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How to

To configure everything but Zsh use the script. Make sure to make it executable with:

chmod +x ~/dotFiles/

To use this script you will need GNU Stow, which can be installed with your package manager of choice. With Mac OS X I prefer to use homebrew.

brew install stow


I like to use zsh as my shell, and Prezto to configure it. I agree with most defaults, but I change the theme in .zpreztorc to:

zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'pure'

and I add:

source ~/

to the end of my .zshrc.


For my vim setup I use the vim-plug package manager which can be setup using:

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Favorite terminal programs

Here is a list of the terminal applications I use the most often:

tmux                # Terminal multiplexer
fzf                 # Fuzzy finder, for files, etc.
ddgr                # DuckDuckGo from the terminal
ranger              # For the best file browser
ripgrep             # Very fast regex file search
mpd mpc ncmpcpp mpv # For playing music, videos
ffmpeg              # Video and audio tools
neofetch            # For displaying sys info
git vim python      # Mac versions are old....
coreutils           # GNU versions of less, etc.
bat                 # `cat` w/ syntax highlighting
prettyping          # `ping` w/ a TUI
htop                # A better version of `top`
diff-so-fancy       # `diff` w/ syntax highlighting
ncdu                # `du` w/ a TUI and more features
tldr                # When `man` is too long
jq                  # A commandline JSON processor


For the most part I prefer to use base16 colors, so the terminal colors you use in iTerm, or your terminal of choice, will largely determine the appearance of the packages installed. I have recently been using the OneDark theme, which is reminiscent of Atom's default color scheme. To load these colors into iTerm, you will need this file.


I use the Fira font family, which can be installed with brew on Mac:

brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install \
  font-fira-code \
  font-fira-mono \
  font-fira-mono-for-powerline \

Personally I prefer fira-mono, as I am not a huge fan of programming ligatures, but that's entirely subjective.


Configuring zsh, vim and tmux!







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  • Vim Script 50.1%
  • Shell 45.2%
  • CSS 2.6%
  • AppleScript 2.1%