Denops auto cursorline / cursorcolumn.
autocursor.vim is a Vim plugin that automatically switches between cursorline and cursorcolumn based on Vim events.
This plugin offers a convenient way to quickly switch between the two settings without having to manually invoke set cursorline
and set cursorcolumn
If you use folke/lazy.nvim.
lazy = false,
dependencies = {
If you use yukimemi/dvpm.
dvpm.add({ url: "yukimemi/autocursor.vim" });
- Deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
- vim-denops/denops.vim: 🐜 An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write cross-platform plugins in Deno
No special settings are required.
By default, CursorHold
, CursorHoldI
, WinEnter
and BufEnter
will automatically set cursorline
and set cursorcolumn
, and CursorMoved
and CursorMovedI
will set nocursorline
and set nocursorcolumn
Disable auto change cursorline.
Enable auto change cursorline.
Disable auto change cursorcolumn.
Enable auto change cursorcolumn.
No settings are required. However, the following settings can be made if necessary.
Enable debug messages.
default is v:false
Wheather to notify when cursorline or cursorcolumn option is changed.
default is v:false
A list of filetypes to be ignored.
default is ["ctrlp", "ddu-ff", "ddu-ff-filter", "ddu-filer", "dpswalk", "list", "qf", "quickfix"]
Interval to fix cursorline and cursorcolumn state.
An interval value to match the internal state, such as when changed from the outside.
default is 5000 (millisec)
Delay time when multiple events occur simultaneously.
Events that occur simultaneously within this time are ignored.
default is 300 (millisec)
Configuration information about cursorline
default setting is below.
let g:autocursor_cursorline = {
\ "enable": v:true,
\ "events": [
\ {
\ "name": ["CursorHold", "CursorHoldI"],
\ "set": v:true,
\ "wait": 100,
\ },
\ {
\ "name": ["WinEnter", "BufEnter"],
\ "set": v:true,
\ "wait": 0,
\ },
\ {
\ "name": ["CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI"],
\ "set": v:false,
\ "wait": 0,
\ },
\ ]
\ }
- When `CursorHold` and `CursorHoldI` occur, do `set cursorline` after 100ms.
- When `WinEnter` and `BufEnter` occur, do `set cursorline` immediatly.
- When `CursorMoved` and `BufEnter` occur, do `set nocursorline` immediatly.
Configuration information about cursorcolumn
default setting is below.
let g:autocursor_cursorcolumn = {
\ "enable": v:true,
\ "events": [
\ {
\ "name": ["CursorHold", "CursorHoldI"],
\ "set": v:true,
\ "wait": 100,
\ },
\ {
\ "name": ["WinEnter", "BufEnter"],
\ "set": v:true,
\ "wait": 0,
\ },
\ {
\ "name": ["CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI"],
\ "set": v:false,
\ "wait": 0,
\ },
\ ]
\ }
- When `CursorHold` and `CursorHoldI` occur, do `set cursorcolumn` after 100ms.
- When `WinEnter` and `BufEnter` occur, do `set cursorcolumn` immediatly.
- When `CursorMoved` and `BufEnter` occur, do `set nocursorcolumn` immediatly.
If you use folke/lazy.nvim.
return {
lazy = false,
dependencies = {
init = function()
vim.g.autocursor_ignore_filetypes = {
vim.g.autocursor_cursorline = {
enable = true,
events = {
name = {
set = true,
wait = 0,
name = { "CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI", "InsertEnter" },
set = false,
wait = 1000,
vim.g.autocursor_cursorcolumn = {
enable = true,
events = {
name = {
set = true,
wait = 100,
name = { "CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI", "InsertEnter" },
set = false,
wait = 1000,
Licensed under MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2023 yukimemi