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Some proc cleanup, moving some of copyproc into allocproc.

Also, an experiment: use "thread-local" storage for c and cp
instead of the #define macro for curproc[cpu()].
rsc committed May 31, 2009
1 parent 0c7f483 commit 19333ef
Showing 9 changed files with 147 additions and 118 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OBJS = \

# Cross-compiling (e.g., on Mac OS X)
@@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ bochs : fs.img xv6.img
qemu: fs.img xv6.img
qemu -parallel stdio -hdb fs.img xv6.img

qemutty: fs.img xv6.img
qemu -nographic -smp 2 -hdb fs.img xv6.img

# prepare dist for students
# after running make dist, probably want to
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions defs.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ extern volatile uint* lapic;
void lapiceoi(void);
void lapicinit(int);
void lapicstartap(uchar, uint);
void microdelay(int);

// mp.c
extern int ismp;
@@ -92,14 +93,14 @@ int pipewrite(struct pipe*, char*, int);

// proc.c
struct proc* copyproc(struct proc*);
struct proc* curproc(void);
void exit(void);
int growproc(int);
int kill(int);
void pinit(void);
void procdump(void);
void scheduler(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
void setupsegs(struct proc*);
void ksegment(void);
void usegment(void);
void sleep(void*, struct spinlock*);
void userinit(void);
int wait(void);
@@ -144,6 +145,12 @@ extern int ticks;
void tvinit(void);
extern struct spinlock tickslock;

// uart.c
void uartinit(void);
void uartintr(void);
void uartputc(int);

// number of elements in fixed-size array
#define NELEM(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion exec.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ exec(char *path, char **argv)
cp->sz = sz;
cp->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main
cp->tf->esp = sp;
return 0;

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lapic.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ lapiceoi(void)

// Spin for a given number of microseconds.
// On real hardware would want to tune this dynamically.
static void
microdelay(int us)
volatile int j = 0;
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions main.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
#include "proc.h"
#include "x86.h"

__thread struct cpu *c;
__thread struct proc *cp;

static void bootothers(void);
static void mpmain(void) __attribute__((noreturn));

@@ -14,20 +17,22 @@ main(void)
mpinit(); // collect info about this machine
picinit(); // interrupt controller
ioapicinit(); // another interrupt controller
consoleinit(); // I/O devices & their interrupts
uartinit(); // serial port
cprintf("\ncpu%d: starting xv6\n\n", cpu());

pinit(); // process table
binit(); // buffer cache
picinit(); // interrupt controller
ioapicinit(); // another interrupt controller
kinit(); // physical memory allocator
pinit(); // process table
tvinit(); // trap vectors
binit(); // buffer cache
fileinit(); // file table
iinit(); // inode cache
consoleinit(); // I/O devices & their interrupts
ideinit(); // disk
ideinit(); // disk
timerinit(); // uniprocessor timer
timerinit(); // uniprocessor timer
userinit(); // first user process
bootothers(); // start other processors

@@ -40,12 +45,12 @@ main(void)
static void
cprintf("cpu%d: mpmain\n", cpu());
if(cpu() != mpbcpu())
xchg(&cpus[cpu()].booted, 1);
cprintf("cpu%d: mpmain\n", cpu());
xchg(&c->booted, 1);

cprintf("cpu%d: scheduling\n", cpu());
166 changes: 82 additions & 84 deletions proc.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,16 +36,31 @@ allocproc(void)
if(p->state == UNUSED){
p->state = EMBRYO;
p->pid = nextpid++;
return p;
goto found;
return 0;


// Allocate kernel stack if necessary.
if((p->kstack = kalloc(KSTACKSIZE)) == 0){
p->state = UNUSED;
return 0;
p->tf = (struct trapframe*)(p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE) - 1;

// Set up new context to start executing at forkret (see below).
p->context = (struct context *)p->tf - 1;
memset(p->context, 0, sizeof(*p->context));
p->context->eip = (uint)forkret;
return p;

// Grow current process's memory by n bytes.
// Return old size on success, -1 on failure.
// Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
growproc(int n)
@@ -59,37 +74,53 @@ growproc(int n)
kfree(cp->mem, cp->sz);
cp->mem = newmem;
cp->sz += n;
return cp->sz - n;
return 0;

// Set up CPU's segment descriptors and task state for a given process.
// If p==0, set up for "idle" state for when scheduler() is running.
// Set up CPU's kernel segment descriptors.
setupsegs(struct proc *p)
struct cpu *c;
struct cpu *c1;

c1 = &cpus[cpu()];
c1->gdt[0] = SEG_NULL;
c1->gdt[SEG_KCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, 0, 0x100000 + 64*1024-1, 0);
c1->gdt[SEG_KDATA] = SEG(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, 0);
c1->gdt[SEG_KCPU] = SEG(STA_W, (uint)&c1->tls+sizeof(c1->tls), 0xffffffff, 0);
c1->gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG_NULL;
c1->gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG_NULL;
c1->gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG_NULL;
lgdt(c1->gdt, sizeof(c1->gdt));

// Initialize cpu-local variables.
setgs(SEG_KCPU << 3);
c = c1;
cp = 0;

// Set up CPU's segment descriptors and task state for the current process.
// If cp==0, set up for "idle" state for when scheduler() is running.
c = &cpus[cpu()];
c->ts.ss0 = SEG_KDATA << 3;
c->ts.esp0 = (uint)(p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);
c->ts.esp0 = (uint)(cp->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);
c->ts.esp0 = 0xffffffff;

c->gdt[0] = SEG_NULL;
c->gdt[SEG_KCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, 0, 0x100000 + 64*1024-1, 0);
c->gdt[SEG_KDATA] = SEG(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, 0);
c->gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, (uint)&c->ts, sizeof(c->ts)-1, 0);
c->gdt[SEG_TSS].s = 0;
c->gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, (uint)p->mem, p->sz-1, DPL_USER);
c->gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG(STA_W, (uint)p->mem, p->sz-1, DPL_USER);
c->gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, (uint)cp->mem, cp->sz-1, DPL_USER);
c->gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG(STA_W, (uint)cp->mem, cp->sz-1, DPL_USER);
} else {
c->gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, (uint)&c->ts, sizeof(c->ts)-1, 0);
c->gdt[SEG_TSS].s = 0;

lgdt(c->gdt, sizeof(c->gdt));
ltr(SEG_TSS << 3);
@@ -109,40 +140,23 @@ copyproc(struct proc *p)
if((np = allocproc()) == 0)
return 0;

// Allocate kernel stack.
if((np->kstack = kalloc(KSTACKSIZE)) == 0){
// Copy process state from p.
np->sz = p->sz;
if((np->mem = kalloc(np->sz)) == 0){
kfree(np->kstack, KSTACKSIZE);
np->kstack = 0;
np->state = UNUSED;
return 0;
np->tf = (struct trapframe*)(np->kstack + KSTACKSIZE) - 1;
memmove(np->mem, p->mem, np->sz);
np->parent = p;
*np->tf = *p->tf;

if(p){ // Copy process state from p.
np->parent = p;
memmove(np->tf, p->tf, sizeof(*np->tf));

np->sz = p->sz;
if((np->mem = kalloc(np->sz)) == 0){
kfree(np->kstack, KSTACKSIZE);
np->kstack = 0;
np->state = UNUSED;
np->parent = 0;
return 0;
memmove(np->mem, p->mem, np->sz);
for(i = 0; i < NOFILE; i++)
np->ofile[i] = filedup(p->ofile[i]);
np->cwd = idup(p->cwd);

for(i = 0; i < NOFILE; i++)
np->ofile[i] = filedup(p->ofile[i]);
np->cwd = idup(p->cwd);

// Set up new context to start executing at forkret (see below).
np->context = (struct context *)np->tf - 1;
memset(np->context, 0, sizeof(*np->context));
np->context->eip = (uint)forkret;

// Clear %eax so that fork system call returns 0 in child.
np->tf->eax = 0;
return np;

@@ -153,41 +167,27 @@ userinit(void)
struct proc *p;
extern uchar _binary_initcode_start[], _binary_initcode_size[];

p = copyproc(0);
p = allocproc();
initproc = p;

// Initialize memory from initcode.S
p->sz = PAGE;
p->mem = kalloc(p->sz);
p->cwd = namei("/");
memmove(p->mem, _binary_initcode_start, (int)_binary_initcode_size);

memset(p->tf, 0, sizeof(*p->tf));
p->tf->cs = (SEG_UCODE << 3) | DPL_USER;
p->tf->ds = (SEG_UDATA << 3) | DPL_USER;
p->tf->es = p->tf->ds;
p->tf->ss = p->tf->ds;
p->tf->eflags = FL_IF;
p->tf->esp = p->sz;

// Make return address readable; needed for some gcc.
p->tf->esp -= 4;
*(uint*)(p->mem + p->tf->esp) = 0xefefefef;
p->tf->eip = 0; // beginning of initcode.S

// On entry to user space, start executing at beginning of initcode.S.
p->tf->eip = 0;
memmove(p->mem, _binary_initcode_start, (int)_binary_initcode_size);
safestrcpy(p->name, "initcode", sizeof(p->name));
p->state = RUNNABLE;

initproc = p;

// Return currently running process.
struct proc*
struct proc *p;
p->cwd = namei("/");

p = cpus[cpu()].curproc;
return p;
p->state = RUNNABLE;

@@ -202,10 +202,8 @@ void
struct proc *p;
struct cpu *c;
int i;

c = &cpus[cpu()];
// Enable interrupts on this processor, in lieu of saving intena.
@@ -220,23 +218,23 @@ scheduler(void)
// Switch to chosen process. It is the process's job
// to release proc_table_lock and then reacquire it
// before jumping back to us.
c->curproc = p;
cp = p;
p->state = RUNNING;
swtch(&c->context, &p->context);

// Process is done running for now.
// It should have changed its p->state before coming back.
c->curproc = 0;
cp = 0;


// Enter scheduler. Must already hold proc_table_lock
// and have changed curproc[cpu()]->state.
// and have changed cp->state.
@@ -248,12 +246,12 @@ sched(void)
panic("sched running");
panic("sched proc_table_lock");
if(cpus[cpu()].ncli != 1)
if(c->ncli != 1)
panic("sched locks");

intena = cpus[cpu()].intena;
swtch(&cp->context, &cpus[cpu()].context);
cpus[cpu()].intena = intena;
intena = c->intena;
swtch(&cp->context, &c->context);
c->intena = intena;

// Give up the CPU for one scheduling round.
@@ -421,6 +419,7 @@ wait(void)
if(p->state == UNUSED)
if(p->parent == cp){
havekids = 1;
if(p->state == ZOMBIE){
// Found one.
kfree(p->mem, p->sz);
@@ -433,7 +432,6 @@ wait(void)
return pid;
havekids = 1;

39 changes: 24 additions & 15 deletions proc.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
// Segments in proc->gdt
// Segments in proc->gdt.
// Also known to bootasm.S and trapasm.S
#define SEG_KCODE 1 // kernel code
#define SEG_KDATA 2 // kernel data+stack
#define SEG_UCODE 3
#define SEG_UDATA 4
#define SEG_TSS 5 // this process's task state
#define NSEGS 6
#define SEG_KCPU 3 // kernel per-cpu data
#define SEG_UCODE 4
#define SEG_UDATA 5
#define SEG_TSS 6 // this process's task state
#define NSEGS 7

// Saved registers for kernel context switches.
// Don't need to save all the segment registers (%cs, etc),
// because they are constant across kernel contexts.
// Stack pointer is encoded in the address of context,
// which must be placed at the bottom of the stack.
// The layout of context must match code in swtch.S.
// Don't need to save %eax, %ecx, %edx, because the
// x86 convention is that the caller has saved them.
// Contexts are stored at the bottom of the stack they
// describe; the stack pointer is the address of the context.
// The layout of the context must match the code in swtch.S.
struct context {
uint edi;
uint esi;
@@ -30,12 +34,12 @@ struct proc {
enum proc_state state; // Process state
int pid; // Process ID
struct proc *parent; // Parent process
struct trapframe *tf; // Trap frame for current syscall
struct context *context; // Switch here to run process
void *chan; // If non-zero, sleeping on chan
int killed; // If non-zero, have been killed
struct file *ofile[NOFILE]; // Open files
struct inode *cwd; // Current directory
struct context *context; // Switch here to run process
struct trapframe *tf; // Trap frame for current syscall
char name[16]; // Process name (debugging)

@@ -48,18 +52,23 @@ struct proc {
// Per-CPU state
struct cpu {
uchar apicid; // Local APIC ID
struct proc *curproc; // Process currently running.
struct context *context; // Switch here to enter scheduler
struct taskstate ts; // Used by x86 to find stack for interrupt
struct segdesc gdt[NSEGS]; // x86 global descriptor table
volatile uint booted; // Has the CPU started?
int ncli; // Depth of pushcli nesting.
int intena; // Were interrupts enabled before pushcli?
int intena; // Were interrupts enabled before pushcli?
void *tls[2];

extern struct cpu cpus[NCPU];
extern int ncpu;

// "cp" is a short alias for curproc().
// It gets used enough to make this worthwhile.
#define cp curproc()
// Per-CPU variables, holding pointers to the
// current cpu and to the current process.
// The __thread prefix tells gcc to refer to them in the segment
// pointed at by gs; the name __thread derives from the use
// of the same mechanism to provide per-thread storage in
// multithreaded user programs.
extern __thread struct cpu *c; // This cpu.
extern __thread struct proc *cp; // Current process on this cpu.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions spinlock.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -102,18 +102,18 @@ pushcli(void)

eflags = readeflags();
if(cpus[cpu()].ncli++ == 0)
cpus[cpu()].intena = eflags & FL_IF;
if(c->ncli++ == 0)
c->intena = eflags & FL_IF;

panic("popcli - interruptible");
if(--cpus[cpu()].ncli < 0)
if(--c->ncli < 0)
if(cpus[cpu()].ncli == 0 && cpus[cpu()].intena)
if(c->ncli == 0 && c->intena)

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions x86.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ xchg(volatile uint *addr, uint newval)
return result;

static inline void
setgs(ushort gs)
asm volatile("movw %0, %%gs" : : "r" (gs));

static inline void

0 comments on commit 19333ef

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