Zerinho6 Bot is a Lite and fast bot that's focused on self-host but available for a public build, I've been working on it since 2016 and because of nice people I'm learning how to make a better code and that's also a reason(not the only or main) for Zerinho6 Bot to be open-source.
- Node.js 12.x.x
- A Discord bot account and the bot Token.
- Git
Inside the app folder, create a .env
file via a IDE because you need it to be without name and windows won't let you do that...
Remember, .env
should not have spaces.
You still need to change the values..
° TOKEN (string) being the Discord bot token.
° PREFIX (string) being the bot prefix.
° OWNER (number: ID) being your Discord user ID.
° COOLDOWN (number in ms) being how much the user need to wait to be able to use another command.
° LANGUAGE (string of a supported language) being the bot default language for commands.(Be sure that the language exist on the locales folder or it'll crash)
° FAST_LOAD (false to disable) being if you want to load the bot without those detailed things on the console.
° TERMINAL_RELOAD_INTERVAL (number in ms) Being how fast the terminal will update if FAST_LOAD is active.
° SET_ACTIVITY (false to disable) If you want the bot to define it's status.
° API_CALL_BOOT (false to disable) If the bot should call the googlesheets api to update charts.json on boot.
° GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL (string: e-mail) The google service account e-mail to access googlesheets api
° GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY (FORCED string) The private key of the service account.
° SHEET_ID (string) The sheet id of where the bot should get chart information from.
° LOG_ERROR (false to disable) If the bot should log errors on the given bot_guild/channel_log discord.
° BOT_GUILD (number: ID) The bot guild.
° CHANNEL_LOG (number: ID) The channel to log errors.
string = you can type normally (without spaces or quotes) number = numbers, like 102391203923
false to disale = if you put exactly false, it'll disable the system, anything else will.
FORCED string = "You must put quote or it won't work"
Open the console window on the app folder and type npm i
, after that you can do npm start
. There'll be a message saying when the bot's ready or a lot of things if FAST_LOAD is enabled.
Honux(Backend developer of Teemo.gg): Helped me a lot by giving me instructions since 2017 about how to make a good code, what I was doing wrong, what I could do and how I can do.
Skelun(Frontend developer of Teemo.gg): Helped me by giving feedback about how a casual user would use Zerinho6 Bot and also helping with the code!
Nirewen: Helped me by saying how x function works or why y thing on Zerinho6 Bot wasn't working.
The whole Switchblade Team: A lot of things on Zerinho6 Bot was inspired on SwitchBlade Bot.
Fernando: Helped as much as nirewen giving a lot of help with some function not working, what is cool on code and what isn't, it also helped on EVERY VERSION of Zerinho6 Bot.
Acnologia: I'm being repetitive but thanks is always needed, the same as Nirewen and Fernando, I made Zerinho6 Bot TicTacToe based on a version that he made.
Mete, Tsugami: The same as Nirewen, Fernando, Acnologia and Switchblade Team, but they almost made me like ..forEach, sadly, now he also doesn't like it.
Smixqse: Creator of a old bot called Mixy that doesn't exist anymore, but what started all my Journey.
Hellow: Feedback, A LOT of feedback.
Most of the users from BR PROGRAMMERS: Without they, Zerinho6 Bot wouldn't exist anymore.
Leticia(Known as topera): For making the bot icon and being such adorable person.
Official Server: https://discord.gg/VKSevNk
M-me? Seriusly? You can find my e-mail on my github profile and if you want to talk on Discord, here's my Discord tag: Moru Zerinho6#9939
or my ID: 134292889177030657