An experimental/research GUI application for demonstrating pathfinding algorithms.
JSON棋譜フォーマット(JKF)の定義とKIF, KI2, CSAからの変換ライブラリ
Writing ReactJs Components with JSX in Meteor
IActiveScript implements for Ruby2.x both Win32/Win64 MT
Mutitrack mixing in JavaScript with the Web Audio API
A node.js wrapper for RtMidi providing MIDI I/O
A system to allow a set of computers to determine their location relative to one another
Strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
The Jade template engine for Meteor/Blaze
Updated for Meteor 1.1 ! Build a single page real-time streaming data sales chart web application. Create a photo sharing service for your mobile phone. Meteor is dope!
RuJIT: a trace based just in time compile for CRuby
XCode 4 project editor for Unity3D postprocess.