Kubernetes deployment tool with multipass and Go
Deploy a real multi-node cluster in your developer workstation withoust friction. The deployment includes at least 3 control plane nodes and 1 worker node. Every node is built independently (ie no golden OS). The build deployment may be slow on a single CPU. That why you can span it across multiple CPUs if available in your environment. Cilium CNI is enforced for now.
Note: Only Linux host machine (Ubuntu) was tested at this time.
Install multipass by following the instructions here https://multipass.run/install.
./kmpass-0.1.0-linux-amd64 --help
Usage of ./kmpass-0.1.0-linux-amd64:
-ccores int
Number of control nodes vcpus. (default 2)
-cdisk string
Control nodes disk size. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes.Its recommended to give at least 20G for a working installation. This field is not yet validated by the tool. (default "20G")
-ckey string
Certificate key used to join the master.Can be generated using kubeadm certs certificate-key or just use something that matches the format of thedefault key. (default "c91d799bfa03fa67107ce07ceb29e67419e5225d4757c93c31ef27bfe8366f0c")
-cluster string
Name of the kubernetes cluster to deploy. (default "cluster100")
-cmem string
Control nodes memory. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes. (default "4G")
-cnodes int
Number of control nodes. Should be minimum 3. (default 3)
-image string
Ubuntu release version. Only 20.04 works at this time. (default "20.04")
-lcores int
Number of lb node vcpus. (default 2)
-ldisk string
Load-balancer node disk size. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes."Its recommended to give at least 10G for a working installation. This field is not yet validated by the tool." (default "10G")
-lmem string
load-balancer node memory. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes. (default "4G")
-parallel int
Number of vms to create concurrently. (default 1)
-pod-subnet string
Subnet used by pods. Note that this is different from the node's subnet. (default "")
-token string
Token used to bootstrap the cluster. Bootstrap Tokens take the form of abcdef.0123456789abcdef. More formally, they must match the regular expression [a-z0-9]{6}\.[a-z0-9]{16}. They can also be created using the command kubeadm token create. (default "5ff0en.1vg4kt1yhk3ty9t7")
-wcores int
Number of worker nodes vcpus. (default 2)
-wdisk string
Control nodes disk size. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes."Its recommended to give at least 20G for a working installation. This field is not yet validated by the tool." (default "20G")
-wmem string
Control nodes memory. Support k/K, m/M, g/G suffixes. (default "4G")
-wnodes int
Number of worker nodes. Should be minimum 1. (default 1)
Download a release version for your OS, set it as executable (aka chmod +x) and you are good to go.
I recommend to rename the release kmpass
and add it to your user bin for easy access.
# create a cluster named app300 with 3 control, 3 worker and 1 lb nodes and use most of the
# parameters default values
kmpass --cluster app300 -wnodes 3 --parallel 3
# check the nodes installed by multipass
multipass list
Name State IPv4 Image
app300-cmp-0 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-cmp-1 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-cmp-2 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-ctrl-0 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-ctrl-1 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-ctrl-2 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
app300-lb01 Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
# after it's done, connect to one of the ctrl node and check your k8s installation
multipass exec app300-ctrl-0 bash
ubuntu@app300-ctrl-0:~$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
app300-cmp-0 Ready <none> 67m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
app300-cmp-1 Ready <none> 67m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
app300-cmp-2 Ready <none> 67m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
app300-ctrl-0 Ready control-plane 70m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
app300-ctrl-1 Ready control-plane 69m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
app300-ctrl-2 Ready control-plane 68m v1.25.5 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-139-generic containerd://1.6.20
ubuntu@app300-ctrl-0:~$ cilium status
/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Cilium: OK
\__/¯¯\__/ Operator: OK
/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Hubble Relay: disabled
\__/¯¯\__/ ClusterMesh: disabled
DaemonSet cilium Desired: 6, Ready: 6/6, Available: 6/6
Deployment cilium-operator Desired: 1, Ready: 1/1, Available: 1/1
Containers: cilium Running: 6
cilium-operator Running: 1
Cluster Pods: 2/2 managed by Cilium
Image versions cilium quay.io/cilium/cilium:v1.13.1@sha256:428a09552707cc90228b7ff48c6e7a33dc0a97fe1dd93311ca672834be25beda: 6
cilium-operator quay.io/cilium/operator-generic:v1.13.1@sha256:f47ba86042e11b11b1a1e3c8c34768a171c6d8316a3856253f4ad4a92615d555: 1