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Merge pull request IntersectMBO#5296 from input-output-hk/nadia.chamb…
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tx-generator TODO cleanups
  • Loading branch information
mgmeier authored Jun 21, 2023
2 parents 591d9b1 + 3f1e41f commit 51c9002
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Showing 17 changed files with 592 additions and 125 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/LogTypes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ data TraceBenchTxSubmit txid
| TraceBenchTxSubRecv [txid]
-- ^ Received from generator.
| TraceBenchTxSubStart [txid]
-- ^ The @txid@ has been submitted to `TxSubmission`
-- ^ The @txid@ has been submitted to `TxSubmission2`
-- protocol peer.
| SubmissionClientReplyTxIds [txid]
-- ^ Announcing txids in response for server's request.
| TraceBenchTxSubServReq [txid]
-- ^ Request for @tx@ received from `TxSubmission` protocol
-- ^ Request for @tx@ received from `TxSubmission2` protocol
-- peer.
| SubmissionClientDiscardAcknowledged [txid]
-- ^ An ack (window moved over) received for these transactions.
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23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Action.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
Module : Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Action
Description : Convert an 'Action' to a monadic 'ActionM'.
This is just exporting 'action' in order to avoid circular
module dependencies.

module Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Action
( action
Expand All @@ -9,17 +16,23 @@ module Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Action
import qualified Data.Text as Text (unpack)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Extra

import Cardano.Benchmarking.OuroborosImports as Core (protocolToNetworkId)
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Core
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Env
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Types
import Cardano.Benchmarking.Tracer
import Cardano.TxGenerator.Setup.NodeConfig
import Cardano.TxGenerator.Types (TxGenError)

-- | 'action' has as its sole callers
-- 'Cardano.Benchmark.Script.runScript' from "Cardano.Benchmark.Script"
-- and 'Cardano.Benchmark.Script.Selftest' from
-- "Cardano.Benchmark.Script.Selftest".
-- It translates the various cases of the 'Action' to monadic values
-- which execute the specified actions when evaluated. It passes all
-- the cases' fields to functions with very similar names to the
-- constructors.
action :: Action -> ActionM ()
action a = case a of
SetNetworkId val -> setEnvNetworkId val
Expand All @@ -38,9 +51,9 @@ action a = case a of
LogMsg txt -> traceDebug $ Text.unpack txt
Reserved options -> reserved options

liftToAction :: IO (Either TxGenError a) -> ActionM a
liftToAction = firstExceptT TxGenError . newExceptT . liftIO

-- | 'startProtocol' sets up the protocol for the transaction
-- generator from the first argument, @configFile@ and optionally
-- traces to the second, @tracerSocket@.
startProtocol :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> ActionM ()
startProtocol configFile tracerSocket = do
nodeConfig <- liftToAction $ mkNodeConfig configFile
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68 changes: 43 additions & 25 deletions bench/tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/Script/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -298,55 +298,67 @@ evalGenerator generator txParams@TxGenTxParams{txParamFee = fee} era = do
return $ Right tx
return $ Streaming.effect (Streaming.yield <$> gen)

-- 'Split' combines regular payments and payments for change.
-- There are lists of payments buried in the 'PayWithChange'
-- type conditionally sent back by 'Utils.includeChange', to
-- then be used while partially applied as the @valueSplitter@
-- in 'sourceToStoreTransactionNew'.
Split walletName payMode payModeChange coins -> do
wallet <- getEnvWallets walletName
(toUTxO, addressOut) <- interpretPayMode payMode
traceDebug $ "split output address : " ++ addressOut
(toUTxOChange, addressChange) <- interpretPayMode payModeChange
traceDebug $ "split change address : " ++ addressChange
fundSource = walletSource wallet 1
inToOut = Utils.includeChange fee coins
inToOut = return . Utils.includeChange fee coins
txGenerator = genTx (cardanoEra @era) protocolParameters (TxInsCollateralNone, []) feeInEra TxMetadataNone
sourceToStore = sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator fundSource inToOut $ mangleWithChange toUTxOChange toUTxO
return $ Streaming.effect (Streaming.yield <$> sourceToStore)

inputFunds <- liftToAction $ walletSource wallet 1
sourceToStore <- withTxGenError . sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator inputFunds inToOut $ mangleWithChange (liftIOCreateAndStore toUTxOChange) (liftIOCreateAndStore toUTxO)
return . Streaming.effect . pure . Streaming.yield $ Right sourceToStore

-- The 'SplitN' case's call chain is somewhat elaborate.
-- The division is done in 'Utils.inputsToOutputsWithFee'
-- but things are threaded through
-- 'Cardano.Benchmarking.Wallet.mangle' and packed into
-- the transaction assembled by 'sourceToStoreTransactionNew'.
SplitN walletName payMode count -> do
wallet <- getEnvWallets walletName
(toUTxO, addressOut) <- interpretPayMode payMode
traceDebug $ "SplitN output address : " ++ addressOut
fundSource = walletSource wallet 1
inToOut = Utils.inputsToOutputsWithFee fee count
inToOut = withExceptT TxGenError . Utils.inputsToOutputsWithFee fee count
txGenerator = genTx (cardanoEra @era) protocolParameters (TxInsCollateralNone, []) feeInEra TxMetadataNone
sourceToStore = sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator fundSource inToOut (mangle $ repeat toUTxO)
return $ Streaming.effect (Streaming.yield <$> sourceToStore)
inputFunds <- liftToAction $ walletSource wallet 1
sourceToStore <- withTxGenError $ sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator inputFunds inToOut (mangle . repeat $ liftIOCreateAndStore toUTxO)
return . Streaming.effect . pure . Streaming.yield $ Right sourceToStore

NtoM walletName payMode inputs outputs metadataSize collateralWallet -> do
wallet <- getEnvWallets walletName
collaterals <- selectCollateralFunds collateralWallet
(toUTxO, addressOut) <- interpretPayMode payMode
traceDebug $ "NtoM output address : " ++ addressOut
fundSource = walletSource wallet inputs
inToOut = Utils.inputsToOutputsWithFee fee outputs
inToOut = withExceptT TxGenError . Utils.inputsToOutputsWithFee fee outputs
txGenerator = genTx (cardanoEra @era) protocolParameters collaterals feeInEra (toMetadata metadataSize)
sourceToStore = sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator fundSource inToOut (mangle $ repeat toUTxO)
previewCatcher err = do
traceDebug $ "Error creating Tx preview: " ++ show err
throwE err
inputFunds <- liftToAction $ walletSource wallet inputs
sourceToStore <- withTxGenError $ sourceToStoreTransactionNew txGenerator inputFunds inToOut (mangle . repeat $ liftIOCreateAndStore toUTxO)

fundPreview <- liftIO $ walletPreview wallet inputs
case sourceTransactionPreview txGenerator fundPreview inToOut (mangle $ repeat toUTxO) of
Left err -> traceDebug $ "Error creating Tx preview: " ++ show err
Right tx -> do
let txSize = txSizeInBytes tx
traceDebug $ "Projected Tx size in bytes: " ++ show txSize
summary_ <- getEnvSummary
forM_ summary_ $ \summary -> do
let summary' = summary {projectedTxSize = Just txSize}
setEnvSummary summary'
traceBenchTxSubmit TraceBenchPlutusBudgetSummary summary'

return $ Streaming.effect (Streaming.yield <$> sourceToStore)
preview <- withTxGenError (sourceTransactionPreview txGenerator fundPreview inToOut (mangle . repeat $ liftIOCreateAndStore toUTxO))
`catchE` previewCatcher
let txSize = txSizeInBytes preview
traceDebug $ "Projected Tx size in bytes: " ++ show txSize
summary_ <- getEnvSummary
forM_ summary_ $ \summary -> do
let summary' = summary {projectedTxSize = Just txSize}
setEnvSummary summary'
traceBenchTxSubmit TraceBenchPlutusBudgetSummary summary'

return . Streaming.effect . pure . Streaming.yield $ Right sourceToStore

Sequence l -> do
gList <- forM l $ \g -> evalGenerator g txParams era
Expand All @@ -364,6 +376,10 @@ evalGenerator generator txParams@TxGenTxParams{txParamFee = fee} era = do

feeInEra = Utils.mkTxFee fee
-- 'liftIOCreateAndStore' is supposed to be some indication that 'liftIO'
-- is applied to a 'CreateAndStore'.
-- This could be golfed as @((liftIO .) .)@ but it's unreadable.
liftIOCreateAndStore cas = second (\f x y -> liftIO (f x y)) . cas

selectCollateralFunds :: forall era. IsShelleyBasedEra era
=> Maybe String
Expand All @@ -387,6 +403,8 @@ dumpToFileIO filePath tx = appendFile filePath ('\n' : show tx)
initWallet :: String -> ActionM ()
initWallet name = liftIO Wallet.initWallet >>= setEnvWallets name

-- The inner monad being 'IO' creates some programming overhead above.
-- Something like 'MonadIO' would be helpful, but the typing is tricky.
interpretPayMode :: forall era. IsShelleyBasedEra era => PayMode -> ActionM (CreateAndStore IO era, String)
interpretPayMode payMode = do
networkId <- getEnvNetworkId
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