weatherics Public
🌩️ Weatherics is an iOS application that provides you to view the weather of world cities. Also, you can now learn the weather of your current location with just one click.
Swift UpdatedNov 12, 2024 -
SwiftPress Public
SwiftPress is a versatile Swift Package Manager designed to streamline your development process on Apple platforms. It provides a collection of extensions and utilities for Foundation, UIKit, and o…
Swift UpdatedJan 11, 2024 -
hackside Public
💻 Hackside is an iOS application that provides to read news from HackerNews (https://news.ycombinator.com). It has been developed with SwiftUI.
Swift UpdatedSep 3, 2023 -
Catury Public
Catury is an iOS application developed in Swift that fetches a list of cat breeds from TheCatAPI and displays them in a visually appealing list using up-to-date common iOS UI practices.
Swift UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
Talkaid Public
Talkaid is an interactive messaging iOS app that allows users to engage in conversations with an AI assistant. Users have the option to interact with the AI assistant through text input via the key…
CoreSession Public
A high cohesion, low coupling Swift framework designed with async/await for concurrency.
Swift UpdatedAug 2, 2023 -
ideas Public
Forked from kodecocodes/ideasThe "ideas" repository for the raywenderlich.com book Mastering Git
MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2023 -
programmer-jokes Public
Forked from kodecocodes/programmer-jokesSample repository for the Git Apprentice book
MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2023 -
Stack Public
Stack is a simple application of a data structure called Stack which works the logic of LIFO (Last In First Out).
Swift UpdatedJun 18, 2022 -
Investocks Public
Investocks is an iOS app that allows showing stocks and their information up to date.
awesome-readme Public
Forked from matiassingers/awesome-readmeA curated list of awesome READMEs
UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
RegulaSDKDemo Public
Regula SDK is a demo application that allows scanning passports and obtaining various information from it.
hashtalk Public
💬 Hashtalk is an iOS application that allows you to message in a chat room that is open to everyone.
Swift UpdatedDec 1, 2021 -
Todoer Public
📒 Todoer is a Flutter application that allows you add to-do items and track them.
Dart UpdatedJul 17, 2021 -
Weathweb Public
Weathweb is a backend application that allows you to fetch current weather data based on the location.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 28, 2021 -
chatalk Public
🛩️ Chatalk is a Flutter application that allows you to send messages to people.
Dart UpdatedJun 3, 2021 -
Spreat Public
🦠 Spreat (Spread + Threat) is an iOS app that allows you to view the latest COVID-19 statistics for both the world and all countries using the chart or map. You can access the statistics details of…
stormate Public
🌪️ Stormate is a Flutter application that allows fetching weather information for cities around the world.
Dart UpdatedMay 26, 2021 -
justend Public
🗂️ Justend is an iOS mobile application that allows you to create add, check and delete the to do items. It helps you to focus on what matters most.