Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues. (ylu066"at"
Here is an example of training. The entry point for all training and testing is ‘’.
sh options/CED/
Our dataset is at this link. If you are interested, please download it.
Code: cvpr
Because the data set takes up too much storage, I have compressed the dataset to reduce storage bandwidth and facilitate your download.
Specifically, I compressed the events into a ProtoBuf.
The description file of pb is tools/1-CompressDataset/event_frame.proto
For more information about the use of pb, please refer to the documentation (
Read the pb file, please refer to the code tools/1-CompressDataset/
During training, converting pb to numpy files will speed up training.
If this work is helpful for your research, please consider citing the following BibTeX entry.
title={Learning Spatial-Temporal Implicit Neural Representations for Event-Guided Video Super-Resolution},
author={Lu, Yunfan and Wang, Zipeng and Liu, Minjie and Wang, Hongjian and Wang, Lin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
Thanks to these two open source projects. I also hope my project can help you.