Stage | Status |
dev | |
master | |
Beta | |
Production |
A .NET Standard driver for CouchDB.
C# query example:
var json = _rebels
.Where(r =>
r.Surname == "Skywalker" &&
r.Battles.All(b => b.Planet == "Naboo") ||
r.Battles.Any(b => b.Planet == "Death Star")
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Name)
.ThenByDescending(r => r.Age)
.Select(r => new {
The produced Mango JSON:
"selector": {
"$and": [
"surname": "Skywalker"
"$or": [
"battles": {
"$allMatch": {
"planet": "Naboo"
"battles": {
"$elemMatch": {
"planet": "Death Star"
"sort": [
{ "name": "desc" },
{ "age": "desc" }
"skip": 1,
"limit": 2,
"r": 150,
"bookmark": "g1AAAABweJzLY...",
"update": false,
"stable": true,
"fields": [
- Install it from NuGet:
- Create a client, where localhost will be the IP address and 5984 is CouchDB standard tcp port:
using(var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984")) { }
- Create a document class:
public class Rebel : CouchDocument
- Get a database reference:
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>();
- Query the database
var skywalkers = await rebels.Where(r => r.Surname == "Skywalker").ToListAsync();
The database class exposes all the implemented LINQ methods like Where and OrderBy, those methods returns an IQueryable.
It's possible to explicitly get the IQueryable calling the AsQueryable() method.
var skywalkers =
from r in rebels.AsQueryable()
where r.Surname == "Skywalker"
select r;
The selector is created when the method Where (IQueryable) is called. If the Where method is not called in the expression, it will at an empty selector.
Mango | C# |
$and | && |
$or | || |
$not | ! |
$nor | !( || ) |
$all | a.Contains(x) |
$all | a.Contains(list) |
$elemMatch | a.Any(condition) |
$allMatch | a.All(condition) |
Mango | C# |
$lt | < |
$lte | <= |
$eq (implicit) | == |
$ne | != |
$gte | >= |
$gt | > |
$exists | o.FieldExists(s) |
$type | o.IsCouchType(...) |
$in | o.In(list) |
$nin | !o.In(list) |
$size | a.Count == x |
$mod | n % x = y |
$regex | s.IsMatch(rx) |
Mango | C# |
limit | Take(n) |
skip | Skip(n) |
sort | OrderBy(..) |
sort | OrderBy(..).ThenBy() |
sort | OrderByDescending(..) |
sort | OrderByDescending(..).ThenByDescending() |
fields | Select(x => new { }) |
use_index | UseIndex("design_document") |
use_index | UseIndex(new [] { "design_document", "index_name" }) |
r | WithReadQuorum(n) |
bookmark | UseBookmark(s) |
update | WithoutIndexUpdate() |
stable | FromStable() |
execution_stats | IncludeExecutionStats() |
conflicts | IncludeConflicts() |
Some methods that are not directly supported by CouchDB are converted to a composition of supported ones, and the in-memory LINQ method will be executed at the end.
Input | Output |
Min(r => r.Age) | OrderBy(r => r.Age).Take(1) |
Max(r => r.Age) | OrderByDescending(r => r.Age).Take(1) |
First() | Take(1) |
FirstOrDefault() | Take(1) |
First(r => r.Age == 19) | Where(r => r.Age == 19).Take(1) |
FirstOrDefault(r => r.Age == 19) | Where(r => r.Age == 19).Take(1) |
Single() | Take(2) |
SingleOrDefault() | Take(2) |
Single(r => r.Age == 19) | Where(r => r.Age == 19).Take(2) |
SingleOrDefault(r => r.Age == 19) | Where(r => r.Age == 19).Take(2) |
WARN: Do not call a method twice, for example: Where(func).Single(func)
won't work.
WARN: Since Max and Min use sort, an index must be created.
IQueryable methods that are not natively supported by CouchDB are evaluated in-memory using the IEnumerable counterpart, if possible.
For example: All
// CRUD from class name (rebels)
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>();
var rebels = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>();
await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync<Rebel>();
// CRUD specific name
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
var rebels = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
// Utils
var isRunning = await client.IsUpAsync();
var databases = await client.GetDatabasesNamesAsync();
var tasks = await client.GetActiveTasksAsync();
await rebels.CreateAsync(rebel);
await rebels.CreateOrUpdateAsync(rebel);
await rebels.DeleteAsync(rebel);
var rebel = await rebels.FindAsync(id);
var rebel = await rebels.FindAsync(id, withConflicts: true);
var list = await rebels.FindManyAsync(ids);
var list = await rebels.QueryAsync(someMangoJson);
var list = await rebels.QueryAsync(someMangoObject);
// Bulk
await rebels.CreateOrUpdateRangeAsync(moreRebels);
// Utils
await rebels.CompactAsync();
var info = await rebels.GetInfoAsync();
// Security
await rebels.Security.SetInfoAsync(securityInfo);
var securityInfo = await rebels.Security.GetInfoAsync();
If authentication is needed currently there are two ways: Basic and Cookie authentication.
var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", s =>
s.UseBasicAuthentication("root", "relax")
var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", s => s
.UseCookieAuthentication("root", "relax")
It's also possible to specify the duration of the session.
var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", s => s
.UseCookieAuthentication("root", "relax", cookieDuration)
The second parameter of the client constructor is a function to configure CouchSettings fluently.
var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", s => s
.UseBasicAuthentication("root", "relax")
Method | Description |
UseBasicAuthentication | Enables basic authentication. |
UseCookieAuthentication | Enables cookie authentication. |
IgnoreCertificateValidation | Removes any SSL certificate validation. |
ConfigureCertificateValidation | Sets a custom SSL validation rule. |
DisableDocumentPluralization | Disables documents pluralization in requests. |
SetDocumentCase | Sets the format case for documents. |
SetPropertyCase | Sets the format case for properties. |
EnsureDatabaseExists | If a database doesn't exists, it creates it. |
DisableLogOutOnDispose | Disables log out on client dispose. |
- DocumentCaseTypes: None, UnderscoreCase (default), DashCase, KebabCase.
- PropertyCaseTypes: None, CamelCase (default), PascalCase, UnderscoreCase, DashCase, KebabCase.
If bookmark and execution stats must be retrived, call ToCouchList or ToCouchListAsync.
var allRebels = rebels.ToCouchList();
var allRebels = await rebels.ToCouchListAsync();
foreach(var r in allRebels)
var b = allRebels.Bookmark;
var ex = allRebels.ExecutionStats; // .IncludeExecutionStats() must be called
The driver natively support the _users database.
var users = client.GetUsersDatabase();
var luke = await users.CreateAsync(new CouchUser(name: "luke", password: "lasersword"));
It's possible to extend CouchUser for store custom info.
var users = client.GetUsersDatabase<CustomUser>();
var luke = await users.CreateAsync(new CustomUser(name: "luke", password: "lasersword"));
If you need custom values for documents and properties, it's possible to use JsonObject and JsonProperty attributes.
public class OtherRebel : Rebel
public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
If requests have to be modified before each call, it's possible to override OnBeforeCall.
protected virtual void OnBeforeCall(HttpCall call)
Also, the constructor accept a ClientFlurlHttpSettings function as third parameter.
Action<ClientFlurlHttpSettings> flurlConfigFunc
Thanks to Ben Origas for features, ideas and tests like SSL custom validation, multi queryable, async deadlock, cookie authenication and many others.