Non verified pornstars pages for premium videos don't not have a '/videos' page, instead they have '?premium=1&o=mr' page. For example
If you try to replace the link with you get an 'Error Page Not Found' message.
Taking this into account, if you try and run the follow it won't download any premium videos (cookies.txt holds the Premium login details):
C:\Users\Example>youtube-dl --cookies cookies.txt --download-archive Test.txt --no-post-overwrites -o "Z:\Videos\Sienna West%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -f bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio/best[ext=mp4]/best --merge-output-format mp4 -ciw
[PornHubPagedVideoList] pornstar/sienna-west/videos: Downloading page 1
[download] Downloading playlist: pornstar/sienna-west/videos
[PornHubPagedVideoList] playlist pornstar/sienna-west/videos: Collected 0 video ids (downloading 0 of them)
[download] Finished downloading playlist: pornstar/sienna-west/videos
Even adding --yes-playlist to the command won't work.
Any ideas if or when there will be a fix for this?