10 Man is website that can generate team if you want to play custom fun match in valorant (or maybe just use it to generate a random team). You can add 10 or more players and generate as what you want.
- Generate Random Team Name (Default: Team {i + 1})
- Generate Random Valorant Agents
- Generate Random Valorant Maps
- Config [Generate Team Name: No, Generate Valorant Agent: No, Generate Valorant Maps: No]
- Config [Generate Team Name: Yes, Generate Valorant Agent: Yes, Generate Valorant Maps: Yes]
How To Run :
- Git Clone This repository
- npm install //install all dependencies
- npm run dev //running on local (remove --host on package.json if you dont want to expose on your network)
Likes/stars/forks would be greatly appreciated, and feel free to use this project as an educational resource. For any kind of issues, bugs, or errors, please feel free to contact me. Thank you :).