a function extension package, with synchronous and asynchronous support.
Using type parameters as method receiver is unsupported, liking
func [T] (T) Xxx(...)
, and type's method must have no type parameters, so i can only use the fuckinginterface{}
sum, err := From(Range(1, 100)).
Map(func(v Any) (Any, error) {
return v.(int) * 2, nil
Reduce(0, func(sum, v Any) (Any, error) {
return sum.(int) + v.(int), nil
list, err := From(Infinite()).
Map(func(v Any) (Any, error) {
return v.(uint64) * v.(uint64), nil
Async(10). // async the previous map iter, and the size of chan buf is 10
Spawn(10, func(s Stream) Stream { // spawn 10 goroutines to cousume the iter
return s.
Map(func(v Any) (Any, error) {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
return v, nil
Filter(func(v Any) (bool, error) {
return v.(uint64)%10 == 4, nil
FlatMap(func(v Any) ([]Any, error) {
iv := v.(uint64)
return []Any{iv, iv + 1, iv + 2}, nil
OnError(func(error) error {
// log...
return nil // skip the err
- async: make the previous iter execute asynchronously
- spawn: dispatch to multiple groutines and fan-in