Data and code for the paper
Yu, Y., Zeng, Z., Xie, D. et al. Interneuron origin and molecular diversity in the human fetal brain. Nat Neurosci (2021).
There are two main parts of analysis of this work, one is single cell sequencing, another is in situ sequencing.
Following several scripts for the different parts of the analysis of single cell sequencing. Run them in this order:
- Rscript R/Clustering of allsamples.r
- Rscript R/progenitor_INPs_trajectory.r
- Rscript R/progenitor_analysis.r
- Rscript R/MGE_GW9_GW11.r
- Rscript R/MGE_allweek.r
- Rscript R/LGE_GW9_GW11.r
- Rscript R/LGE_allweek.r
- Rscript R/CGE_GW9_GW11.r
- Rscript R/M1_analysis.r
- Rscript R/Mapped_analysis.r
In situ sequencing are performed in three barin sections, and processed data are contained as follow:
We provide a web page for browse the distribution of single/multiple genes in sections performed by in situ sequencing (