The goal is to show the last X commits skipping Y of them from Z GIT repository using:
- Command Line Interface
- Web API
- Install GIT and Docker.
- GIT Clone into local directory:
git clone
cd git-commits-viewer
docker-compose exec php bash
php /app/yii git/log --help
php /app/yii git/log 10 0 short
docker-compose -d
Then POST http://localhost:8082/commits/list
"limit": 12,
"offset": 34,
"repositoryUrl": ""
All parameters are optional, max limit is 100.
Success response example:
"elements": [
"hash": "db74a94595d5189ae7dec875301f5a3486d4e2e8",
"dateTime": "2012-04-13T14:50:53-04:00",
"email": "",
"name": "Patrick Filler",
"subject": "",
"body": "Build is behind (how??). Re-build.\n",
"stat": "\n chosen/chosen.jquery.js | 2 +-\n chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js | 2 +-\n chosen/chosen.proto.js | 2 +-\n chosen/chosen.proto.min.js | 2 +-\n 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)\n\n"
"hash": "c7619ea5b04391d82caf79ee160c72fa95950050",
"dateTime": "2012-04-13T11:48:52-07:00",
"email": "",
"name": "Patrick Filler",
"subject": "Add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch for iOS5",
"body": "Merge pull request #570 from kristerkari/master\n\nAdd -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch for iOS5",
"stat": ""
Error response example:
"errors": {
"general": [
"Failed to clone GIT repository"
Parameter errors:
"errors": {
"limit": [
"Limit must be less than or equal to \"100\"."
docker-compose exec php bash
cd /app
codecept run
The application consists of several components, divided into namespaces:
- everything related to GIT VCS operations and\components\shell
- the functionality used to work with CLI interface in a resilient\components\viewer
- classes to render the commits list for various clients (CLI, Web).
Consumer: \app\models\CommitsListRequest
Motivation: to support different render types for Web and CLI client requests
Consumer: \app\components\shell\Command
Motivation: to avoid creating an instance of Shell for each command
Consumer: \app\components\git\repository\storages\FolderStorage
Motivation: to combine all GIT related Shell commands into one class to separate the responsibility
Consumer: Shell, GitCommandsRepository
Motivation: to incapsulate the interaction with commands and their parameters
Consumer: \app\models\CommitsListRequest
Motivation: to get a more testable and extensible code we inject the Storage object to the Repository to support multiple ways to store the repository data: Cloud, Folder, Persistent (DB), etc.
- Create a new class in
that implements\app\components\git\repository\Storage
abstract methods. - Use the new storage in
. CurrentlyFolderStorage
is used.
- Create a new class in
. - Use the new viewer to get commits in a different format:
echo $commitsListRequest->processUsingViewer(
new FooViewer(FooViewer::BAR_FORMAT)
- Improve the test coverage (components).
- Implement Persistent storage.
- Add a request parameter to refresh the repository.
- Decorate exceptions by adding more details.
- Add a validation for a minimal required GIT version (support
parameter). - Add pagination support to GitHub API (limit, offset vs since, until).
Copyright 2019 Stanislav Erokhin