A comprehensive .NET library for interacting with the Tradier API. This client enables you to access account information, retrieve market data, execute trades, and manage watchlists.
- âś… Targets .NET 9.0
- âś… Uses System.Text.Json for efficient serialization/deserialization
- âś… Complete API coverage including account data, market information, and trading
- âś… Full support for Fundamentals API endpoints
- âś… Asynchronous methods with Task-based pattern
- âś… Flexible HttpClient integration
To use this client, you need an Access Token from Tradier, either for:
- Developer Sandbox (for testing)
- Brokerage Account (for live trading)
Install the NuGet package using the Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package tradier-dotnet-client
Or via the .NET CLI:
dotnet add package tradier-dotnet-client
using Tradier.Client;
// For sandbox environment (default)
var client = new TradierClient("<YOUR_TOKEN>");
// For production environment
var client = new TradierClient("<YOUR_TOKEN>", useProduction: true);
// With default account number
var client = new TradierClient("<YOUR_TOKEN>", "<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>", useProduction: true);
using System.Net.Http;
using Tradier.Client;
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
// Configure HttpClient as needed (e.g., timeout, handlers)
var client = new TradierClient(httpClient, "<YOUR_TOKEN>", useProduction: true);
// Get user profile
var profile = await client.Account.GetUserProfile();
// Get account balances
var balances = await client.Account.GetBalances();
// Or for a specific account
var balances = await client.Account.GetBalances("<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>");
// Get positions
var positions = await client.Account.GetPositions();
// Get account history
var history = await client.Account.GetHistory();
// With pagination
var history = await client.Account.GetHistory(page: 2, limitPerPage: 50);
// Get gain/loss
var gainLoss = await client.Account.GetGainLoss();
// Get orders
var orders = await client.Account.GetOrders();
// Get a specific order
var order = await client.Account.GetOrder(orderId);
// Create access token from authorization code
var token = await client.Authentication.CreateAccessToken("<AUTH_CODE>");
// Refresh access token
var newToken = await client.Authentication.RefreshAccessToken("<REFRESH_TOKEN>");
// Get quotes
var quotes = await client.MarketData.GetQuotes("AAPL,MSFT,GOOG");
// Get option chain
var options = await client.MarketData.GetOptionChain("AAPL", DateTime.Parse("2023-12-15"));
// Include Greeks
var optionsWithGreeks = await client.MarketData.GetOptionChain("AAPL", "2023-12-15", greeks: true);
// Get option strikes
var strikes = await client.MarketData.GetStrikes("SPY", DateTime.Parse("2023-12-15"));
// Get option expirations
var expirations = await client.MarketData.GetOptionExpirations("AAPL");
// Get historical quotes
var historicalData = await client.MarketData.GetHistoricalQuotes(
// Get time and sales data
var timeSales = await client.MarketData.GetTimeSales(
DateTime.Parse("2023-03-01 09:30"),
DateTime.Parse("2023-03-01 16:00")
// Get clock information
var clock = await client.MarketData.GetClock();
// Get calendar information
var calendar = await client.MarketData.GetCalendar();
// Search for companies or symbols
var searchResults = await client.MarketData.SearchCompanies("Apple");
var symbolLookup = await client.MarketData.LookupSymbol("AAPL");
// Place equity order
var equityOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceEquityOrder(
price: 150.00
// Place option order
var optionOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceOptionOrder(
price: 5.00
// Place multileg option order
var multilegOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceMultilegOrder(
new List<(string, string, int)> {
("SPY230616C450000", "buy_to_open", 1),
("SPY230616C460000", "sell_to_open", 1)
price: 2.50
// Place combo order (equity + option)
var comboOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceComboOrder(
new List<(string, string, int)> {
("SPY", "buy", 100),
("SPY230616P440000", "buy_to_open", 1)
price: 445.00
// Place one-triggers-other (OTO) order
var otoOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceOtoOrder(
new List<(string, int, string, string, string, double?, double?)> {
("AAPL", 100, "limit", "", "buy", 150.00, null),
("AAPL", 100, "limit", "", "sell", 160.00, null)
// Place one-cancels-other (OCO) order
var ocoOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceOcoOrder(
new List<(string, int, string, string, string, double?, double?)> {
("AAPL", 100, "limit", "", "sell", 160.00, null),
("AAPL", 100, "stop", "", "sell", null, 140.00)
// Place one-triggers-one-cancels-other (OTOCO) order
var otocoOrder = await client.Trading.PlaceOtocoOrder(
new List<(string, int, string, string, string, double?, double?)> {
("AAPL", 100, "limit", "", "buy", 150.00, null),
("AAPL", 100, "limit", "", "sell", 160.00, null),
("AAPL", 100, "stop", "", "sell", null, 140.00)
// Modify an order
var modifiedOrder = await client.Trading.ModifyOrder(
price: 152.50
// Cancel an order
var cancelledOrder = await client.Trading.CancelOrder(orderId);
// Get all watchlists
var watchlists = await client.Watchlist.GetWatchlists();
// Create a watchlist
var newWatchlist = await client.Watchlist.CreateWatchlist(
"Tech Stocks",
// Get a specific watchlist
var watchlist = await client.Watchlist.GetWatchlist(watchlistId);
// Update a watchlist
var updatedWatchlist = await client.Watchlist.UpdateWatchlist(
"Updated Tech Stocks",
// Add symbols to watchlist
var watchlistWithAddedSymbols = await client.Watchlist.AddSymbolsToWatchlist(
// Remove symbol from watchlist
var watchlistWithRemovedSymbol = await client.Watchlist.RemoveSymbolFromWatchlist(
// Delete a watchlist
var deletedWatchlists = await client.Watchlist.DeleteWatchlist(watchlistId);
// Get company information
var companyInfo = await client.Fundamentals.GetCompanyInformation("AAPL,MSFT");
// Get financial statements
var financials = await client.Fundamentals.GetFinancials("AAPL");
// Get financial ratios
var ratios = await client.Fundamentals.GetRatios("AAPL");
// Get dividend information
var dividends = await client.Fundamentals.GetDividends("AAPL");
// Get corporate actions
var corporateActions = await client.Fundamentals.GetCorporateActions("AAPL");
// Get corporate calendars
var corporateCalendars = await client.Fundamentals.GetCorporateCalendars("AAPL");
// Get company statistics
var companyStats = await client.Fundamentals.GetCompanyStatistics("AAPL");
// Get streaming token
var streamToken = await client.Streaming.GetStreamingToken();
// Establish WebSocket connection
await client.Streaming.EstablishWebSocket(
The client provides specific exception types to help identify and handle errors:
var order = await client.Trading.PlaceEquityOrder("AAPL", "buy", 10, "limit", "day", 150.00);
catch (MissingAccountNumberException ex)
// Handle missing account number
Console.WriteLine("Account number is required: " + ex.Message);
catch (TradierClientException ex)
// Handle API errors
Console.WriteLine("Tradier API error: " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle other errors
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected error: " + ex.Message);
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- Yoshishima - Current maintainer and developer
This project was forked from the work initially created by:
This library is provided under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This wrapper is NOT an official .NET Tradier Library. It's provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty. Please use it at your own risk and discretion.