Simple reminder application which sleeps in the taskbar. Pops up at set intervals with snooze functionality. Customizable colors, texts and icon. Written in python / tkinter.
Default install path in Windows 10: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310
Add following to Environment Variables > System Variables > Path
- C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310
- C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts
Clone source code to folder.
# Navigate to folder
# Create venv
py -m venv reminder_venv
# Activate venv (do NOT use activate.bat in Powershell)
# Prompt shifts to (venv) C:\....
# Install packages from requirements.txt
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run with help option
# Displays usage and creates default_settings.yaml
py -h
# Run with custom settings
Open Windows Startup Folder
- Press Windows + R, then type
Right-Click and select New > Shortcut
- As location set:
"C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -command "& <PATH_TO_PYTHONW.EXE_IN_REMINDER_VENV>\pythonw.exe <PATH_TO_REMINDER.PY>\ -s <PATH_TO_SETTINGS.YAML>\settings.yaml
should be the folder path from Step 3 followed by \reminder_venv\Scripts
Configuration file is optional. Below file content shows the default values. Only lines differing from the default values need to be set.
default_timeout_in_minutes: 90
icon_image: alarm_icon.png
max_timeout_in_minutes: 120
min_timeout_in_minutes: 20
pre_title: Time to
startup_timeout_in_minutes: 90
title: Exercise
title_color: '#FFFFFF'
window_background_color: '#004080'
window_title: Exercise reminder
Examle: Run the application with below file content to use default values, except for the default_timeout_in_minutes
, which is overridden to 60
default_timeout_in_minutes: 60
# Check python version
py --version
# Upgrade pip
py -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
# or
py -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Create venv
py -m venv <VENV_NAME>
# Activate venv
# Install packages
py -m pip install <PACKAGE>
# View installed packages
py -m pip freeze
# Export packages to requirements.txt
py -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Install packages from requirements.txt
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt