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  • HangZhou



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May the source be with you MisaZhu
CEO of Rokid (
Ziv wewoor
Full Stack Engineer / Web Frontend / Blogger

@Earth Hangzhou, China

Fred K. Schott FredKSchott

The Astro Technology Company

王集鹄 zswang

jhtmls Beijing,China

Lan vvpvvp
Travel around the world.


Miguel Solorio miguelsolorio
Designer at @google working on @googlecolab, prev VS Code at @microsoft

Google Seattle, WA

Michael Nielsen mnielsen
Searching for the numinous

San Francisco, California

Harrison Shoff hshoff
Creator of the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide + visx.


Ryan Lyu xiaoronglv China Shanghai

Will Bond wbond
Staff AI DevEx engineer @uber, previously at @sublimehq. Author of Package Control and occasional designer. Proud husband and father.

@uber Plymouth, NH

Ian VanSchooten IanVS
I like to do things.

Defined Networking Ann Arbor, MI

Luo Lei foru17
Full Stack Developer.


oldj oldj
JavaScript / Python

Hangzhou, China

Fu Zhen fuzhenn

@maptalks WuHan, China

Jackson Tian JacksonTian

Alibaba Cloud Hangzhou, China

破娃酱 breakwa11
二次元|喵星人|技術宅|學生|膜法少女|沒有威嚴的大小姐|黑長直,偶爾写写程式_(•̀ω•́ 」∠)__。最近壓力山大,因為天天被罵人品差和智障。喜歡玩遊戲、聊天。歡迎來撩,喜歡我请fo然后。。。

喵嗷污, China

Minko Gechev mgechev
Working on having better web frameworks 🇧🇬🇺🇸

Google California

Torkel Ödegaard torkelo
Grafana Labs Co-Founder, Grafana Creator & product manager & lead architect.

Grafana Labs Stockholm

Erich Gamma egamma

Microsoft Zurich

Juho Vepsäläinen bebraw
I am behind the @survivejs effort.

@SurviveJS Rautalampi, Finland

Zihua Li luin
Web developer and designer, technical book author. I build tools that help people do things better.


Pete Hunt petehunt
CEO @ Dagster Labs Formerly: Engineering at Twitter CEO @ Smyte Engineering at Instagram React team at Facebook

Dagster Labs San Francisco, CA

Tobias Koppers sokra
Author of webpack

@vercel Germany

fat fat

Coinbase internet jail

Mark Otto mdo
Designer, developer, and advisor. Building Pierre. Creator of Bootstrap (@twbs). Previously @github and @twitter. Huge nerd.

@pierredotco San Francisco, CA

Kitty Giraudel KittyGiraudel
Non-binary trans accessibility & diversity advocate, frontend developer, author. Real life cat.

Cofenster Berlin

dan gaearon


Zhengbo Li zhengbli
Unknown artist.

Atlanta, GA

Jeremy Ashkenas jashkenas
🏍 🛣 🌎 I miss _why.


Samuel Clay samuelclay
Building Sol Reader, founder of NewsBlur and Turn Touch

NewsBlur San Francisco + Massachusetts

Wenli Zhang Ovilia
GitHub Star; Apache Member; Apache ECharts VP; Passionate Dataviz Developer & Creative Designer

Shanghai, China

tan90° LoeiFy
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
xufei xufei

Shanghai, China

Yvonne Lu minmemory

LunaDream Foundation @lunadream Canton, China

genify genify

CARIAD CHINA Hangzhou Zhejiang

Brian Ford btford

San Francisco, CA

Douglas Crockford douglascrockford
I was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. I left when I was 6 months old because it was too damn cold. My latest book is _A Million And One Random Digits_.

Virgule-Solidus Anaheim

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.