该工具能够用于与iOS设备进行通信, 提供以下功能
- 截图
- 获取手机信息
- ipa包的安装和卸载
- 根据bundleID 启动和停止应用
- 列出安装应用信息
- 模拟Xcode运行XCTest,常用的如启动WebDriverAgent测试(此方法不依赖xcodebuild)
- 获取指定应用性能(CPU,MEM,FPS)
- 其他
pip3 install -U tidevice
$ tidevice version
$ tidevice list
List of apple devices attached
00008030-001A35E40212345678 codeskyblue的iPhoneSE
$ tidevice list --json
"udid": "00008030-001A35E40212345678",
"name": "codeskyblue的iPhoneSE"
# 安装应用
$ tidevice install example.ipa
$ tidevice install https://example.org/example.ipa
# 卸载应用
$ tidevice uninstall com.example.demo
# 启动应用
$ tidevice launch com.example.demo
# 停止应用
$ tidevice kill com.example.demo
# 查看已安装应用
$ tidevice applist
$ tidevice xctest -B com.facebook.wda.WebDriverAgent.Runner
[I 210127 11:40:23 _device:909] BundleID: com.facebook.wda.WebDriverAgent.Runner
[I 210127 11:40:23 _device:911] DeviceIdentifier: 12345678901234567890abcdefg
[I 210127 11:40:23 _device:773] SignIdentity: 'Apple Development: -Your-Developer-Name-'
[I 210127 11:40:23 _device:840] Launch 'com.facebook.wda.WebDriverAgent.Runner' pid: 239
[I 210127 11:40:23 _device:1003] ProductVersion: 12.4
[I 210127 11:40:24 _device:952] Start execute test plan with IDE version: 29
[I 210127 11:40:24 _device:875] WebDriverAgent start successfully
启动后你就可以使用Appium 或者 facebook-wda 来运行iOS自动化了
facebook-wda example code
import wda
c = wda.USBClient()
# 先在本地路径查找 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/
# 如果没有会去网站 https://github.com/iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupport 下载,下载到路径 ~/.tidevice/device-support/
$ tidevice developer
[I 210127 11:37:52 _device:518] ProductVersion: 12.4
[I 210127 11:37:52 _imagemounter:81] Pushing DeveloperDiskImage.dmg
[I 210127 11:37:52 _imagemounter:94] Push complete
[I 210127 11:37:53 _device:589] DeveloperImage mounted successfully
# 重启
$ tidevice reboot
# 截图
$ tidevice screenshot screenshot.jpg
# 性能采集 (TODO)
# $ tidevice perf -o fps,mem,cpu -B com.example.demo
- C implementation https://github.com/libimobiledevice
- https://github.com/facebook/idb
- Python implement of libimobiledevice: https://github.com/iOSForensics/pymobiledevice
- Apple Device Images: https://github.com/iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupport
- https://github.com/anonymous5l/iConsole
- https://github.com/troybowman/dtxmsg
- https://github.com/troybowman/ios_instruments_client
- Binary of libimobiledevice for Windows http://docs.quamotion.mobi/docs/imobiledevice/
- 使用纯 python 实现 Instruments 协议,跨平台 (win,mac,linux) 获取 iOS 性能数据