Amper - a project configuration and build tool with a focus on the user experience and the IDE support
A very simple whsper Python FastAPI for OpenAI API, Android voice-typing (konele), Home Assistant (wyoming), and a voice-typing script on Linux and MacOS!
Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
An ongoing attempt to re-engineer LuaJIT from scratch
Java asynchronous file I/O based on io_uring Linux interface
Some interesting AI-generated showcase pages
2023-2025中国节假日、调休、补班日历,ICS格式,可供IPhone、Google Calendar、Outlook等客户端订阅,包含节假日API
Source code for the web interface
Kyanos is a networking analysis tool based on eBPF. It can visualize the time packets spend in the kernel, capture requests/responses, makes troubleshooting more efficient.
Effortlessly visualize JSON structures as dynamic tree diagrams
webrtc VideoCall VideoConference 视频通话 视频会议
Real time interactive streaming digital human
dant3 / webrtc-java
Forked from devopvoid/webrtc-javaWebRTC for desktop platforms running Java
This is a webrtc desktop that seek to show to use webRTC lib on desktop . For now this is using janus as a media server hence the bias but please do make variations of your own to grow the project.
月光宝盒:无侵入的流量录制与回放平台 A server-side traffic capture and replay platform with noninvasive
End-to-end stack for WebRTC. SFU media server and SDKs.
Java流行框架源码分析:Spring源码、SpringBoot源码、SpringAOP源码、SpringSecurity源码、SpringSecurity OAuth2源码、JDK源码、Netty源码
easyexcel作者最新升级版本, 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具
🔥🔥🔥AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
A child monitoring app for Android and Desktop, built with Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose Multiplatform, Firebase and WebRTC.
Remote play system for the Nintendo Switch
An integrated tool for presenting lectures.
unsere-app-fur-die-universitat-regensburg-code-companion created by GitHub Classroom
Tim203 / MCXboxBroadcast
Forked from MCXboxBroadcast/BroadcasterA simple Geyser extension that broadcasts the server over Xbox Live.