Sync your hyperliquid fills with local database to avoid losing your transaction history.
- Download fills at launch via REST API (max 2000 txs)
- Start syncing fill via websocket realtime
- All your fills will be stored into local database, currenly only sqlite3 is supported.
- By default, db file is created on ./db.sqlite3
- Also support fundings, genesisSpot, rewardsClaim, vault deposit/withdraw/create, withdraw, spot/internal transfers, staking/unstaking, staking rewards, twap fill.
Build portable binary, will be built on bin/hypersync
make build
make build
sudo mv bin/hypersync /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +755 /usr/local/bin/hypersync
hypersync --help
Run syncer
hypersync --address $wallet_address --verbose
Run syncer with output path
hypersync --address $wallet_address \
--out path/to/database.sqlite3
Run syncer with local backup
hypersync --address $wallet_address \
--out path/to/db.sqlite3 \
--backup file://path/to/backup.sqlite3 \
--backup-interval-seconds 86400
Run syncer with AWS S3 backup (Requires AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in environment variable or ~/.aws/config file)
hypersync --address $wallet_address \
--out path/to/db.sqlite3 \
--backup s3://s3bucket_name/path/to/backup.sqlite3 \
--backup-interval-seconds 86400 \
--aws-s3-region ap-northeast-1