I'm getting hit sporadically by this assertion on libzmq4x on OSX.
Looking at the code there is the following:
int set = 1;
rc = setsockopt (s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &set, sizeof (int));
errno_assert (rc == 0);
It seems that this can fail on OSX if the remote end has closed/reset the socket as described here:
To illustrate this for OSX I created a small test program (single thread no zmq):
It creates a server socket and a connector socket. The connector socket connects to the server socket over network. The connector socket is then closed after accept returns "on the server side" and before setsockopt is called "on the server side". Effectively simulating a "client" that disconnects immediately after connecting and triggering the assertion.
To test save the GIST under and compile with:
clang++ -std=c++1y -stdlib=libc++
./a.out nolinger stream_engine.cpp #PASSES
./a.out linger0 stream_engine.cpp #FAILS
./a.out nolinger ip.cpp #PASSES
./a.out linger0 ip.cpp #FAILS
Not sure what the fix is here. I'm tempted to say that the assertion should be disabled at least for Apple platforms. Any opinions?