Starred repositories
yuhisern7 / dvws-node
Forked from snoopysecurity/dvws-nodeDamn Vulnerable Web Services is a vulnerable application with a web service and an API that can be used to learn about webservices/API related vulnerabilities.
yuhisern7 / wildlogger
Forked from mustafadalga/wildloggerThis is a keylogger that collects all the data and e-mail it in a set time with system information which includes device S/N and hardware specs, every button that pushed, screenshots, and copying p…
Keylogger for Windows OS, provided with a log reader
yuhisern7 / Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet
Forked from S1ckB0y1337/Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-SheetA cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.
yuhisern7 / AV_Evasion_Tool
Forked from 1y0n/AV_Evasion_Tool掩日 - 免杀执行器生成工具
yuhisern7 / Thick-Client-Pentest-Checklist
Forked from Hari-prasaanth/Thick-Client-Pentest-ChecklistA OWASP Based Checklist With 80+ Test Cases
yuhisern7 / Priv2Admin
Forked from gtworek/Priv2AdminExploitation paths allowing you to (mis)use the Windows Privileges to elevate your rights within the OS.
yuhisern7 / EXOCET-AV-Evasion
Forked from tanc7/EXOCET-AV-EvasionEXOCET - AV-evading, undetectable, payload delivery tool
This is a repository made by the author to improve his skill in python exploitation
yuhisern7 / C2_Server
Forked from reveng007/C2_ServerC2 server to connect to a victim machine via reverse shell
yuhisern7 / Electrode
Forked from Lacrymosaa/ElectrodePython Fork Bomb
yuhisern7 / undertheradar
Forked from g3tsyst3m/undertheradarscripts that afford the pentester AV bypass techniques
yuhisern7 / Awesome-WAF
Forked from 0xInfection/Awesome-WAF🔥 Web-application firewalls (WAFs) from security standpoint.
yuhisern7 / TLS-Attacker
Forked from tls-attacker/TLS-AttackerTLS-Attacker is a Java-based framework for analyzing TLS libraries. It can be used to manually test TLS clients and servers or as as a software library for more advanced tools.
yuhisern7 / LinkFinder
Forked from GerbenJavado/LinkFinderA python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files
This repo is for the youtube video where we have explained how to make a detectable reverse shell undetectable by windows defender
yuhisern7 / keylogger4
Forked from Binary-Assassin/keyloggerCLI Based KeyLogger
yuhisern7 / gau
Forked from lc/gauFetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.
yuhisern7 / Logikey
Forked from franckhtr/LogikeyA keylogger program in bash for cybersecurity students
yuhisern7 / keylogger3
Forked from Debang5hu/keyloggera simple keylogger in python that sends the keystrokes to the server
yuhisern7 / WA_CRASHER
Forked from hackerxphantom/WA_CRASHERWhatsApp Crash With one Message
yuhisern7 / SecretFinder
Forked from m4ll0k/SecretFinderSecretFinder - A python script for find sensitive data (apikeys, accesstoken,jwt,..) and search anything on javascript files
"Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
yuhisern7 / katana
Forked from projectdiscovery/katanaA next-generation crawling and spidering framework.
yuhisern7 / pyhtools
Forked from dmdhrumilmistry/pyhtoolsA Python Hacking Library consisting of network scanner, arp spoofer and detector, dns spoofer, code injector, packet sniffer, network jammer, email sender, downloader, wireless password harvester c…
Just a simple keylogger Written in C# and Python3 for the socket it connects to and sends the data to.
yuhisern7 / SeaShell
Forked from EntySec/SeaShellSeaShell Framework is an iOS post-exploitation framework that enables you to access the device remotely, control it and extract sensitive information.