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yuanming-hu committed Nov 11, 2018
1 parent b291b72 commit bdbaf60
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions tetris.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// 88-Line 2D Moving Least Squares Material Point Method (MLS-MPM)[with
// comments]
#define TC_IMAGE_IO // Uncomment this line for image exporting functionality
#include "taichi.h" // Note: You DO NOT have to install taichi or taichi_mpm.
using namespace taichi; // You only need [taichi.h] - see below for
// instructions.
const int n = 80 /*grid resolution (cells)*/, window_size = 800;
const real dt = 1e-4_f, frame_dt = 1e-3_f, dx = 1.0_f / n, inv_dx = 1.0_f / dx;
auto particle_mass = 1.0_f, vol = 1.0_f;
auto hardening = 10.0_f, E = 1e4_f, nu = 0.2_f;
real mu_0 = E / (2 * (1 + nu)), lambda_0 = E * nu / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2 * nu));
using Vec = Vector2;
using Mat = Matrix2;
bool plastic = true;
struct Particle {
Vec x, v;
Mat F, C;
real Jp;
int c /*color*/;
Particle(Vec x, int c, Vec v = Vec(0)) : x(x), v(v), F(1), C(0), Jp(1), c(c) {
std::vector<Particle> particles;
Vector3 grid[n + 1][n + 1]; // velocity + mass, node_res = cell_res + 1

void advance(real dt) {
std::memset(grid, 0, sizeof(grid)); // Reset grid
for (auto &p : particles) { // P2G
Vector2i base_coord =
(p.x * inv_dx - Vec(0.5_f)).cast<int>(); // element-wise floor
Vec fx = p.x * inv_dx - base_coord.cast<real>();
// Quadratic kernels [ Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
Vec w[3]{Vec(0.5) * sqr(Vec(1.5) - fx), Vec(0.75) - sqr(fx - Vec(1.0)),
Vec(0.5) * sqr(fx - Vec(0.5))};
auto e = std::exp(hardening * (1.0_f - p.Jp)), mu = mu_0 * e,
lambda = lambda_0 * e;
real J = determinant(p.F); // Current volume
Mat r, s;
polar_decomp(p.F, r, s); // Polar decomp. for fixed corotated model
auto stress = // Cauchy stress times dt and inv_dx
-4 * inv_dx * inv_dx * dt * vol *
(2 * mu * (p.F - r) * transposed(p.F) + lambda * (J - 1) * J);
auto affine = stress + particle_mass * p.C;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Scatter to grid
auto dpos = (Vec(i, j) - fx) * dx;
Vector3 mv(p.v * particle_mass,
particle_mass); // translational momentum
grid[base_coord.x + i][base_coord.y + j] +=
w[i].x * w[j].y * (mv + Vector3(affine * dpos, 0));
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { // For all grid nodes
auto &g = grid[i][j];
if (g[2] > 0) { // No need for epsilon here
g /= g[2]; // Normalize by mass
g += dt * Vector3(0, -200, 0); // Gravity
real boundary = 0.05, x = (real)i / n,
y = real(j) / n; // boundary thick.,node coord
if (x < boundary || x > 1 - boundary || y > 1 - boundary)
g = Vector3(0); // Sticky
if (y < boundary)
g[1] = std::max(0.0_f, g[1]); //"Separate"
for (auto &p : particles) { // Grid to particle
Vector2i base_coord =
(p.x * inv_dx - Vec(0.5_f)).cast<int>(); // element-wise floor
Vec fx = p.x * inv_dx - base_coord.cast<real>();
Vec w[3]{Vec(0.5) * sqr(Vec(1.5) - fx), Vec(0.75) - sqr(fx - Vec(1.0)),
Vec(0.5) * sqr(fx - Vec(0.5))};
p.C = Mat(0);
p.v = Vec(0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
auto dpos = (Vec(i, j) - fx),
grid_v = Vec(grid[base_coord.x + i][base_coord.y + j]);
auto weight = w[i].x * w[j].y;
p.v += weight * grid_v; // Velocity
p.C +=
4 * inv_dx * Mat::outer_product(weight * grid_v, dpos); // APIC C
p.x += dt * p.v; // Advection
auto F = (Mat(1) + dt * p.C) * p.F; // MLS-MPM F-update
Mat svd_u, sig, svd_v;
svd(F, svd_u, sig, svd_v);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * int(plastic); i++) // Snow Plasticity
sig[i][i] = clamp(sig[i][i], 1.0_f - 2.5e-2_f, 1.0_f + 7.5e-3_f);
real oldJ = determinant(F);
F = svd_u * sig * transposed(svd_v);
real Jp_new = clamp(p.Jp * oldJ / determinant(F), 0.6_f, 20.0_f);
p.Jp = Jp_new;
p.F = F;
void add_object(Vec center, int c) { // Seed particles with position and color
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) // Randomly sample 1000 particles in the square
Particle((Vec::rand() * 2.0_f - Vec(1)) * 0.08_f + center, c));
int main() {
GUI gui("Real-time 2D MLS-MPM", window_size, window_size);
add_object(Vec(0.55, 0.45), 0xED553B);
add_object(Vec(0.45, 0.65), 0xF2B134);
add_object(Vec(0.55, 0.85), 0x068587);
auto &canvas = gui.get_canvas();
int f = 0;
for (int i = 0;; i++) { // Main Loop
advance(dt); // Advance simulation
if (i % int(frame_dt / dt) == 0) { // Visualize frame
canvas.clear(0x112F41); // Clear background
canvas.rect(Vec(0.04), Vec(0.96))
.close(); // Box
for (auto p : particles); // Particles
gui.update(); // Update image
// canvas.img.write_as_image(fmt::format("tmp/{:05d}.png", f++));
} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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