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Memory leak in REP socket handling #2567




Problem happens in a REP server, when a REQ client disconnects before the response is sent. According to valgrind, about 500B leaks per response on my test setup. I've discovered the problem in ZMQ 4.2.1, then confirmed also in master and 4.1.6.
The app I'm working on is a simple REQ/REP server, working on Linux, using tcp/ipc protocols. It occasionally requires significant amount of time to process the request, due to external hardware problems, during which our client timeouts and leaves the server with small, but growing leak.

I've traced the problem to a partial message being left in a pipe:

  1. When a request is received, the rep_t::xrecv() calls router_t::xsend() to copy all the labels to response message.
  2. The rest of message is passed to user's app, which works hard to prepare the response
  3. In the meantime, the client goes away
  4. The response is sent using rep_t::xsend(), which calls router_t::xsend(), which correctly notices the pipe had gone away and frees the response (thanks to fix from Memory leak on REP socket server when the REQ client disappears #1313), however the labels already put into the pipe in step "1" are left there and never freed.

I suppose the session_base_t::clean_pipes() should remove them in step "3", however it does not happen for some reason... Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to get familiar with libzmq code, so I cannot came with a patch at hand... But I would gratefully test one.

Please see attached valgrind output, and a minimal server + client test apps for reproducing the issue (my real server/client uses czmq 4 and pyzmq 14.x, however that should not matter much). The sample server is hardcoded with "processing" time (just a sleep) set to 1s, and the sample client has RCVTIMEO set to 0.5s. With such values I get the memleak every request. When receive timeout is raised enough that client reads the response, the problem stops occurring (obviously).





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