Starred repositories
一个基于✨HOOK机制的微信机器人,支持🌱安全新闻定时推送【FreeBuf,先知,安全客,奇安信攻防社区】,👯Kfc文案,⚡漏洞查询,⚡手机号归属地查询,⚡知识库查询,🎉星座查询,⚡天气查询,🌱摸鱼日历,⚡微步威胁情报查询, 🐛视频,⚡图片,👯帮助菜单。📫 支持积分功能,⚡支持自动拉人,,🌱自动群发,👯Ai回复,⚡视频号解析,😄自定义程度丰富,小白也可轻松上手!
Leverages publicly available datasets from Google BigQuery to generate content discovery and subdomain wordlists
PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker/Zotero
Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
windows-kernel-exploits Windows平台提权漏洞集合
🌴Linux、macOS、Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability collection, with compilation environment, demo GIF map, vulnerability details, executable file (提权漏洞合集)
Simple and accurate guide for linux privilege escalation tactics
linux-kernel-exploits Linux平台提权漏洞集合
一款体积小, 快速, 稳定, 高效, 轻量的内网穿透, 端口转发工具 支持多连接,级联代理,传输加密 (A small volume, fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool supports multiple connections, cascading prox…
Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
【Hello CTF】专为CTF比赛封装的虚拟机,基于工具集封装多个版本和系统,更多选择,开箱即用。比赛愉快!
Windows11 Penetration Suite Toolkit 一个开箱即用的windows渗透测试环境
SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, se…
🍭 Cnblogs theme _ Basic theme : SimpleMemory
【Hello CTF】题目配套,免费开源的CTF入门教程,针对0基础新手编写,同时兼顾信息差的填补,对各阶段的CTFer都友好的开源教程,致力于CTF和网络安全的开源生态!