⚡️⚡️A simple app for demonstrating how to intermingle OpenCV api with Qt Framework.
- Pre-load specific guide img (see Screenshots below)
- Select an image with file browser
- Resize img
- Rotate img
- Flip the img horizentoly
- Beautify the img in HSV space
- Mid filter in RGB space
- Histogram equalization in RGB space
- Img segmentation with region based algorithm
- Local zoom with a magnifier
- Safety check for empty img
The project is greatly inspaired by another simple Demo with two buttons.
It did helped me and I did stared it coz without which I should then start from the scratch.
- ![Qt 5.13.1 MSVC2017] (www.qt.io/download-open-source)
- ![OpenCV 4.1.x] (https://opencv.org/)
- ![Bonus for people who understand Mandarain Chinese] (https://blog.csdn.net/chenhanxuan1999/article/details/100811034)
Bonus: Download my pre-build package and install elegantly with hands-on tutorial in Chinese