teaches us that even if we cannot enter a place sometimes, we can still appreciate its beauty. This poem uses simple words to express the beauty of spring, making it very suitable for children to learn.



[明代] 于谦


Chinese version: 这首《石灰吟》是一首描绘石灰制作过程的诗。诗人用简单的文字描述了石灰从山中开采到成为粉末的过程。首句“千锤万凿出深山”形象地描绘了从山中开采石灰石的艰辛。接下来的“烈火焚烧若等闲”则表现了石灰石在高温下煅烧的过程。然后,“粉身碎骨浑不怕”展示了石灰石经过研磨变成粉末的过程。最后一句“要留清白在人间”则表达了石灰的用途,即为了给人们带来清洁和美好的生活。 通过这首诗,诗人向我们传达了石灰制作过程的艰辛和石灰对人们生活的重要性。同时,这首诗也可以启发孩子们珍惜劳动成果,尊重劳动者的辛勤付出。 English version: The poem "Lime Song" describes the process of making lime. The poet uses simple words to describe the process of lime being extracted from the mountains and turned into powder. The first line, "A thousand hammers and chisels out of the deep mountains," vividly depicts the hardships of mining limestone from the mountains. The following line, "Fierce fire burns as if it's nothing," shows the process of limestone being calcined at high temperatures. Then, "Fearless of being crushed to powder," demonstrates the process of limestone being ground into powder. The last line, "To leave a clean and white world for people," expresses the purpose of lime, which is to bring cleanliness and a better life to people. Through this poem, the poet conveys the hardships of the lime-making process and the importance of lime to people's lives. At the same time, this poem can also inspire children to cherish the fruits of labor and respect the hard work of laborers.



[明代] 郑燮


中文版本(约397字): 这首诗叫《竹石》,讲述了竹子和石头的特点。首先,诗人描绘了竹子紧紧抓住青山的形象,表现出竹子的坚韧不拔。竹子的根是在岩石中生长的,即使遇到很多困难,它还是能够生长得很好。这里的“咬定青山不放松”和“立根原在破岩中”都是在说明竹子的坚持和顽强。 接下来,诗人继续描述竹子在经历了很多磨难之后,仍然保持坚强的品质。千磨万击,意味着经历了很多的考验和磨练。竹子虽然经历了这么多的困难,但它依然保持着坚韧不拔的精神。这里的“千磨万击还坚劲”强调了竹子的坚强。 最后,诗人表达了竹子不畏风向,无论东西南北风吹来,它都能坚定地站立。这里的“任尔东西南北风”是在告诉我们,竹子能够适应各种环境和困境,始终保持坚强。 总的来说,《竹石》这首诗是在赞美竹子的顽强和坚韧精神。通过描绘竹子在各种困难环境中仍然坚韧不拔的形象,诗人鼓励我们要学会像竹子一样,面对困难和挑战时要有坚定的信念和毅力。 英文版本(约198字): This poem is called "Bamboo and Stone" and describes the characteristics of bamboo and stone. First, the poet depicts the image of bamboo tightly holding onto the green mountain, showing the perseverance of bamboo. The roots of bamboo grow in the rocks, and even when facing many difficulties, it can still grow well. The phrases "holding onto the green mountain" and "roots in the broken rocks" both emphasize the persistence and tenacity of bamboo. Next, the poet continues to describe how, after experiencing many hardships, bamboo still maintains its strong qualities. The phrase "thousands of hardships and still strong" emphasizes the strength of bamboo. Finally, the poet expresses that bamboo is not afraid of the wind direction. No matter whether the wind blows from the east, west, south, or north, it can stand firm. The phrase "any east, west, south, or north wind" tells us that bamboo can adapt to various environments and difficulties, always remaining strong. In summary, the poem "Bamboo and Stone" praises the tenacity and perseverance of bamboo. By depicting the unyielding image of bamboo in various difficult environments, the poet encourages us to learn from bamboo and face difficulties and challenges with firm faith and perseverance.



[清代] 高鼎


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《村居》,描述了春天乡村的美丽景色。诗人说,二月的天空,草长莺飞,春天的气息弥漫。堤岸上的杨柳被春风拂动,好像在醉着春天的烟雾。村里的小孩子们放学回家很早,他们充满活力地趁着东风,放起了纸鸢。这首诗用简单的词语描绘了春天乡村的宁静与生机,让人感受到春天的美好。诗人通过孩子们放风筝的场景,展现了孩子们在春天里的快乐,也让我们回忆起自己童年时光的欢乐。 English version: This poem, titled "Village Life," describes the beautiful scenery of a rural village in spring. The poet writes that in the month of February, the grass grows tall and orioles fly in the sky, filling the air with the scent of spring. On the banks, willow trees sway in the spring breeze, as if intoxicated by the mist of the season. The village children return home early from school, and they eagerly take advantage of the east wind to fly their paper kites. With simple words, the poem paints a picture of the tranquility and vitality of a countryside village in spring, allowing readers to experience the beauty of the season. Through the scene of children flying kites, the poet demonstrates the joy of children in spring and evokes memories of our own childhood happiness.



[清代] 龚自珍


Chinese version: 这首《己亥杂诗》是一首表达作者对国家进步的期望和对人才的尊重的诗歌。首句“九州生气恃风雷”形象地描绘了中国这个国家的生机勃勃,寓意着国家的繁荣昌盛。接下来的“万马齐喑究可哀”则表示,尽管我们有很多英才,但他们并没有得到很好的发挥,这是令人感到遗憾的。 在诗的后半部分,作者提出了自己的建议:“我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。”意味着作者希望国家能够重新振作起来,不要拘泥于旧有的规矩,要勇于接纳各种各样的人才,让他们为国家的繁荣作出贡献。整首诗歌以简洁明快的语言,表达了作者对国家未来的期许和对人才的尊重,使人感受到强烈的爱国情怀。 English version: The poem "Jihai Miscellaneous Poems" expresses the author's expectations for the country's progress and respect for talents. The first line, "The vitality of the nine states relies on wind and thunder," vividly depicts the vitality of China, implying the prosperity of the country. The following line, "Ten thousand horses are all silent, how sad," indicates that although we have many talents, they have not been well utilized, which is regrettable. In the second half of the poem, the author offers his advice: "I advise the heavens to reinvigorate and not be confined to one pattern when it comes to talents." This means that the author hopes that the country can rejuvenate and not be stuck in old rules, be brave in accepting various talents, and let them contribute to the country's prosperity. The entire poem uses concise and lively language to express the author's expectations for the country's future and respect for talents, evoking a strong sense of patriotism.



[清代] 龚自珍


Chinese version: 这首诗是一首描绘离别愁绪的传统中国诗歌。诗人用“浩荡离愁白日斜”来形容离别时的伤感和日渐消逝的时光。接着,诗人提及“吟鞭东指即天涯”,意味着他骑着马,鞭子轻轻抽打,向着东方的天涯出发。在这里,“天涯”代表着遥远的地方,表达了诗人离别亲人、朋友和故乡的心情。 第三句“落红不是无情物”中的“落红”指的是落下的花瓣。诗人认为这些花瓣并非无情之物,它们不是故意要让人伤感的。最后一句“化作春泥更护花”告诉我们,这些落下的花瓣会变成泥土,为新的花朵提供养分,使它们更加美丽。这里,诗人用花的生命周期来比喻人生的离别和重逢,表示生命中的离别并非无情,而是为了更好地迎接新的开始。 总的来说,这首诗表达了离别的愁绪和对新生活的期待,以及生命中离别和重逢的必然。 English version: This traditional Chinese poem depicts the emotions of parting. The poet uses "浩荡离愁白日斜" to describe the sadness of parting and the waning daylight. Then, the poet mentions "吟鞭东指即天涯," which means he is riding a horse, gently whipping it, and heading towards the far east. Here, "天涯" represents a distant place, expressing the poet's feelings of leaving behind loved ones, friends, and hometown. In the third line, "落红不是无情物," "落红" refers to the fallen flower petals. The poet believes that these petals are not heartless objects; they don't intend to make people sad. The last line, "化作春泥更护花," tells us that these fallen petals will turn into soil, providing nutrients for new flowers to grow more beautifully. Here, the poet uses the life cycle of flowers to compare the parting and reunion in human life, indicating that the parting in life is not heartless but is meant for a better beginning. In summary, this poem expresses the sorrow of parting, the anticipation of a new life, and the inevitability of parting and reunion in life.



[清代] 赵翼


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《论诗》,是一首讲述诗歌的诗。诗人提到了李白和杜甫,他们是中国古代非常著名的诗人。诗中说李白和杜甫的诗篇被很多人传颂,但是现在已经觉得不那么新鲜了。这是因为随着时间的推移,总会有新的才子出现。这些才子们会带来新的诗歌风格,让人们觉得有趣。诗人认为,每个时代都有出色的诗人,他们都会成为各自时代的代表。这首诗告诉我们,诗歌是不断发展变化的,每个时代都有独特的诗歌风格和才子。 English version: This poem is called "On Poetry" and discusses the nature of poetry. The poet mentions Li Bai and Du Fu, who are very famous poets in ancient China. The poem says that their works have been passed down through thousands of mouths, but now they feel less fresh. This is because, as time goes by, new talented poets will emerge. These poets will bring new styles of poetry that people find interesting. The poet believes that every era has its outstanding poets, who will represent their respective times. This poem tells us that poetry is constantly evolving, and each era has its unique poetic style and talents.



[宋代] 卢梅坡


Chinese version: 这首诗叫《雪梅》,是一首描绘梅花与雪的美丽景色的诗。诗中提到梅花和雪都在争春,也就是说它们都想展示自己的美丽。骚人是指诗人,他们为了描述梅花和雪的美丽,费尽了笔墨。诗人认为梅花应该比雪稍逊一点白,而雪却输给梅花一段香气。这里的“三分白”和“一段香”是用来形容梅花和雪各自的特点。梅花虽然不如雪那么白,但却有独特的香气。这首诗通过对比梅花和雪的特点,表达了诗人对梅花的喜爱和对自然美的欣赏。 English version: This poem is called "Snow Plum Blossoms" and describes the beautiful scenery of plum blossoms and snow. In the poem, both plum blossoms and snow are competing for the beauty of spring, meaning they both want to show off their beauty. The term "sao ren" refers to poets who have spent a lot of effort in describing the beauty of plum blossoms and snow. The poet believes that plum blossoms should be a little less white than snow, but snow loses to the fragrance of plum blossoms. The phrases "three parts white" and "a section of fragrance" are used to describe the characteristics of plum blossoms and snow. Although plum blossoms are not as white as snow, they have a unique fragrance. Through the comparison of the characteristics of plum blossoms and snow, the poem expresses the poet's love for plum blossoms and appreciation for the beauty of nature.



Public result of AI School Project #60






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