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[RELEASE] Release version 2.0.0-rc1 #27



Release OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards 2.0.0-rc1

I noticed that a manifest was automatically created in manifests/2.0.0-rc1. Please follow the following checklist to make a release.

How to use this issue

This Release Issue

This issue captures the state of the OpenSearch release, its assignee is responsible for driving the release. Please contact them or @mention them on this issue for help. There are linked issues on components of the release where individual components can be tracked. More details are included in the Maintainers Release owner section.

Release Steps

There are several steps to the release process, these steps are completed as the whole release and components that are behind present risk to the release. The release owner completes the tasks in this ticket, whereas component owners resolve tasks on their ticket in their repositories.

Steps have completion dates for coordinating efforts between the components of a release; components can start as soon as they are ready far in advance of a future release.

Component List

To aid in understanding the state of the release there is a table with status indicating each component state. This is updated based on the status of the component issues.


  • Assign this issue to a release owner.
  • Declare a pencils down date for new features to be merged.
  • REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-14-days is pencils down date for feature freeze.
  • Update the Campaigns section to include monitoring campaigns during this release.
  • Update this issue so all __REPLACE_RELEASE-__ placeholders have actual dates.
  • Document any new quality requirements or changes.
  • Finalize scope and feature set and update the Public Roadmap.
  • Create a release issue in every component repo that links back to this issue, update Components section with these links.
  • Ensure the label is created in each component repo for this new version, and the next minor release. Create a version label
  • Ensure that all release issues created above are assigned to an owner in the component team.

CI/CD (Feature Freeze) - _Ends REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-14-days


REPLACE with OpenSearch wide initiatives to improve quality and consistency.

Code Complete - Ends REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-10-days

Release testing - Ends REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-6-days

  • Declare a release candidate build, and provide the instructions with the release candidates for teams on testing (REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-8-days).
  • Sanity Testing (REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-8-days - REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-6-days): Sanity testing and fixing of critical issues found by teams. Teams test their components within the distribution, ensuring integration, backwards compatibility, and perf tests pass.
  • Publish all test results in the comments of this issue.

Performance testing validation - Ends REPLACE_RELEASE-minus-6-days

  • Performance tests do not show a regression
  • Longevity tests do not show any issues

Release - _Ends {_REPLACE_RELEASE-day}

Post Release

  • Create release tags for each component (Jenkins job name: release-tag-creation).
  • Replace refs in manifests/2.0.0-rc1 with tags and remove checks.
  • Generate distribution release notes reviewed by PM team for opensearch-build repository.
  • Increment version for Helm Charts (sample PR) for the 2.0.0-rc1 release.
  • Increment version for Ansible Charts (sample PR) for the 2.0.0-rc1 release.
  • Prepare for next patch release by incrementing patch versions for each component.
  • Lower the frequency of builds for this version of OpenSearch and/or OpenSearch Dashboards.
  • Update this template with any new or missed steps.
  • Create an issue for a retrospective, solicit feedback, and publish a summary.


Replace with links to all component tracking issues.

Component On track Notes

Symbol Meaning
🟢 On track with overall release
🟡 Missed last milestone
🔴 Missed multiple milestones



No one assigned


    No projects


    No milestone


    None yet


    No branches or pull requests

    Issue actions