Issue description
Invoking zmq_send() with a ZMQ_CLIENT socket which is NOT connected to a peer causes the message to be queued. Once a peer connects the queued message gets sent. This is in contrast to the documentation which states that send should be blocking when there is no peer.
Sample code
void *context = zmq_ctx_new ();
void *sock = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_CLIENT);
zmq_connect (sock, "tcp://");
zmq_send(sock, "HELLO", 6, 0);
printf("Why am I here when no data was sent?");
- libzmq version (commit hash if unreleased): 4.2.5
What's the actual result? (include assertion message & call stack if applicable)
Function call returns indicating number of bytes sent.
What's the expected result?
Function blocks until it is able to send the data.