##Introduction Locations is a simple project to get Geo-Coordinates of Villages, Towns and Cities in India. This uses a simple http connection, thus removing all the complexities. Ideal for smaller projects. Also note that, this project uses 2001 census. When we contacted the Census Department for 2011 data they stated that shape files, latitude and longitude are not available for dessimation.
##How to use
Import Locations package
import Locations as LC
Initialize the Location class
lc_i = LC.Location(state=[],district=[])
Use Location instance to get coordinates
###Usage Examples
To find coordinates for Mumbai use the following code
import Locations as LC lc_i = LC.Location() mum_cord = lc_i.getCoordinates("Mumbai")
To find coordinates for Nehdai Village in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan state use the following code
import Locations as LC lc_i = LC.Location(state="Rajasthan",district="Jaisalmer") nehdai_cord = lc_i.getCoordinates("Nehdai")
To find coordinates for Parbatsar in Rajasthan state use the following code
import Locations as LC lc_i = LC.Location(state="Rajasthan") parbatsar_cord = lc_i.getCoordinates("Parbatsar")
To get a List of best suited coordinates as per the query arguments add 'listLength' as follows
import Locations as LC lc_i = LC.Location(state="Rajasthan") parbatsar_cord = lc_i.getCoordinates("Parbatsar",listLength=5) '''
##Acknowledgements Thanks to http://india.csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/default/single for making this possible